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Iowa ASCD Executive Board of Directors Meeting

Hilton Garden Inn, 8600 Northpark Drive, Johnston, IA 50131

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4:30 – 8:30 P.M.

Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 8600 Northpark Drive, Johnston, Iowa, 50131

Directors Present: Pam Armstrong-Vogel, Allan Eckelman, Jason Ellingson, Julie Grotewold, Lou Howell, Rita Martens, Becky Martin, Ottie Maxey, Leslie Moore, Susan Pecinovsky, Elaine Smith-Bright, Kym Stein, Cindy Swanson, Marcia Tweeten, Kevin Vidergar, Chris Welch, Jan Westerman-Beatty,Amy Wichman, Sue Wood, Stephanie Rosenburg-Wager (ad hoc)

Directors Absent: Elaine Smith-Bright, Marcia Tweeten, Amy Wichman, Stephanie Rosenburg-Wager (ad hoc)

I. Welcome (4:30 P.M. Sharp!) (Jason Ellingson, President)

◦  Welcome and Call to Order

◦  Welcome Activity: Board Members introduced themselves to Rita Martens

II . Advocacy (Action 3) – Continuing the Journey (Susan Pecinovsky, Pam Armstrong, Cindy Winkler) Postponed

·  Pam and Susan will lead conversation with Representative and Iowa ASCD member Cindy Winkler in ways/opportunities to advance the educational conversation at the legislative level.

Intended Outcome: Board of Directors will have increased skills, knowledge, and aspiration to advocate for success of students and their educators with legislators as well as others influencing education.

III .Business Meeting with Working Supper (6:00 – 8:15 P.M.) (President, Jason Ellingson)

·  Approval of Minutes (Lou Howell for Marcia Tweeten)

o  It was moved by Kevin Vidergar and seconded by Kym Stein to accept the minutes as written for February 5, 2013.

o  The minutes were unanimously approved.

·  Approval of Finances (Lou Howell)

o  Lou Howell requested we table the financial report until we finalize all the changes due to the cancellation of the Grade-Level Conferences. She will send detailed information to all directors once that is completed. Presently we have $59,555.00 in the checking account.

·  Official Approval and Welcome of Rita Martens as Board Member, serving as DE Liaison (Lou Howell)

o  It was moved by Leslie Moore and seconded by Sue Wood to approve the appointment of Rita Martens as the Iowa ASCD Director/Liaison of the Iowa Department of Education.

o  The appointment was approved unanimously.

·  Official Acceptance of Resignation of Secretary of Iowa ASCD (Lou Howell)

o  It was moved by Pam Vogel and seconded by Cindy Swanson to accept the resignation of Marcia Tweeten as Secretary .of Iowa ASCD.

o  The resignation was approved (but with regrets and thanks for all her contributions over the years).

o  A secretary will be appointed by the board for one year with election of a secretary for a two-year term during next year’s election process.

·  Planning for Audit – Governance (Leslie Moore)

·  Planning for Audit – Governance

o  Elaine Smith-Bright, Leslie Moore, Allan Eckelman, Jason Ellingson, and Susan Pecinvosky will complete audit and make recommendations for selection of the treasurer. This will be completed before the Summer Retreat (Leslie Moore and Lou Howell)

·  Election Results (Allan Eckelman)

o  It was moved by Allan Eckelman and seconded by Rita Martens to accept the election results: President-Elect, Kevin Vidergar; Board Members at Large: Amy Whittington and Sarah Oswald.

o  The election results were approved unanimously.

o  Discussion centered around who might be potential candidates for positions in the future. Names that were brainstormed included the following:

§  Diane Campbell – Muscatine (AEA 9)

§  Nancy Bradley – Dubuque (AEA 1)

§  Cheryl Werner – Dubuque (AEA 1)

§  Katy Evanson – Northwest AEA

§  Kim Burynek - Sioux City Schools (NW)

§  Dana Lillis – Clarke (GH)

§  Chris Schultz – Denison (AEA 8)

§  Ann Mausbach – Council Bluffs (GH)

§  Tara Estep – Cedar Falls (AEA 267)

§  Pam Ziegler – Cedar Falls (AEA 267)

§  Mark Ernst – Clear Creek Amana (AEA 10)

o  It was recommended that in the future, we post a visual representation of our board members.

o  It was recommended that we all “recruit” and encourage more to get involved in board, committee, and other Iowa ASCD work.

o  Chris Welch created an electronic form for individuals to complete if they are interested in more involvement in Iowa ASCD. It is posted on the Iowa ASCD website.

·  Dates for Meetings in 2013-2014 (Allan Eckelman)

o  It was moved by Susan Pecinovsky and seconded by Kevin Vidergar to accept the following dates for board meetings in 2013-2014.

§  July 25, 2013 – Summer Retreat

§  October 9, 2013

§  December 6, 2013 (Virtual meeting)

§  February 11, 2014

§  April 9 or 8, 2014

o  The dates were approved.

·  Action 1 - Innovation and Leadership in Teaching and Learning (Leslie Moore and Cindy Swanson)

·  Iowa ASCD Curriculum Leadership Academy Update (Sue Wood)

§  See Action Report Update

§  Sue highlighted the event, a focus on RtI to achieve the Iowa Core.

§  Sue suggested having a “call for presenters” and protocol for presenters in the future.

·  Grade-Level Conferences Update (Kym Stein)

§  See Action Report Update

§  The conferences are postponed until next year – December 3 and 4 (Tuesday/Wednesday) in Des Moines area.

§  There is a need for a presenters’ protocol and perhaps a formula for determining the charge of conferences.

·  Fall Institute Update (Leslie Moore)

§  See Action Report Update

§  October 8 - Nell Dukes

§  Fee will include her latest book – Reading and Writing Genre with Purpose

§  We might want to work with Drake to see if any of their students would want to participate in the conference.

§  Leslie Moore will check about its connections to PK.

·  Competency-Based Education Conference Update (Jason Ellingson)

§  See Action Report Update

·  Partnership Update - Learning.com (Jason Ellingson)

§  See Action Report Update – Potential Support

§  The group was concerned about the social hour of Raccoon River Brewing Company.

§  Jason will continue conversations with Learning.com

·  Partnership Update – Iowa Future (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Leslie Moore and seconded by Sue Wood that we not continue to financially support Iowa Future at this time.

§  The motion carried unanimously.

·  Partnership Update – Opportunities with Content Organizations (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Jan Beatty and seconded by Kevin Vidergar that we move forward with a meeting of content area organizations to pursue possible partnerships.

§  The motion carried unanimously.

·  Biennial Plan Update (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Pam Vogel and seconded by Kevin Vidergar that we complete the biennial plan for ASCD after the summer retreat.

§  The motion carried unanimously.

§  Lou Howell will contact Walter McKenzie about the decision.

·  Iowa ASCD Awards – Whole Child (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Rita Martens and seconded by Leslie Moore that we recognize Oskaloosa Elementary School with the First Iowa ASCD Whole Child Award

§  The motion carried unanimously.

·  Gates Grant Proposal (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Leslie Moore and seconded by Sue Wood that we not pursue the Gates Grant at this time.

§  The motion carried unanimously.

·  Action 2 – Membership, including Communication

·  Membership Update (Amy Wichman)

§  See Action Report Update

§  Each director was encouraged to use various ways to engage members in Iowa ASCD.

·  Technology Update (Chris Welch)

§  Chris developed an interest form for the members.

§  He asked that we contact him with any needs for our conferences or the website and he will work with us to make those things happen.

·  SAI Conference (Lou Howell)

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Susan Pecinovsky and seconded by Pam Vogel that we not have a booth at the SAI conference this August.

§  The motion carried unanimously.

·  Action 3 – Advocacy and Influence

·  Advocacy/Influence Update (Pam Vogel and Susan Pecinovsky)

§  See Action Report Update

§  Susan and Pam highlighted upcoming events, including advocacy training that will be provided under their leadership next February.

§  It was encouraged that we invite the leads of the various content organizations to participate.

·  Governance and Leadership

·  Leader to Leader Conference

§  See Action Report Update

§  It was moved by Ottie Maxey and seconded by Rita Martens that we take advantage of the five free registrations of LtoL

§  The motion carried unanimously.

§  Lou Howell will send out description and dates of the event and ask directors of interest to let her know so that decisions about attendees may be made.

IV. Social Media - HootSuite (Jason Ellingson) If time allows for this. (Tabled)

Intended Outcome: Board of Directors will have increased skills, knowledge, and aspiration to use social media, including Twitter, to advance the mission of Iowa ASCD.

V. Next Steps (8:15 P.M.) (Executive Director, Lou Howell)

·  Expense Forms

·  The Source – Need for Articles

VI. Reflection on Meeting (8:20 P.M.) (President, Jason Ellingson) This was tabled.

·  How did this evening’s board meeting help us move forward and/or solidify where we stand?

IX. Closing and Adjournment (8:30 P.M.) (President, Jason Ellingson)

Leslie Moore moved that the meeting adjourn. Susan Pecinovsky seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned.

Iowa ASCD – Minutes for April 9, 2013