Kentucky Lacrosse Association

Board Meeting

March 15, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 the Commonwealth Bank & Trust St. Matthews branch.

In attendance: Steve Auden, Brandon Davis, Ann Fleming, Jonathan Henry, Loren Hincker, Jacob Knight, Lisa Manning, Byron Miller, John Peabody, Jeremy Thompson, Tim Thompson, and Dean Walker.

Absent: Wayne Coffey, Russ Davenport, Lesley Kurtzahn, Chris Niblock, Jeannine Schaefer, Bert Severns,Ryan Smith, Anne Sheridan and Bill Stewart.

Byron Miller called the meeting to order. The February 15, 2010minutes were presented and a motion for approval was made by Jonathan, seconded by Lisa and unanimously approved.

Presidents Report- Byron reported on the meeting with the Metro Athletics Athletic Directors on March 3. Byron, Ann & Loren represented KLA and Jerry Wyman (JCPS Athletics) and ADs from Assumption, ChristianAcademy, Collegiate, Eastern, Male and St. X were present. Ann had prepared a “KLA: who we are and what we do” to give ADs some background.

The issues that the ADs have concern with are:

-communication between KLA and the ADs (some ADs expressed that their coaches do not represent their school and the ADs need more input)

-ADs want control of athletics at their schools (i.e. field usage, schedules, funding) and do not want to be “told” when their teams are playing, where and to what cost

-Coaches miscommunication with ADs (i.e. why there are only 5 teams in HSB DI… they felt it was a KLA decision when it was actually a coaches decision)

-Officials fees (no travel fees in other sports and being told what rates are when they are set in other sports by the athletics association)

-Desire to be inline with KHSAA (summer 2 week blackout period, season start dates) and there was a suggestion of breaking into regions

It was agreed to meet with ADs over the summer and then coaches in August (need a representative from each school, either AD or their appointed coach).

Tim suggested setting up a committee to examine reevaluating high school programs. Byron, Ann, Loren, Jeremy, Brandon and John all agreed to serve.

Byron also reported on his conversation with US Lacrosse concerning Boys Area Chair, who coordinates Coach of the Year and All American Awards, regarding election and tenure. Jeremy polled the coaches for a volunteer and it was agreed that it did not need to be a coach, but could be a community volunteer (i.e. parent).

Financial Report-

Ann reported for Chris that the bank account balances are $67,250. Expenditures in the last month were $4,408 for grants (of which $3,311 was paid to Shively Sporting Goods and $1,097 was paid to Stickhead), $1,140 to Louisville Metro Parks (for use pf Hounz Lane field for entire season), $200 to BLOA for training expense and $302 to Shively Sporting Goods (for four nets for refurbishment of goals at Hounz Lane). DixieHeights still has around $1,000 unused for their grant and Noe has a little less than $1,000 unused for their grant.

Byron expressed his appreciation to the Holy Trinity parents for their refurbishment of the Hounz Lane goals.

Dean said Noe will be submitting their remaining grant expenses to Chris.

Liaison Reports -

HS Boys- Jeremy distributed a delinquent paperwork report. Byron will follow up with coaches, explaining that their games will be forfeited if paperwork is not received before. Ann will follow up with Collegiate.

MS Boys- Jacob announced that there are 14 teams in the 7/8 league. He announced which teams were delinquent with paperwork and will continue to update the website.

Youth Boys- Byron reported for Ryan that there are 15 teams for the 5/6 league. He expressed his appreciation to Ryan for coordinating the clinic at OldhamCounty where 15 parents showed up to learn more about lacrosse.

Bantam- Jonathan reported that rosters are uploaded to the website and uniforms have been ordered. HaysKennedyPark is available for use on Thursdays from 5:30-8:00p.m. The goals at Hounz Lane have been refurbished and the Metro Parks permit obtained. 5 of the 8 Bantam teams participated in the Icebreaker Tournament last weekend. He is trying to capture all contact information to ease with online registration next year.

Dean suggested marketing the league through the YMCA and JCPS.

HS Girls- Ann reported that the Lexington team has folded due to lack of participation. She has contacted Jeannine Schaeffer to encourage LYLA to focus on this area. It was suggested to identify 4 schools with potential and have a KLA stipend to hire college players for two years as consultants. The schools would identify a coach and field space. The four teams could then play each other.

There are only two roster issues… Notre Dame and OldhamCounty have small Varsity rosters due to numbers; Collegiate cancelled their JV season due to numbers and combined with Varsity.

As a club team, Oldham has accepted several non-OldhamCounty students as players. There has been interest in starting programs from Martha Layne Collins H.S. in Shelbyville and Pleasure Ridge Park.

MS Girls- Lisa reported that the season’s start has been delayed due to rain out of first games today. Most teams do have their paperwork in. A Play Day was held at UofL Saturday for MS & Youth teams to help with the ratings of the officials.

Post-Collegiate- Ann reported for Bill Stewart that RiverCity has started a men’s beginners clinic for 8 weeks on Wednesday nights, with pick up games afterwards. It seems to have started with good response with mostly men in their 30s to 50s and is being coached by Jake Gibson. Hopefully these men will feel comfortable contributing to the sport as coaches and officials once they gain an understanding of the game.

State Championship- Tim reported that the RFP for the boys tournament was send to St. X, South Oldham and Trinity, but Trinity was the only school to reply. The site is available Friday and Saturday with the proposal that KLA work & keep the gate revenues and pay all expenses, Trinity will provide the announcer and concessions. Brandon made a motion “to accept Trinity’s proposal for the weekend and research hiring ticket takers”; Lisa seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Tim reported that the RFP for the girls tournament was sent to Assumption and Sacred Heart (UofL does not bid, the venue is booked by contract), with Sacred Heart as the only reply. The site is available Friday, Saturday and after 1pm on Sunday. The proposal requires a $450 site fee with KLA working & keeping the gate revenue and paying all expenses, Sacred Heart would provide the announcer, scorer, timer and concessions. The field does not have lights so the game would have to be moved to 6:00p.m.

Tim explained that historically UofL has charged $500, provides a site manager and concessions, KLA works & keeps the gate revenue, pays expenses and provides scorer, timer & announcer.

Ann expressed that the preference of the majority of HSG coaches was for Uof L, as a premier DI womens field and a neutral site, although acknowledging the downsides of trains and dog food plant.

John made a motion “for Tim to check the availability and price of UofL. Then Ann can poll the coaches”; the motion was seconded by Lisa and unanimously approved. Steve also suggested checking seating capacity for comparison.

Website- Ann reported that capabilities & fees for website advertising have not been researched yet.

New Business- Byron expressed that Ryan Smith has interest in KLA holding a summer league. Jonathan feels that registration through the website is possible. Jacob will talk with Ryan about plans. Ann suggested hosting clinics in addition to a league.

Education & Training- Dean reported that the Fast Break Initiative application for 2012 is not out yet, but he will be applying for a session in Louisville on a Saturday, then Lexington on a Sunday.

Dean reported that he will be meeting with Donna Benton and Robert Vinegar of JCPS next week and will then set a date in June for the P.E. Clinic.

Dean reported that the Officials Play Day for Middle School and Youth girls was moved to UofL due to field conditions at KCD and Kammerer. The site fee was $600 and donations were collected of $437. Dean asked for KLA to subsidize the additional $163 and Byron approved with his spending authority.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next meeting will be April 19th.

Respectfully submitted, Ann Fleming