Finance and General Purposes Committee draft minutes, 13th December 2016

Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council

Draft Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee

on Tuesday 13th December2016 at 7:30pm

in the Roysse Room, Guildhall, Abingdon-on-Thames.


Cllr Michael BadcockChairman

Cllr Dennis GarrettVice-Chairman and Chairman of Guildhall Committee

Cllr Samantha Bowring

Cllr Jeanette HallidayChairman of Planning, Highways & Consultations

Cllr Monica LovattChairman of CH Museum Management Committee

Cllr Sandy LovattChairman of Amenities & Recreation Committee

Cllr Helen Pighills

Cllr David Pope

In Attendance

Cllr Margaret Crick

Mr Nigel WarnerTown Clerk

Mr Steve RichHead of Services/Assistant Town Clerk

Mrs Susan WhippTreasurer/RFO (Clerk to the meeting)


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Alice Badcock (Mayor, ex-officio), Jan Morter and Andrew Todd.

F116Declarations of interest



As this was a special meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the minutes of the previous meeting were not considered. The Chairman stated that the minutes of the previous meeting and the minutes of this meeting will both be considered at the next meeting in January 2017.

F118Statements and Questions from the public


F119Matters referred from other committees

The budget estimates considered by the other spending committees were referred to this committee, and were included within the report of the Treasurer / RFO, item 6 on the agenda.There were no other matters referred.

F120Financial Report and Estimates 2017/18

The Committee received and considered the report of the Treasurer / RFO.

It was RESOLVED that: the management accounts for the period up to 31st October be approved.

The committee discussed the recommendation of the Amenities and Recreation Committee to increase cemetery fees by 5%. It was agreed that a local survey of the charges of other cemetery providers within the local area would be carried out and this would be discussed again at the next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee in January 2017.

A member commented that a budget of £27,000 had been included in the proposed estimates for 2017/18 for Cemetery Improvement works (211/4156) and enquired what this was to be spent on. Mr Steve Rich, Head of Services / Assistant Town Clerk explained that there were some substantial repairs needed to the road and wall at the old Cemetery.

The committee then considered the proposal of £75,000 to the new Cemetery Fund. A member questioned the approach of setting the same amount aside each year, with no idea of the funds required. The Town Clerk explained that total cost of opening a new cemetery was as yet unconfirmed and it was agreed that some more specific costings would be obtained during the next year. Officers believe that the total cost would be at least the value of the fund.

F121Personnel Sub-Committee

The appointment of a Personnel Sub-Committee was considered.

The ruling group put forward the following members:

Cllr Mike Badcock

Cllr Sandy Lovatt

Cllr David Pope

The opposition requested confirmation of the date of the first meeting of the sub-committee and the Town Clerk replied that it would be in January but the exact date still needed to be set. It was agreed that Cllr Samantha Bowring would liaise with Cllr Mike Badcock to agree a mutually convenient date and would then confirm which members from the opposition would sit on the sub-committee.


The new town signs are now in place and it was agreed that some photographs of the Mayor with the new signs should be organised.

F123Dates of next meetings 2016/17

The dates of the next meetings were noted.

F124Exclusion of the public, including the press

It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, Cllr Mike Badcock and RESOLVED:

That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (as extended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972), the public (including the press) be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

F125Staffing matters

The Town Clerk gave a verbal report on staffing matters.

The meeting rose at 8:10 pm.