Las vacaciones--Primera parte

Targets: I can begin to plan a trip to a Spanish-speaking country.

I know some important vocabulary to use when I travel there.

I know how to compute exchange rates, so that I can buy something in a Spanish-Speaking country.

I know a few dishes I can expect to try in that country.

Unit Plan:

Day 1 Introduce vocabulary, explain parts of assessment

Day 2 Research the country of choice for the following items:

1  Name of the Currency and Currency exchange rate:;to=EUR;amt=1

2  Sites to see while there: name at least 3

a  What is there to see and do in this country/city?

b  Example: La Plaza Mayor in Spain, Las Cataratas in Argentina, El Museo de Prado in Spain or el Museo de Bellas Artes in Mexico.

3  City & Hotel to stay in: find one and its cost for the length of your stay: 7 días

4  What kind of room do you want: Make sure to list whether it is a double room or triple, etc. (This means how many people are going)...

a  What type of single bed, double bed, etc.

b  smoking, non-smoking,

c  pets, no pets etc.

5  Airport: Find one in or nearest to your City of Choice in the country.

6  Airfare: Cost of a round-trip ticket from Akron Canton Airport or Cleveland Airport




7  Pictures of places you will see, of the hotel?, of the sites you will visit: have at least 3

8  Regional foods the city or region is known for.... have 2-3 with pictures and descriptions (Spanish word-English description)

Vocabulario del aeropuerto

an airline- una l ínea aérea a cart-una carretilla

an airplane- un avión

the airport-el aeropuerto

arrival-la llegada departure-la salida earky-temprano late-tarde

baggage-el equipaje

baggage claim-la recogida de equipajes

to board- embarcar boarding pass- la tarjeta de embarque

to buy a ticket- comprar un billete

carry on luggage-el equipaje a mano

to check luggage-facturar

the counter (check-in )-el mostrador de facturación

customs- la aduana

English / Spanish
airline / una línea aérea
airplane / un avión
airport / el aeropuerto
Arrivals / Llegadas
el equipaje
la recogida de equipajes
boarding pass / la tarjeta de embarque
carry-on luggage / el equipaje de mano
cart / una carretilla
checked luggage / el equipaje facturado
check-in desk / el mostrador de facturación
customs / la aduana
Departures / Salidas
duty-free (store) / (una tienda) libre de impuestos
early / temprano
economy (coach) class / la clase económica
first class / la primera clase
flight, to fly / un vuelo, volar (o-ue)
gate / una puerta
immigration / la inmigración
late / tarde
layover / una escala
one-way ticket / un billete sencillo
passport / el pasaporte
plane ticket / un billete de avión
round trip ticket / un billete de ida y vuelta
security check / el control de seguridad
shuttle / un puente aéreo
terminal / la terminal
visa / un visado
to board / embarcar
to buy a ticket / comprar un billete
to check bags / facturar
to declare / declarar
to land / aterrizar
to make a reservation / hacer una reservación
to take off / despegar
to travel, a trip / viajar, un viaje
passenger / pasajero, viajero
pilot / el piloto
flight attendant / un(a) auxiliar de vuelo

Hotel vocabulary

el balneario — spa, resort

el baño — bathroom

el bungalow — bungalow

el bar — bar, café

el café — coffeeshop

la caja de seguridad — safe

la cama — bed

la cama de matrimonio — double bed

la cama de monja — single bed

el conserje — concierge

la convención — convention

la cuenta — the bill

la disco, la discoteca — discotheque/place to dance

el estacionamiento — parking

el gimnasio — gymnasium

la habitación — room, unit

la habitación sencilla — single room

la habitación doble — double room

la habitación triple — triple room

el hielo — ice

al hospedaje — lodging

el hotel — hotel

el hotelero, la hotelera — hotel-keeper

el huésped, la húspueda — guest, host

de lujo — deluxe

el motel — motel

la pensión — guesthouses, bed-and-breakfast

la piscina — swimming pool

el piso — floor

el piso bajo — ground floor

la posada — inn

la propina — tip

la reserva, la reservación — reservation

el restaurante — restaurant

el servicio de habitaciones, el servicio en cuarto — room service

el salón de convenciones — convention hall

la suite — suite

la tarifa — cost

la ubicación — location

la vista — view

la vista al mar — sea or ocean view

Vocabulary notes:

Spanglish: It isn't unusual, particularly at upper-end hotels, to see English words used to describe certain facilities or services. Thus, for example, terms such as "spa," "brunch" or "concierge" — even "room service" — might be used instead of the Spanish equivalent, partly because the Spanish words also have broader meanings or aren't universally used.

El huésped, la huéspeda: This word is unusual because it can mean two opposites in English, either "host" or "guest," depending on the context. Perhaps a suitably ambiguous translation out of context would be "inn person."

La disco: Most words ending in o are masculine, but la disco is one of the exceptions. That's because it is a short form of la discoteca, which also is feminine. A word that follows the same pattern is la foto (the photo), because it is a short form of la fotografía (the photograph).