Our Mission:
The Denver Society of Creation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a clear understanding of the Doctrine of Creation, recognizing that it is
the foundation for all other Christian doctrine. We present
the Biblical account of Creation (creation in 6-24 hour days
about 6000 years ago and a
global flood) as true and we demonstrate that the theory of evolution is an attack on all Christian teachings which
causes many to reject the Christian faith. / Denver Society of Creation
20591 E Lake Ave
Centennial, CO 80016 / Recipient Name
City, ST ZIP Code / Denver Society of Creation
Promoting a Clear Understanding of the Biblical Doctrine of Creation!

Our Monthly Meetings

The Denver Society of Creation meets monthly, the first Thursday of each month from 7-8:30, featuring educational speakers.
Normal Location:
Ascension Lutheran Church
1701 West Caley Avenue
Littleton, Colorado 80120
We occasionally meet in other locations, so please check thespecific event or meeting on our website to verifythe location.
Our Battle
Genesis 1-11 is the foundation of the gospel message; it is the place where we find all our origins: the origin of our universe, the origin of marriage, the origin of society, the origin of sin and many others. It is the beginning of God’s plan for our salvation. Without a solid understanding of these beginnings: creation, the fall, and God’s judgments in the worldwide flood and the tower of Babel, it is impossible to develop a truly Christian world view. This is becoming increasingly evident in our society today.
Judy Finnessy - President / “When 40 to 50 percent of Christians don’t believe the Bible is accurate in all that it teaches, that Christ is the only sacrifice for sin and the only means of salvation, or that they should witness to non-Christians, there is something fundamentally wrong.” Ken Ham
Please take a look at this excerpt from Ken Ham’s blog on October 17, 2016:
“A new survey, released September 28 by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research, reveals some not so-surprising results about the state of churches in the United States:
  • 64% of Americans agree that “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.”
  • Only 52% agree that “the Bible alone is the written word of God.”
  • 65% agree that “everyone sins a little, but most people are good by nature.”
  • 44% agree that “the Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true.”
  • 51% agree that “the Bible was written for each person to interpret as he or she chooses.”
  • Only 47% agree that “the Bible is 100% accurate in all that it teaches.”
  • 45% agree that “modern science discredits the claims of Christianity.”
  • 52% agree that “by the good deeds that I do, I partly contribute to earning my place in heaven”
  • Only 60% agree that “Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of my sin.”
  • Only 52% agree that “it is very important for me personally to encourage non-Christians to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.”
  • Only 54% in churches agree that “only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior receive God’s free gift of eternal salvation.”

What We Believe

We stand on the authority of God’s word, the Holy Bible, from beginning to end. We believe that it isinspired by God, infallible and inerrant. We believe God created all things exactly as He states in Genesis - in six 24 hour days about 6000 years ago. Wealso believe in a global catastrophic flood.
Our Goals
  • Bring in expert creation speakers (both theological and scientific)
  • Create seminars on creation topics
  • Provide certified speakers and instructors in Creation Apologetics
  • Support our Churches and Christian Schools in providing creation apologetics materials
  • Provide creation apologetics training for Sunday School Teachers and Christian School Teachers
  • Set up creation libraries with creation apologetics reference materials
  • Advocate for and support a “Creation Sunday” where emphasis is on God as creator and moral authority
Contact Us
Denver Society of Creation
20591 E Lake Ave
Centennial, CO 80016