THURSDAY 15thAugust 2013
Précis of minutes for publication on Airport website & Airport Notice Board
Present -11 Members + Minute Secretary +1 Representative of GloucestershireAirport(GAL)
Apologies - received from 2Representatives of Gloucestershire Airport (GAL) +
1 Representative of Gloucestershire Police
Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th May 2013-
Following an amendment correcting Twigworth Borough to Parish, the minutes were approved by those present and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising –
Charity/Future Events:-
A cycle racetook place in June raising over £500. Proceeds to fly2help charity.
The Sustainable MotoExpo 2013, previously notified, is now taking place in Hampshire
Future Events
Saturday 28th September a Ladies fly in will take place in conjunction with the airport’s charity, fly2help. Joy Lofthouse has been invited along with Carol Vorderman.
Saturday 28th Septembera one mile race will take place for a Cheltenham based running club after 1930.
The Airport Director informed the committee the airport has raised £20,000 since 2009 for the chosen charities with 300 hours of the staffs own time.
Consultative Committee Matters–
The Airport website was discussed regarding updates for the members contact details were still required. The Chairman would arrange this with this evening’s minute secretary.
The Chairman reported that an email had been received from an aviation policy advisor at the Department for Transport requesting a survey regarding the operation of this committee be completed by the 13th September. The committee agreed they were happy for the Chairman to complete the survey on their behalf and she requested members email her with any comments/feedback about the operation of the Consultative Committee before she completes the survey early September. A link to the survey would be sent to members for their perusal.
One member stated that not enough people know the committee existed.
The Chair replied that it is relied up on for the various council representatives to inform others; also a précis of the minutes was posted on the Airport website. The Chairman further commented on her disappointment in the lack of operators attending the meetings.
A couple of the Councillors stated that they do send copies of the minutes to their fellow councillors and the others all agreed that this would be a course of action that they would all undertake to do.
One member questioned how the draft minutes were done and how they would then know they have the ok to disseminate them as he has not been receiving anything after the draft minutes.
The Chair replied that the Minute Secretary does the initial draft which is sent to the Chairman for proof reading and then, in accordance with the Committee’s Terms of Reference, of which the following is an extract added to these minutes for clarification -
“Minutes -
Draft minutes will be sent to all present at the meeting who will have 14 days to submit any corrections. At the end of this period the minutes will be deemed to have interim approval and will then be circulated to all Members. A précis of these minutes will be published on the Airport’s web site and notice board after circulation to the members. The minutes will be formally adopted as a full and fair account of proceedings at the next meeting”
It was suggested and agreed that when the ‘interim approved minutes’ are sent out to all the members that a note is attached stating that these minutes can now be disseminated.
Another member suggested a website link on the Agenda and Minutes in future, this was agreed.
Airport Tenant & User Group – nothing to report.
Airport Management Matters
i. Runway Safety Project update-
The ILS went live on Monday 5th August and will be used as a training aid and a new business opportunity. It was explained to the members that the ILS was a precision approach which meant a more accurate approach although not all aircraft were equipped to use it.
Runway resurfacing is planned for 2016/17 unless conditions dictate otherwise.
ii. Environment Report
The Green Policy is under review and will be presented to shareholders shortly.
Under proposal
- Solar Panels being used in the car park.
- Cycles being available to hire form the TerminalBuilding
The proposed Stagecoach bus reroute will not be happening due to cost implications although the Airport will still continue with discussions in the future.
Noise Complaints
It was reported that in May and June 101 complaints were received with 14,186 aircraft movements.
(July movements were 9,172 but have no noise complaint data at this time)
Of the 101 complaints –
90 from 2 regular complainants in Cheltenham & Bamfurlong Lane; plus 4 from 1 person in Staverton
The rest being – Boddington 2; Cold Pool Lane 2; Down Hatherley 1; Innsworth 1; Upton St Leonards 1:
Report of recent Planning Applications.-
There are no Airport planning applications to report
Other applications were for Meteor Business Park/Dowty Storage and Ashchurch Vehicle Storage.
Wind Turbines – Nothing further to report.
A member asked if the airport was aware of an application for 58 dwellings at Twigworth the Airport Director replied no, but the airport would look into it.
Airport Security Situation:
The Police representative had sent the following update for the period from 1st May -
GloucestershireAirport -2 reported crimes(A laptop stolen from a car that had been parked for 7 days;
Aviation fuel reported stolen from an aircraft on 3 occasions over a 4 week period -the aircraft is parked outside); 0 reported incidents.
AnsonBusinessPark - 0 reported crime;2 reported incidents.
BamfurlongIndustrial Park / Staverton Industrial Estate - 0 reported crime; 4 reported incidents.
MeteorBusinessPark -0 reported crime;0 reported incidents.
A member stated that he had recently heard a report of 15 caravans being broken into at the Golden Castle Caravan site.
Any Other Business
It was confirmed that the JetAgeMuseum will be open 24th, 25th and 26th although there is still some work required including tarmac on the entrance road.
A member reported that a glider pilot had reported to him that he was unable to contact the airport by telephone on Friday 9th August. The Airport Director asked the member to obtain more details so it can be investigated.
The member for Cheltenham stated that she will try and pass on her apologies but may be at planning meetings. The Chairman replied that the member can nominate a representative in advance of a meeting.
A member asked about the merger between Catreus and Executive Aviation Services. The Airport Director explained that it may bring more jet traffic to the airport and explained that EAS had redeveloped a hangar recently.
MR reported that traffic volumes were up 5% on 2012 and year to date over 42,000 movements.
He further informed the committee that the new based Citation Jet had operated 4 hours this month and departed to 9 destinations.
StavertonFlyingSchool have temporarily added a PA28 Warrior aircraft to their fleet
Citywing passengers to the Isle of Man were 7,700 this year to date.
The summer schedule to Jersey averaged a 72% passenger load factor.
Airport tours continue with more than 700 visitors so far including school visits
Airport walk and nature trail is ongoing.
The meeting closed at 19.05
Date of next meeting: Thursday 21stNovember 2013at 6 pm
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