MCST 2252
385 Tanglin Road #02-01 Tanglin Regency Singapore 247967
Tel : 6476 2494 Fax: 6474 1996
Name of Applicant: ______(Owner / Tenant / Mover)*
Address: ______
Name of Mover Company: ______
Contact No/Name: ______(Office) ______(Hand-phone/Pager)
Blk: 381 / 383 * Unit No: ______Tel No:______(Off) ______(Res)
Date of House Removal: From ______to ______
Description of work: ______
In applying for approval, the applicant, undertake to abide by and be subjected to the following terms and conditions: -
- The applicant is required to give one (1) week advance notice to the Management.
- Mover shall report to the Guard House for the contractors’ passes prior to commencement of their work.
- Moving In / Out is allowed only on Mondays – Fridays (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) and on Saturdays (9.00 am to 12.30pm). No work is to be carried out on Sundays and Public Holidays.
- All heavy vehicles (exceeding one (1) ton laden weight) including lorries, containers, trailers and prime movers are prohibited from entering the estate without the prior written authorisation of the Management Corporation.
- Applicant / Mover shall ensure that lift protection canvas are put up in the lift before commencement of work.
- The applicant / mover shall ensure that the works to be carried out will not in any way cause any unnecessary nuisance to any other occupiers.
* Delete accordingly
- The applicant shall pay a refundable deposit (by cheque) of S$1,000.00 made payable to “MCST Plan No. 2252” before permission is granted for works to commence.
- The Management will refund the deposit of S$1,000.00 free from interest after all terms and conditions are complied with e.g. all debris have been removed and no damage had been caused to the common property.
- In the event that the debris is not cleared quickly or any of the common property is damaged, such damage (if any) shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Management within 7 days. The Management reserves the right to effect all necessary repairs on the account of the applicant. The cost of removal or repairs shall be deducted from the deposit.
- If the said deposit is insufficient to cover the full cost of the removal and repairs, the Management reserves the right to recover the full costs of the removal and repair from the applicant/mover.
- Mover’s vehicle must not obstruct other vehicles at all time.
- No mover’s containers or vehicles is allowed in the estate during the night and holidays.
- Movers must not obstruct movement or deposit furniture or other items in any place other than what was designated by the Management. Packing and crating materials, unwanted, unused or waste materials and personal belongings must not be disposed into the refuse chutes.
- Upon completion of works, the applicant shall inform the Management. A joint inspection of the lift lobbies & common areas will be carried out.
I, the undersigned, confirm that I have read the terms and conditions herein, and that I fully understand that I shall be liable for the breach of the above terms and conditions: -
Signature of Applicant/Date
Contractor’s Representative
Name: ______NRIC No: ______
For Official Use
Deposit of S$1,000.00 – Cheque No: ______
Received by: ______
Name & Date
C:\My doc\Forms\Application.Word.Moving Appl
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