Yolo County 4H Leaders Council Meeting Minutes

June 23 2010

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Yolo County 4H Leaders Council was called to order on June 23 at 7:07pm by the president, Jack Cramer. The secretary, Sharon Anstead, was not present. Jack Cramer took the meeting minutes.


May meeting minutes were emailed, but not present to be read or approved. These minutes will be emailed to each community club leader.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer Frank Muller was not present, there for there was no treasure’s report.

Outreach and Community Service

Nothing to report

Old Business

Bylaws & Constitution

Some clubs have sent their bylaws & constitution to Delynda for review

Record Book Judging

No date or time has been set

Summer Camp

Yolo County sent 37 4-H members, 5 camp staff, to summer camp at Las Posadas (Napa). All had a great time.

Ethics Training

Andy Timko reported that 15 4-H members from 8 counties attended the class. This class is required to show market animals at the California State Fair. It was discussed about requiring all Yolo County 4-H Livestock members to attend a similar training before exhibiting at Spring Show. This will be voted on at the Special Council Meeting, August 25th.

All Stars

The All Stars will be planning this summer for next year’s events.

Election of Officers

There were no nominations for Vice President and/or Secretary. Nominations will be request again at the September Meeting.

Increase 4-H Membership Dues

This was tabled to the Special Meeting on Aug 25th because there were not enough to have a quorum for a vote.

New Business



The following need Leader(s):

Scholarship Committee

Fundraising Committee

Newsletter Coordinator

Creative Art & Science Chairperson

Enrollment Coordinator

Julie Payne has been appointed as the new Enrollment Coordinator

Project Updates

Dog project leader, Steve Jimenez, has opened his dog group to be a countywide program. The group will be limited to 15 dogs with Willow Oak’s members getting priority space.

Pygmy Goats

Effective July 1, 2010 Pygmy goats are moving to the Small Animal division. Spring Show classes will be set up in the Small Animal Division and they will compete in the Small Animal Master Showmanship.

County Level

Four members named by Yolo County Farm Bureau as student of the Month

State Level

Terry Burke will be advisor to the State Horticulture Team. The team is 4 members with the possibility that members can come from any county in the state.

California State Fair Avian Bowl

Yolo Co. Avian Judging team will compete this year.

Staff at the County Extension Office

As of July one there will be only 3 County Employees, Delynda (4-H), Kathy, and Mark. Mark helps the Farm Advisors.

Special Council Meeting

August 25th will be the date of the meeting. The agenda items will be the voting on the following two proposals.

1.  Increase of Dues by $3.00

2.  Ethics training for Livestock Members.

Next Regular Council Meeting will be September 15, 2010

Meeting Adjourned