Primary Taxpayer Information

First Name: / Middle Name: / Last Name:
SSN: / Drivers License: / Birth Date:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: / Martial Status:
Employer / Job Title
Did you have health insurance in 2015? Yes No
Did your dependents have health insurance in 2015?
Yes No / Email Address:
Can you be claimed as a dependent on another return?
Yes No / Legally Blind Yes No / Disabled? Yes No
Are You a US Citizen Yes No / Are you an Active member or spouse
Yes No


Street Address
City / State / Zipcode / Apt/Lot/Unit#
Military Address (1= APO, 2= Stateside, 3= Foreign or Blank )


First Name: / Middle Name: / Last Name:
SSN: / Date of Birth
Employer: / Job Title:
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone / Email Address: / Driver’s License
Are You a US Citizen Yes No / Did you have health insurance in 2015?
Yes No
Can you be claimed as a dependent on another return? Yes No / Legally Blind Yes No / Disabled? Yes No

Bank Information

Bank Name: / Will this refund go to an account outside of US? Yes No
Routing Number: / Account Number: / Account Type:

Filing Status (Check all that apply)

1 = Single If: You were NOT married on or before December 31st of the last year.
Your dependents lived with you less than 6 months during this year.
2 = Married Filing Joint If: You were married on or before December 31st of the last year, or your spouse died during last year.
3 = Married Filing Separate If: You were married on or before December 31st of the last year and your spouse is filing a tax return using
this status.
• If MFS, did you live together at ANY time during the tax year? YES NO
If yes, did you live together during the final 6 months? YES NO
• If MFS, did your spouse itemize his/her deductions? YES NO
NOTE: If spouse itemized deductions, taxpayer must also itemize deductions.
4 = Head of Household If: You were NOT married as of December 31st of the last year
Your child, foster child, or grandchild lived with your more than 6 months.
5 = Qualified Widow(er) If: Your spouse died during the last 2 years prior to the current tax year.
Your child, stepchild or foster child lived with you for 12 months of last year


First Name: / Last Name / Birthdate / SSN / Relationship / Months lived with you / Dep Code / EIC
Children who lived with you and are being claimed on another return
Dependent Codes EIC Codes
1= Lived with Taxpayer E = Eligible as of December 31st, under the age of 19
2 = Lived Elsewhere S = Student as of December 31st, under the age of 24 and full time student
3 = Taxpayer’s parent D = Disabled as of December 31st, Permanently & totally disabled, at any age
4 = Other Dependent K = Qualifying Child was Kidnapped
N = Not eligible

Child and Earned Income Credit

Number of Children under age 17 (CTC)
Number of Children under age 19 (EIC)
The Information is included in the Number of Children between age 17 & 24, full time student (EIC)
Dependents Table above Number of Children Totally Disabled (EIC)
Include Form 8862 – Information to Claim EIC After Disallowance?
Child Care Credit
A. If married, did both, Taxpayer and Spouse work during the time of dependent care? Yes No
B. If no, to A, was Taxpayer or Spouse disabled or a full time student for more than 5 months? Yes, disabled No
If no to A and B, this return is not eligible for dependent care credit Yes, Student

Child Care Provider

SSN/EIN / Amount Paid:

Child Care Provider #2

SSN/EIN / Amount Paid:

Dependent Care Expenses

First Name: / Last Name / SSN / Expenses

Earned Income Credit

Current employer:
Employer address: / How long?
Phone: / E-mail: / Fax:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Position: / Hourly Salary / Annual income:


Name: / Address: / Phone:
I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form as to my credit and employment. I have received a copy of this application.
Signature of applicant: / Date:
Signature of co-applicant: / Date:

Note: Please email completed form to .

Primary Signature: ______Date ______

Spouse Signature: ______Date ______