Rupanyup Primary School Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 21st March 2017

5:45 at Rupanyup Primary School

Present: Les Boan, Matt Downer, Rod Weidemann, , Fred Zolj, Sue Tyler, Greg Dunlop, Jason McQueen,

1. Welcome to new members of school council.

2. Apologies: Matt Hurley, Paul Oxbrow, Paul Trotter,

3. Minutes of the previous Meeting Confirmed:

Moved: RW Seconded: LB Carried

4. Correspondence

4. 1 Correspondence Outwards:

Letter requesting help for the Lions Club. (into Newsletter) M Downer

Jenni Downer sent letter to Simmonds stadium (Cardinia Park). Possibility to show students through. Jenni will pursue.

4.2 Correspondence Inwards:

Letter from Robin Shand requesting that drought money be able to be used for fees.

(Approved: Details are that parents can nominate to use drought money for payment of fees. It was made clear to Robin that this may impact the cost of future camps and excursions. Further discussion agreed that any outstanding fees would be cleared by drought money of the individual student before any balance was forwarded to their next school.)

Moved: MD Seconded: GD Carried

5. Principal’s

Report: As tabled.

6. Policies

7. Curriculum Staff have begun auditing our curriculum to ensure we meet the Victorian Curriculum requirements.

8. Finance Report:

·  School council reports tabled

Balance sheet

Operating statement

SRP Report

·  Finance Committee Reports tabled

Balance Sheet

Operating statement

Cash Receipts

Cash Payments

Cancelled receipts

Cancelled Payments

Journal reports

Cash flow statement

Bank account movements

Annual sub program budget

Invoices awaiting payment

Family credit notes

Bank reconciliations

Moved that the Financial report be received: ST Seconded: LB Carried

9. Transition n/a

10. Cluster No meeting until next term

11. Parent’s Club See general business

12. Buildings and Grounds Deluxe blower to be purchased to replace the old one.

13. CEP Meeting next term

14. Pool Nothing to report. (Check with John about locking of toilet doors)

15. Youth Hall All going well

16. General Business:

16.1 Request for extra funds for vegetable garden (up to $1500) Approved MD/LB

16.2 AIP and Strategic plan approval – Approved MD/RW

16.3 Need a member of school council to attend Parent Club meetings

16.4 Proposed working bee 7th May to work on vegetable garden, ship and any other jobs. Approved

16.5 Questions from parent’s club: What is the giant tank used for? (Rainwater – can be used for garden). Was there meant to be backwash from the pool for our use? Stage one meant for oval. (Add to working bee jobs)

16.6 Tipping competition. Fill out fixture and return before Thursday with $10. MD will coordinate.

Meeting Closed: 6:44

Next Meeting: 18th April (Working Bee discussion)

Actions Required From School Council Meeting

Item / Actions from Rupanyup Primary School Council meeting / Who / Further Action
Chicken Pen / Investigate if Men’s Shed would be able t construct. / M Downer will talk to Phil Loats / Student council has $1000 approx
Date for ship and garden edging working bee in March / Date 7 May / School council
JP to create list of jobs / 26th March or 9th April to be confirmed
Now 7 May
Pricing for ship costs shortfall and letter for funding to RME as per October minutes / Matt Downer / Underway
Strategic Plan to be signed off / JP
Solar power options to be researched / Gavin - JP
Box thorn to be removed / Fred