MRS AGM Minutes 17.11.17

Apologies: M Nisar, AHassell, Z Paskins (ZP)

Matters Arising / President’s Report

  1. ZP proposed the MRS website could host Midlands regional speciality group web pages e.g. osteoporosis / vasculitis. Declaration of interest was disclosed that the MRS pays a fee to Gary Blakemore (related to ZP). Itwas discussed that no increased fees would be conferred to members. Existing funds would be used (DM). Itwas unanimously agreed this would be a useful function of the society to help support local rheumatology groups with less resources.
  2. Industry has approached the MRS regarding submission of abstracts for poster presentation. Concerns were shared as to whether this was inline with the society’s ethos. Some submissions have been from local authors who are members of the MRS. It would be complex to ‘police’ varied rules for when industry can submit (CD). It may also be problematic for drug companies sponsoring the societies meetings.It was agreed that industry may display posters on stands, but not submit abstracts.
  3. CB proposed the existing bursary funds open to trainees (below ST3 level) who win a prize, be extended to AHPs to support training opportunities in rheumatology. The bursary is usually used to fund attendance at the BSR conference or similar. The motion was accepted.
  4. New data protection rules come into force next year; the MRS will only hold email addresses, job role and organisation as data for members.
  5. A pub-med journal has approached the MRS regarding abstract publication in a supplement twice yearly. Concerns were raised that this may alter the type and nature of abstracts submitted and discourage AHPs / non-consultant grades from submitting abstracts. Furthermore, the cost is significant. It was decided not to progress this.

AJ thanked Ajit Menon for his work as Treasurer. Dr Holly John was elected to take over as Treasurer after a period of hand-over. Dr Caroline Cardy was elected to take over the vacant role of Ordinary Member.

AJs term as President ends next year. The role is open to any full member of the society, not just consultants.

Secretary’s Report

New members: B Khan, E Daley, D Geh, S Shaffu, E Byrne, C Jones, K Blunn, A Kuttikat, L Disney-Smith, E Palmer, SBaskar were welcomed to the MRS.

No of members: 179.

No of attendees: 21/10/2016 =88, 10/3/17 =73.

Feedback of meetings has been overwhelmingly positive, in particular about the high quality of speakers / programme content and venues.

Areas for improvement in feedback related to car parking, catering and comfort of seats.

Members were encouraged to complete feedback as response rates have been dropping.

A new email address is being set up that will not change with secretary and provide a permanent point of contact / membership list.

Members were asked to advise their teams to update their email with the secretary if this has changed (e.g. to

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Future Meetings

March 16th 2018 – Sheffield Dr M Nisar

November 9th (tbc) 2018 – Wolverhampton Dr S Raizada

2019 – City Hospital Birmingham – Dr S Tosonidou

Treasurer’s Report

Balance at 1.9.2016 £51862; 1.9.2017 £50355.

Venues at boutique/spa hotels, with sporting affiliations should be avoided as drug companies cannot support meetings at these types of venues due to statutory regulations. Ruby Jaspal happy to advise in her role as Clinical Network Representative with Pfizer Limited.

Thanks to Holly for taking over.


Best Oral Presentation: Dr D Geh.

Best Runner up Oral Presentation: E Palmer, S Tahir.

Best Runner up Poster Presentation: Dr B Dyke.

Best Poster Presentation: E Tew.

AOB – Dr Caitlyn Dowson

Apologies from P Lanyon.

  1. New HQIP early arthritis audit is due to relaunch shortly.A Jones (Nottingham) and E Roddy (Stoke) are helping pilot the HQIP audit as members of the BSR guidelines group. This year will utilise web-based platform, greater linkage, less data collection, ability to see live results against quality standards internally for your unit and versus local standards.
  2. BSR new Travelling Fellowship to Sjogrensspecialist centre discussed; details in BSR newsletter imminently.
  3. Biologics register – increased recruitment – thank you.

PsA now funded and on-going.

AS no further funding and being wound down.

  1. NHS Commissioning Framework for biologics released Sept 2017 – encourage all members to familiarise themselves with the document – target for 90% of people receiving biologics to be on the cheapest formulation within 3 months of the cheaper version being available. 80% to be switched to a biosimilar.

BSR position is that treatment decisions should be made with patients for best care, taking into consideration cost-effectiveness and with built in safeguards to ensure adverse effects are monitored for.

  1. Peer review: BSR recognises Midlands as being well engaged.
  2. Regional audit of SLE discussed and commencing soon.
  3. If there are any questions regarding these issues or any others, Dr Dowson can be contacted on email via KathJones ().

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