ENG 11 Mr Sadler

Social Media and Connectivity

Where are you in the connected world?

By taking a moment to realize how our internet connected world got us to this moment, we may be able to see where we are headed. The world of social media has exploded in the last 9 years, and logarithmically spread to billions of people. By exploring the TED talks series we will be watching videos based on social media.

The task is to write a research Essay on social media and its impact on how youth of the current generation are expressing themselves, or “connecting” with each other. The TEDtalks videos and other research will be provided to give you background on the issues and new ideas that are being created on and for the internet. With this knowledge I want you to talk about how you understand social media and what affect it has on your life and the lives of others. Take the time to reflect on how you see yourself using this technology in the future and its overall impact on society. You must use the ideas presented in the TED talks series and other research to broaden your paper on how this new media is bringing people together, and opening up new avenues for self expression.

Your essay must be a typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, 550 word essay on a thesis of your choosing under the topic of Social Media and how people are using it. You must include at least three properly cited source: one TED Talks video, an academic or scholarly research source, and one other suitable source of your choosing. These must follow the rules of in-text citation it in the body of your essay.

A properly managed Works Cited page at the end of the essay s necessary.

The final due date for the assignment is Oct 15, however the rough draft is due Oct 9. There will be class time to work on the essay but you may need to work on it at home as well.

Value 25 points

Outcomes marked for this assignment valued at 5 points each

9.3 Use audience feedback in the process of writing and media production to improve the effectiveness of final products

10.5 Use information from a variety of sources to construct and communicate meaning

8.1 Use writing to express their feelings, and reflect on experiences that have shaped their ideas, values, and attitudes

5.1 Select appropriate information from a variety of sources, making meaningful selections for their own purposes

6.2 Make connections between the ideas and information presented in literary and media texts and their own experiences.