Information Note to the First Intersessional Meeting UN Environment

/ Distr.: General
26 January 2017
English only

First meeting of the intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach

and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020

Brasilia, Brazil, 7-9 February 2017

Item 5(d) of the provisional agenda[*]

Beyond 2020: Linkages to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Development of the Second Global Chemicals Outlook in 2017-2018 and its Relevance to the Beyond 2020 Process under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

Note by the secretariat

The secretariat has the honour to provide, in the present note an update on the development of the second Global Chemicals Outlook in 2017-2018. It provides the background and context, summarizes preparatory activities undertaken in 2016, features relevant decisions taken at the second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in May 2016, and presents the main outcomes of the first meeting of the Global Chemicals Outlook Steering Committee, held in Geneva, Switzerland on 15-16 December 2016.

Development of the Second Global Chemicals Outlook in 2017-2018 and its Relevance to the Beyond 2020 Process under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

Information Note

1.  Introduction and Overview

Designed to be forward-looking and policyrelevant, the Global Chemicals Outlook-II is expected to capture the current state of scientific, management and policy knowledge in order to support policymakers and stakeholders in their efforts to assess the implementation of the 2020 goal and in deliberating on the sound and sustainable management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. By undertaking scientific analysis and generating policy insights, the Global Chemicals Outlook-II anticipates to inform the “beyond 2020” intersessional process under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, and the implementation of the chemicals and waste dimension of the 2030 Agenda.

Based on a review of the global context, trends and key developments, two sets of management topics have been included in the indicative outline of the Global Chemicals Outlook-II, attached to this note as Annex. The topics were developed through application of the back-casting method (see section below) and were reviewed at the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the Global Chemicals Outlook II in December 2016. The first set of management topics covers “traditional” key chemical management topics, ranging from chemical testing, to risk reduction, to assessment of alternatives. The second set covers broader enabling topics, such as innovation, business models, economic incentives, or reform of chemistry curricula. Both sets of management topics are, in their entirety, considered to be of key relevance to advance the sound management of chemicals and waste up to, and beyond 2020. Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management stakeholders are, therefore encouraged to consider the topics, as the process is commencing to identify topics relevant for chemical and waste management beyond 2020.

Preparatory activities to initiate the development of the Global Chemicals Outlook II in 2016 were supported through generous contributions of the Governments of Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Activities in 2017 are supported through generous contributions of the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland.

2.  Background on Global Chemicals Outlook-II

First Edition of the Global Chemicals Outlook, 2013

The first edition of the Global Chemicals Outlook was published in February 2013 as the first comprehensive global overview of issues and challenges related to the sound management of chemicals. It assessed the status of health, environmental, economic and institutional factors related to the production, use and disposal of chemicals, with a focus on issues relevant to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

At its twenty-seventh session, held on 18-22 February 2013, the United Nations Environment Programme’s Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum welcomed the Global Chemicals Outlook. It recognized the significance of its findings, and “requested the Executive Director to continue work on the Global Chemicals Outlook, particularly in areas where data were found to be lacking or inadequate, and to enhance transparency through regionally balanced stakeholder involvement, inter alia, with a view to developing in the future a tool for assessing progress towards the achievement of the sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes, including the existing 2020 goal[1], taking into account and building upon other existing sources of information”.

Consultative Meeting for the Preparation of the Global Chemicals Outlook-II, April 2016

Under the theme “Taking Stock and Exploring the Future of Chemicals Management in a Sustainable Development Context”, UN Environment organized, with support from the UN Institute for Training and Research, a consultative meeting to discuss the development of the update of the Global Chemicals Outlook. The meeting took place in Geneva on 13-14 April 2016 and gathered a group of some 70 regionally balanced, multi-sectoral scientific and technical experts. Participants included experts from 27 governments, 25 private sector and non-governmental organizations, and 14 intergovernmental organizations.

The consultative meeting provided valuable advice and guidance on important dimensions relevant for developing the Global Chemicals Outlook-II. Through a number of plenary sessions and interactive working groups, participants reviewed and provided insights on the rationale, the scope and the process of Global Chemicals Outlook-II, as well as on the process of conducting research on priority topics. Concerning linkages with other processes, it was proposed that the Global Chemicals Outlook-II would be closely aligned with the development of the sixth Global Environment Outlook, and the intersessional process on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020, including the first and second intersessional beyond 2020 meetings, and the third open-ended working group meeting of the International Conference on Chemicals Management.

Second UN Environment Assembly Resolution on Global Chemicals Outlook-II

Based on the outcomes of the consultation, an Information Document was submitted to the second session of the UN Environment Assembly, held on 23-27 May 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya. A more detailed report of the meeting is available on the web.

The second UN Environment Assembly, through Resolution 2/7 on the sound management of chemicals and waste, gave specific attention to Global Chemicals Outlook-II. It “recalled the request to the Executive Director, in Governing Council decision 27/12, to continue work on the Global Chemicals Outlook, particularly in areas where data were found to be lacking or inadequate, to assess progress towards the 2020 goal”.

Furthermore, the Executive Director was requested “to submit by the end of 2018 an update of the Global Chemicals Outlook, including a summary for policymakers, addressing inter alia the work carried out particularly in relation to lacking or inadequate data to assess progress towards the 2020 goal, the development of non-chemical alternatives, and the linkages between chemicals and waste, in coordination with the Global Waste Management Outlook, and providing scientific input and options for implementation of actions to reach relevant Sustainable Development Goals and targets up to and beyond 2020”. The resolution also requested “the Executive Director to ensure that the updated Global Chemicals Outlook addresses the issues which have been identified as emerging policy issues by the International Conference on Chemicals Management, as well as other issues where emerging evidence indicates a risk to human health and the environment”.

Concerning next steps, the second UN Environment Assembly requested the Executive Director “to solicit feedback from countries and other stakeholders on the proposed plan for updating the Global Chemicals Outlook as outlined in UNEP/EA.2/INF/20, and ask the Global Chemicals Outlook steering committee to consider this feedback and to consider possible adjustments to the proposed plan, as appropriate, at its first meeting”. In response, UN Environment invited Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management stakeholders in June 2016 to provide written feedback on the proposed plan for the Global Chemicals Outlook-II, which was taken into account at the first meeting of the Global Chemicals Outlook-II Steering Committee in December 2016.

Establishment of a Steering Committee for Global Chemicals Outlook-II

During the second half of 2016, a Global Chemicals Outlook-II Steering Committee was established, bearing in mind the desire to ensure a balance with regard to regional and sectoral distribution, gender representation, and competences and skills. Twenty-nine experts accepted the invitation to serve on the Steering Committee. Out of 14 confirmed government representatives, seven are from developing countries or countries with economies in transition, and seven are from developed countries, with each region being represented by at least two representatives, with a second representative from the Latin American and Caribbean region to be confirmed. Moreover, the Steering Committee has nine representatives from non-governmental organizations (including civil society, the private sector and academia), two intergovernmental organization representatives nominated by the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, as well as additional intergovernmental participants.

Survey for Institutions Engaged in Research

In November 2016, through various networks, invitations were sent to institutions engaged in natural science, policy and economic research focusing on, or related to, chemicals and hazardous waste management, to express an interest and outline their past or ongoing work and experience potentially relevant to the preparation of the Global Chemicals Outlook-II via a survey. The purpose of this survey was to map the existing capacity, expertise and activities available and ongoing originating from academic and research institutions across various disciplines, and to identify potential partners to support initial work on indicative topics considered of relevance for the Global Chemicals Outlook-II.

3.  First Meeting of the Steering Committee, 15-16 December 2016

Overview and Objectives

The first meeting of the Steering Committee took place in Geneva, Switzerland on 15-16 December 2016, co-organised by UN Environment and the UN Institute for Training and Research . A total of 33 experts participated in the meeting, originating from governments, intergovernmental organizations, academia, civil society and the private sector.

The main objective of the meeting was to review and provide advice on:

·  TORs for the Steering Committee;

·  Overall methodology for preparing Global Chemicals Outlook-II;

·  Main objective and vision of Global Chemicals Outlook-II;

·  Review of the draft Indicative Outline of Global Chemicals Outlook-II;

·  Process of developing review papers;

·  Review of draft TORs for a number of review papers to be initiated in 2017;

·  Elements of a Global Chemicals Outlook-II communication strategy; and

·  Options for resource mobilization in 2017.

The following sections provide an overview of meeting outcomes that are of specific relevance to the discussion on chemicals and waste management beyond 2020 under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.

Back-casting Method

The Steering Committee supported the use of the back-casting methodology for the Global Chemicals Outlook-II. Back-casting starts with the definition of a desirable future, then works backwards to explore management actions that need to be taken in order to achieve a certain goal. Unlike forecasting, it works backwards to identify policy options that will connect the present situation to the desired future. Thus, future, desired conditions are envisioned and steps are then defined to attain those conditions. Further work on a vision for chemicals and waste management beyond 2020 would be valuable and will be subject to discussion as the intersessional process on chemicals and waste management beyond 2020 proceeds.

Initial Work on Global Trends and Developments (Part I)

The Steering Committee reviewed initial work to provide updated information on global trends and developments to be featured in Part I of the Global Chemicals Outlook-II. Expertise has been commissioned to develop a review paper on trends in the chemicals production and consumption system; emissions and releases of chemicals to the environment as well as hazardous waste generation recycling and disposal; and trends in environmental, human health and social effects of chemicals and related costs. The Steering Committee underlined the importance of gathering up-to-date information on these topics and highlighting data gaps, since this analysis will shape the management and policy analysis in subsequent sections of the Outlook.

Part I will also address the call of the second UN Environment Assembly to address Emerging Policy Issues and other issues where emerging evidence indicates a risk to human health and the environment. Equally important, the part will feature a review of existing indicators related to the 2020 goal as well as available knowledge and knowledge gaps to assess progress in implementation of the goal.

Chemical Management Topics of Relevance up to and Beyond 2020 (Part II)

Based on a review of various international chemicals management policies and decisions, the Steering Committee discussed a number of chemical management topics of relevance for sound chemicals management up to and beyond 2020. These include:

·  Testing, classification and hazard communication;

·  Risk assessment;

·  Risk management and reduction;

·  Identification and assessment of alternatives;

·  Chemicals accident preparedness and response;

·  Global value chains, trade and life cycle management; and

·  The interface of chemicals and waste in a circular economy.

Enabling Policy Topics of Relevance up to and Beyond 2020 (Part III)

The Steering Committee also elaborated on more strategic, enabling policy topics that have traditionally not been the focus of international chemicals management. They include:

·  Greening research and development;

·  Innovative business models;

·  Technology transfer;

·  Mainstreaming green and sustainable chemistry in university curricula;

·  Marco-economic and fiscal incentives;

·  Institutions, information, and social innovation; and

·  Innovations in financing.

Review papers initiated in early 2017

Initial work in 2017 will focus on the development of the first set of review papers for which the terms of reference were reviewed by the Steering Committee. The outline provided in the Annex indicates the topics for which these review papers are being prepared. Annotated outlines of the first set of review papers are expected to be reviewed at the next Steering Committee meeting in May 2016.

4.  Key Milestones for Global Chemicals Outlook II

Milestones in Preparing Global Chemicals Outlook-II

The following milestones are envisioned for the development of Global Chemicals Outlook-II: