2016-2017 Syllabus
Teacher: Robert Boyle
Room: 707
Phone: (480) 472-7151
Class Website:
Materials Needed: Daily planner, one small 3-ring binder or math folder, college ruled loose leaf paper or college ruled notebook, geometer (available only at the bookstore), and pencils (it is conventionally frowned upon to do mathematics in pen). Also note that the TI-nspire is a required calculator for use in Algebra II. It is not required for this course, but it is recommended. You may also use any other graphing or scientific calculator, but the TI-nspire is the preferred calculator.
Class Expectations:
· Students will arrive to class on time prepared with their math notebook, pencil, and homework.
· Show respect to the others in the classroom. Frequently, students will be called upon or asked to volunteer to present or explain concepts and demonstrate understanding. It is my expectation that students show respect to their peers and to me during all classroom participation. Students and parents may expect the same of me.
· Use appropriate language while in the classroom. Profanity of any kind will not be tolerated.
· All students should put forth their best efforts for participation and engagement in the topics covered this year. One of the keys to success in this course is to try hard and learn from mistakes.
Grading: Students will be assessed according to the following grading scale:
60% of the student’s grade will be evaluated upon tests.
10% of the student’s grade will be evaluated upon projects and in class work.
20% of the student’s grade will be evaluated upon quizzes.
10% of the student’s grade will be evaluated upon assignments.
A standard grading scale will be used according to the following model:
90-100% / A80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
below 60% / F
Test corrections will be permitted for partial credit recovery as needed.
Regarding binders: the contents of the student’s binder should include notes taken in class, any assigned problems to be done in class, and any other information that the student may consider valuable. Binders should be well organized as this will aid in studying for future assessments.
Assignments: Assignments are a necessary part of mastering the concepts introduced in this course. Students are responsible for turning in assignments on time and making sure that the work is shown and presented in a legible manner. Late work can be submitted for partial credit up to the end of the unit (unless the student had an excused absence on the due date).
Attendance: Students that are tardy to class will be given a warning for the first and second tardy. For each tardy after that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Make-Up Work: Every student will be held accountable for all assigned work. Students will be expected to take each test on the date scheduled unless previous arrangements are made, or the student is absent (excused absence). Making arrangements to do so is the student’s responsibility. Make-up work must be completed before the current unit test. Make up exams are limited to a 3 day time frame from original test date; quizzes and homework receive a 2 day window.
Cell Phones and Other Technology: Cell phones are not to be used in the classroom without prior permission from the teacher. Violations will result in teacher confiscation of the cell phone to be turned in to the office. The second offense will require the student’s parent to pick up the phone. The same procedure exists for portable mp3 players and other devices which may produce distractions in the classroom. Assistive technology does not adhere to the above guidelines.
This course will give students an opportunity to use laptop computers for educational purposes. Online activity is monitored and I have high expectations for appropriate use of the technology.
Cheating: Cheating will NOT be tolerated. Although students are encouraged to work together on assignments, the final work of any kind must be the work of the individual student (excluding group projects). Any behavior of a lesser form, detected by the teacher, will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. The following are examples of cheating:
· Copying another student’s work or allowing your work to be copied
· Copying directly from another source
· The use of any form of notes on a test/quiz/exam without direct teacher instruction/permission
· Giving another student information during a test/quiz/exam
· Talking during a test/quiz/exam
· Using a cell phone during a test/quiz/exam
Last, but certainly not least…
Success In This Course: In order to be successful in this course, students must use their resources. I will put forth my best efforts to facilitate active student learning while in the classroom and I am ALWAYS willing to help students who are struggling. Parents and students, please feel free and welcome to approach me regarding any questions or concerns that you have. Parents may contact me in person, by e-mail, or by phone (e-mail and phone number are listed at the beginning of this syllabus). But know that I am not the only resource available. Students can work with their peers, consult the textbook, get help from other teachers, review their notes, and visit the course website for updates and additional resources as the school year progresses.
Geometry is a subject which introduces concepts and then builds upon those concepts throughout the year. Staying on top of things is very important! If questions arise or students feel lost, come and see me as soon as you can. Please do not wait. I am available before school, after school, and during lunch as needed.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Parents and Students,
Please read through the syllabus and browse through the class website. After doing so please detach, sign, and date this last signature section. Parents please have your student return this last section to me as soon as possible. Thank you.
I have read the syllabus and agree to abide by its contents.
*Classroom policies and syllabus are subject to change*