Summary of Reaction Predictions

Note: The following summary is not comprehensive. It is meant to be a simple and concise prediction help.

I.  Acid Base Reactions

A.  HX + MOH → ______+ ______

B.  Remember: Weak acids and bases must be written in the NIE as ______.

II.  Precipitation Reactions

A.  Generally both reactants are salts in solution:

AX + BY → ______+ ______

(Where AY and/or BX are salts in solution.)

B.  Net Ionic Equation:

A+ + Y- → ______

III.  Hydrolysis Reactions

A.  A metal oxide reacts with water to form a ______.

B.  A nonmetal oxide reacts with water to form an ______.

C.  A metal hydride reacts with water to form a ______and


IV.  Decomposition Reactions

A.  Occurs when a single reactant is ______.

B.  Metallic carbonates decompose to form a ______and


C.  Metallic hydroxides decompose to form ______and


D.  Metallic chlorates decompose to form ______and


E.  Metallic sulfates decompose to form ______and


F.  Some acids decompose to form ______and


G.  Sulfurous acid decomposes in water to form ______and


H.  Hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form ______and


V.  Ligand Reactions

A.  Occur between the following metals:______

and the following ligands: ______.

B.  To determine how many ligands to attach to a metal center usually

______the metal cation’s charge.

VI.  Redox Reactions

A.  Metal and nonmetal react to form ______.

B.  When a solid metal replaces the metal cation from a metallic compound it is

called a ______,

C.  A redox reaction occurs when a halogen replaces a______salt.

D.  When MnO4- is placed in an acidic solution with a metal cation, the MnO4- is

reduced to ______; the metal in solution is oxidized.

E.  When Cr2O72- is placed in acidic solution with a metal cation, the Cr2O72- is reduced

to ______; the metal in solution is oxidized.

F.  Cu(s) + HNO3(dilute) → ______+ ______+ ______