Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TYSA - Meeting Minutes

Start time 7:35PM

Attending: Dinis Anselmo, Adam Boisvert, Kristin Ciampa, Rich Defronzo, Peter Dejardians, Derek Gregoire, Cheryl McCarthy, Jay McGaffigan, Deidre Moran, Rob Strong


2.Discussion on Coach Mentoring and Player Development direction - YES vs local candidate. This was followed up with a presentation/interview with Tom Bellen.


* Time commitment - flexible 2-3 nights/wk-maybe weekend day

* Focus areas - player development and coaching curriculum with a focus on the younger age groups

* Tom said he’s been coaching for 25 years and has a lot of local contacts he can bring in to cover areas that need more attention


* Tom’s actual time commitment

* Cost of Tom and his local contacts


* He is local and has local contacts

* There would be some consistency with direction of coach mentoring and player development year to year


* U10 closed - 4 on wait list so far

* Many competitive players still not registered

ACTION: Jay will reach out to U10 coaches to encourage their players to register

* There were 3 requests for scholarships - unanimous vote to approve all three

* Family had outstanding registration fee from last year - discussed whether or not to force payment or not - they thought they had paid it - they have 2 kids to register for spring season - informal vote to agree to waive last years outstanding balance

4.Other business

* Fields ok

* Adam plans on having a U19 tryout - has reserved field

* Derek needs info on how to get teams/players registered

* Diedre will be taking class and then will follow up with Rich

* Kristin is looking for assistance to give to coaches - directed to MYSA coaching website

* Dinis had update on schedule. There will be games over the April vacation (4/18 and 4/25). There was also a bylaw change - the game on 4/25 can be rescheduled if 1 coach doesn’t have enough players (needs to give 10 days notice). No other rule changes.

* Rob is looking for picture day leader

* Tina Stamp was not able to make it to the meeting but will contact Jay to get started

Meeting adjourned 9:45PM