
“The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight.” Theodore Roosevelt

Time to start pulling!!

Assignment: Your group will be presenting information about the 2014Midterm Election to your fellow students at North.

YOUTH LEADERSHIP LINK: All North Hunterdon Students will conduct an online mock election through this link. When the ballot opens, Oct 20-Nov 4th, students can vote through this portal.

Teacher Code: NJ0057-019

  1. You will be assigned to teach classes onFriday October 31thORMonday November 3rd.
  2. To effectively teach these classes, you must create a PowerPoint presentation. USE GOOGLE DOCS and share with your group and ME immediately!!Prezi presentation is also acceptable!
  3. SHOULD TAKE the full40 minute period- pacing is everything!
  4. Use the outline to help create the power point and plan time length.
  5. Have fun! When you were a freshman, was your presentation lame? SPICE IT UP when appropriate- be creative!

Power points must be completed by

Monday October 27th!!

Basic Outline: At the very minimum, address all questions in detail

  1. Introduce yourselves(Smile). Tell the students what your purpose for today is – that you are here to (1) help educate them about the candidates running for the Midterm election and (2) conduct a mock election vote that is being run throughout the state of NJ.
  2. Warm up activity (Time______)- use these time frames to plan out the 40 minute period. Understand that it usually takes a few minutes (2-4 minutes) for students to get situated and for your teacher to take attendance.
  3. What do you know about the Midterm election?
  4. Make a creative warm up activity about the midterm election. The warm up should be a gauge to see what students ALREADY KNOW!!!
  5. This warm up will be reused at the end of the presentations
  6. Sample ideas- USE CANDY as an incentive- BE CREATIVE!!!!
  7. Create a slide of pictures of all the contenders and see if the students recognize who is who.
  8. Show a short video clip that highlights information that you will be presenting
  9. Your generation is supposedly tech savvy- Most of the students you will present to this year have access to the internet and chrome books. WOW me with your creativity….can you make this interactive with the students????
  10. Congress Facts Section (time______)- all of the information should be presented to the students. You have the right to choose how and when it is presented.
  11. What does legislate mean?
  12. What is the legislative branch of the federal government?
  13. How many houses are in the federal legislature?
  14. Compare and Contrast the Senate and the House
  15. Number of members in each house
  16. Term length? How are they elected? How often?
  17. How is each state represented? Focus on the House of Representatives. Show students a Map of our country that illustrates how there are Congressional Districts.
  18. Qualifications- age, citizen for how many years, etc..
  19. What is the current political party makeup of the House? Senate? Who holds a majority of each? What could happen after the midterm? WHY is that so important?
  21. Midterm Election (time____)
  22. New Jersey U.S. Senate
  23. What are the statistics of voter turnout?
  24. Compare and Contrast voter turnout for the last presidential election to the last midterm election.
  25. Explain why we electing a Senator. Who is this election replacing? Who was the Senator before Corey Booker? What happened to him? Why are we not voting for two senators? Why only one?
  26. Who are the Candidates?
  27. What are their backgrounds?
  28. Where do they stand on important issues?
  29. Job growth, Obamacare, Middle East, education, etc. VISIT Candidate WEBSITES)? (Must have one slide for each candidate on your ballot)- INCLUDE PICTURES!
  30. New Jersey U.S. Representative District 7
  31. How many districts are there in NJ?
  32. Show a map of the Congressional Districts
  33. Highlight District 7
  1. Who are the Candidates?
  2. What are their backgrounds?
  3. Where do they stand on important issues?
  4. Job growth, Obamacare, Middle East, education, etc. VISIT Candidate WEBSITES)? (Must have one slide for each candidate on your ballot)- INCLUDE PICTURES!
  1. Public Question 1- Present the question and EXPLAIN it so a freshman would understand
  2. ALSO- discuss what initiative and referendum are. Does the State of NJ have this? Where do these questions come from? Show a map for states that have initiative and referendum. Discuss INDIRECT v. Direct Democracy! (Freshmen especially have just learned about the progressive era)
  3. Public Question 2- Present the question and EXPLAIN it so a freshman would understand
  1. Have students vote- (time______)
  2. YOUTH LEADERSHIP LINK: All North Hunterdon Students will conduct an online mock election through this link. When the ballot opens, Oct 20-Nov 4th, students can vote through this portal. They will vote at this section of the presentation.
  3. Provide directions to assist students in the voting process.
  4. Teacher Code: NJ0057-019
  5. Review Game-(time______) Candy as an incentive- Be CREATIVE
  6. Reuse your warm up and see how much your students LEARNED!!!!
  7. TAKE advantage of the chromebooks! Show me your creativity!!!

Starting points for research:

Teacher Date / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12 / 13-14 / 15-16 / 17-18
Erin McGrory- (10/31)

Students: (5) / 240
AP US / 240
AP US / 240
AP US / 241
AP US / 240
John Mattes (10/31)

Students: (5) / 242
USICP / 242
USICP / 242
USICP / 242
USICP / 242
Anya Szlachtianchyn (10/31)

Mark Franzyshen

students: (5) / 235
World Honors / 235
World Honors / 241
(Franz) / 235
World CP / 235
World CP
Tim Kieffer (10/31)

Garret Lelko

Mark Franzyshen

Students: (5) / 237
(Kieffer) / 237
(Kieffer) / 238
(Franz) / 234
World CP
(Lelko) / 237
Derek Yocum (10/31)

students: (5 sections) / 236
AP / 236
AP / 236
AP / 236
honors / 236
Kevin Kley (11/3)

Anthony Rotondo

students: (5) / 243
(Kley) / 234
(Rotondo) / 243
(Kley) / 243
Kley / 243
Tim Flynn (11/3)

John McSweeney

students: (5) / 238
CP / 236
Core / 238
NCP / 237
Core / 238
Mike Phillips (11/3)

Anthony Rotondo

students: (6) / 241
CP / 241
Honors / 241
CP / 241
US I CP / 241
CP / 241
Dan Duerring (11/3)

students: (5) / 245
USII / 245
USII / 245
USII / 245
USII / 245
Tom Hank (11/3)

students: (5 sections) / 243
USI / 243
USI / 243
USI / 243
USI / 243
Teacher Date / Student Sign UP
Erin McGrory- (10/31)

Students: (5) / MOD 1-2
John Mattes (10/31)

Students: (5) / Mod 1-2
Anya Szlachtianchyn (10/31)

Mark Franzyshen

students: (5) / Mod 1-2
Tim Kieffer (10/31)

Garret Lelko

Mark Franzyshen

Students: (5) / Mod 1-2
Derek Yocum (10/31)

students: (5 sections) / Mod 1-2
Kevin Kley (11/3)

Anthony Rotondo

students: (5) / Mod17-18
Tim Flynn (11/3)

John McSweeney

students: (5) / Mod17-18
Mike Phillips (11/3)

Anthony Rotondo

students: (6) / Mod17-18
Dan Duerring (11/3)

students: (5) / Mod17-18
Tom Hank (11/3)

students: (5 sections) / Mod17-18



Election Presentations Scale of 1-5 (1= poor; 5 = excellent)

Directions: Each student in the group is responsible for printing a copy of this rubric and bringing it to ONE of the teachers you are presenting for. Each student will be graded individually! Tell the teacher to put this on my desk.

  1. Students contacted their teacher via email a week before their presentation deadline.


  1. Students were dressed appropriately and professionally._____/5
  2. Students were well-organized and well-prepared._____/5
  3. Students were prompt and on time._____/5
  4. Students were respectful and took the presentation seriously._____/5
  5. Students displayed a deep understanding of the information they were presenting.

_____X5= _____/25

  1. Students’ presentation was engaging. There was an engaging warm up activity BEFORE the presentation (What do you know?) and there was an engaging REVIEW after the presentation.


  1. Students demonstrated creativity during the warm up and review.


  1. Students shared their PowerPoints with Mr. Franzyshen by October 27th. Students did not make any changes after this date.


TOTAL______/ 75 TOTAL points


On a scale of 1-5, rate the contributions and participation of each group member.

Group Member: ______

  • Helpful and focused during the class periods given for preparation. _____
  • Professional approach to the assignment, took the presentation seriously._____
  • Contributed their fair share to the final product as well as the presentation. _____

On a scale of 1-5, rate the contributions and participation of each group member.

Group Member: ______

  • Helpful and focused during the class periods given for preparation. _____
  • Professional approach to the assignment, took the presentation seriously._____
  • Contributed their fair share to the final product as well as the presentation. _____

On a scale of 1-5, rate the contributions and participation of each group member.

Group Member: ______

  • Helpful and focused during the class periods given for preparation. _____
  • Professional approach to the assignment, took the presentation seriously._____
  • Contributed their fair share to the final product as well as the presentation._____

On a scale of 1-5, rate the contributions and participation of each group member.

Group Member: ______

  • Helpful and focused during the class periods given for preparation. _____
  • Professional approach to the assignment, took the presentation seriously._____
  • Contributed their fair share to the final product as well as the presentation._____

Overall general feedback: