This is a list of the things that we will need to begin and give you the best service, quickest turnaround, and our top quality artwork.

Once you have filled out the following document, please go to the top left corner of the page, under ‘File’ please select the ‘Save As…’ tab. Save the document as the drivers name, team name, or track.

You will then need to email this document back to me so I have all the information I need. At all times, PLEASE try to use your driver, track, or series name in the subject of the email. I receive many emails each day about shirts, so using the subject line ‘FW: SHIRTS’ doesn’t help me much. J

IMPORTANT INFO (please fill out info below): If there is something that you’d like to leave off the design, please leave that spot blank.





Chassis/Year (for artwork purposes, it won’t be listed on the shirt):

Tires (for artwork purposes, it won’t be listed on the shirt):

Color(s) of shirts that you plan on printing (so art department knows):

LIST OF SPONSORS (please fill out info below): (please rank most important at top)



-Ringers Gloves

-VP Racing Fuels

EXAMPLES (please fill out info below):

There’s many different styles and designs out there to choose from. Please click on our website (or any website) and let us know what you like and your tastes are.

We’d prefer 2-3 examples of shirts that you like. We don’t expect you to design the shirt, but just give us an idea of what you prefer as far as artwork goes.


Front – Lucas Wolfe 2009, Eriez Speedway 2010

Back – Derrik Ortega 2009, Matt Goulden 2008, DJ Miller 2009

This gives us a starting point on your design, and we can tweek things from there. If there’s something specific in a design you like (grungy letters, flames, barbwire, loud colors) let me know that as well.

2 more important things below, then we’re done!


I will need photos of your car, preferably action shot.

They must be over 500kb in size please. Contact your track photographer if you have none.

Please attach those directly to the email, DO NOT PLACE THEM IN THIS DOCUMENT!

IMPORTANT NOTE: the angle you send us, is the angle we will draw. Once the car is drawn, we cannot turn or rotate the photo. If you send multiple angles, please be specific as to which angle you want drawn. If you do not have photos, it’s important we know the type of chassis you run so we can closely match your car to another photo. If you have photos from years past, that is okay! We only use the photo to draw from, and we will place your current graphics/sponsors on the drawing.


We need all of your graphics in ‘vector format’, which is either .ai or .eps format. If graphics were done in Photoshop, we will need the .psd files.

If you are unfamiliar w/ these files, these are format types that your graphics person has used to create the decals/logos/wraps on vehicles & signage. If you do not have the programs to open these files, your computers won’t be able to open them but your decal person should be able to supply you with the files.

Files labeled .jpg will not work. JPG are good to look at for graphics, but they are not the necessary file types that we need to do artwork. Sending photos as .jpg are fine because we draw the car from those. But we need the art files so that we do not have to go in and recreate everything on your cars graphics/numbers/sponsors. Having the correct & working decals files will give you the most realistic look. I suggest having your decal person send YOU the file, and then YOU send ME the file. This prevents you from letting 2-3 weeks go by and not knowing if the file was ever sent to me. ATTACH THE FILE DIRECTLY TO THE EMAIL, DON’T TRY TO ATTACH IN THIS WORD DOCUMENT PLEASE!

Once I have all this information above, we’ll get you put in line to start artwork. We typically don’t start artwork until we have all this information so we can get the design knocked out all at 1 time.

Any questions on anything above, please contact me!



(remember, ‘File’, ‘Save As…’ and save as your driver name, company name, track name, series, etc….and then attach & send email to me)