Engaging Communities and Capitalizing on Community Capacity to enable Community Inclusion
Bruce Uditsky & Anne Hughson
Wednesday 26th August, 2009
Brothers of Charity Ennis Services, Industrial Estate, Gort Road, Ennis.
9.15am – 4.30pm
Workshop Overview
In many countries today we are seeing the inherent limitations of the human service system to ensure a good life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. In some jurisdictions this has become a crisis, as systems appear unsustainable or capable of growth, resulting in high rates of staff turnover, unskilled staff, many needed staff positions going unfilled and the loss of individualized or direct funding. The results are increased family stress, individuals in crisis, lack of progress and a retreat to greater congregation and segregation. However, the capacities of communities to enable inclusion remains largely untouched. Engaging communities to enable inclusion requires new strategies and practices by families and professionals.
This workshop will highlight a series of successful and promising strategies that are not only harnessing the capacities of communities to facilitate the inclusion of individuals with children and adult disabilities but are illustrative of the possibilities of systemic change over time. Family leadership and community development strategies which focus on community engagement and networking will be shared that have resulted in employers and business leaders creating sustained and valued employment opportunities; large numbers of post-secondary institutions offering inclusive education to adults with significant intellectual disabilities and community leaders facilitating inclusion within generic resources for children with disabilities. The presenters will also share a critical appraisal of individualized and direct funding and its relationship to community capacity development. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and share ideas on how the community’s capacity might be realized where they live. In turn, as presenters, we hope to learn about Ireland’s experiences to further our own understanding of different ideas that can sustain hope, expand our imagination and foster good lives for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Workshop Facilitators
Bruce Uditsky, M.Ed., is the CEO of the Alberta Association for Community Living (AACL) and an Adjunct Professor, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary. He has been invited to speak and consult on a wide variety of disability practice and research issues in Canada, United States, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Bruce is also the author and co-author of numerous publications on community inclusion and social justice. He has been recognized for his public advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities and their families as the recipient of a number of awards. Bruce is also noted for his development of innovative community inclusion initiatives and his leadership in social policy change and development. He is the father of two sons one of whom has intellectual disabilities.
E. Anne Hughson, Ph.D., is the Director of and Associate Professor with, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary and a Chartered Psychologist. She is a recipient of the Faculty of Education Excellence in Teaching Award and the author and co-author of a number of texts and many chapters and articles on a wide range of disability-related subjects. She has lectured and taught in many countries. As a researcher in disability studies and a teacher in program evaluation her work is grounded in the lived experiences of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Anne has been noted for creativity in advancing community inclusion and her leadership in supporting and sustaining unique approaches to community inclusion.
Who Should Attend
People with Disability, Family Members, Support Staff, Service Providers Voluntary & Statutory, State Agencies and Departments.
€50 includes Tea & Coffee
Please complete the attached booking form and forward with payment to Suzanne Copeland, Brothers of Charity Services Clare, Banner House, Clare Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. Tel no 065 6869750, email
Please note parking is limited at venue so where possible car pool.
For Further Information Contact
Mary Rowan, Training & Development Officer, Brothers of Charity, Banner House, Clare Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Mobile 087 6829230 or email
Engaging Communities and Capitalizing on Community Capacity to enable Community Inclusion
Led by Bruce UditskyAnne Hughson, Alberta, Canada
Wednesday 26th August, 2009
Brothers of Charity Ennis Services, Industrial Estate, Gort Road, Ennis
9.15am – 4.30pm
NAME ………………………………………………………………………..
ORGANISATION/AFFILIATION (if applicable)……………………………………………………………………….
CONTACT PHONE:………………………………………………………………………..
EMAIL: ………………………………………………………………………..
RETURN BOOKING FORMAND PAYMENT TO Suzanne Copeland, Brothers of Charity Services Clare, Banner House, Clare Road, Ennis.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Mary Rowan, Brothers of Charity Services Clare, Banner House, Clare Road, Ennis. Tel 087 6829230, email