Reason for Development of IEP
Student identified as exceptional by IPRC
X / Student not formally identified but requires special education program/services including modified/alternative learning expectations and/or accommodations
Name: / Kyle Clarion / Gender: / M / Date of Birth:
School: / Nipissing University Elementary School
Student ID#: / 204536 / Principal: / Ms. Redpath
Current Grade/Special Class: / 4 / School Year: / 2005-2006
Most Recent IPRC Date: / Date Annual Review Waived by Parent:
IPRC Placement Decision: (check one)
Regular Class With Indirect Support / Special Education Class With Partial Integration
Regular Class With Resource Assistance / Special Education Class Full Time
Regular Class With Withdrawal Assistance

Assessment Data:

List relevant educational, detailed medical/health (hearing, vision, physical, neurological) psychological, speech/language, occupational, physiotherapy, and behavioural assessments.

Information Source / Date / Summary of Results
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) / September 24, 2005
Key Math Diagnostic Inventory of Essential Mathematics / September 24, 2005

Student’s Strengths and Needs:

Areas of Strength / Areas of Need
□  Very personable
□  Enjoys social interactions
□  Participates in group discussions
□  Participates in small groups
□  Strong leadership abilities / □  Retaining mathematical facts
□  Comprehension of mathematical concepts
□  recognizing and remembering words (e.g., spatial and quantitative references such as before, after, between, one more than, and one less than)
□  decoding
□  language comprehension
□  sequencing
□  problem-solving procedures
Specialized Health Support Services/Personal Support Required Yes (List Below) X No

Subjects, courses, or alternative programs to which the IEP applies: Identify each as Modified (MOD), Accommodated only (AC), or Alternative (ALT)

1. / Language Art - reading / x / MOD / AC / ALT / 6. / MOD / AC / ALT
2. / Math / x / MOD / AC / ALT / 7. / MOD / AC / ALT
3. / MOD / AC / ALT / 8. / MOD / AC / ALT
4. / MOD / AC / ALT / 9 / MOD / AC / ALT
5. / MOD / AC / ALT / 10. / MOD / AC / ALT
Elementary Program Exemptions or Secondary School Compulsory Course Substitutions
Yes (Education rationale required) / X / No
Student is currently working toward the attainment of a: / Ontario Secondary School Diploma
Ontario Secondary School Certificate
Certificate of Accomplishment


(Assume common to all subjects unless indicated)

Instructional Accommodations /
Environmental Accommodations /
Assessment Accommodations
Dramatizing information
Colour cues
Computer options
Repetition of information
Rewording rephrasing of information
Extra time for processing
Word-retrieval prompts
Graph paper / Extended time limits
Alternative settings
Colour cues
Reduced/uncluttered format
Extra time for processing
Reduction in the number of tasks used to assess a concept or skill
Individualized Equipment Yes (List Below) X No
Accommodation and Exemptions for Provincial Assessments:
Accommodations: Yes (List Below) No
Exemptions: Yes (State educational rationale) No

Special Education Program

To be completed for each subject/course with modified expectations

and/or alternative expectations.


Current Level of Achievement: Current Level of Achievement for Alternative Program:

(Describes starting point for plan development)

Letter Grade/Mark C+

Curriculum Grade Level 3 (MOD)

Annual Program Goal(s): A goal statement describes what a student can reasonably be expected to accomplish by the end of the school year in a particular subject, course or alternative program.
Kyle will solve with 75% accuracy single and double digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations and word problems.
Learning Expectations
(Knowledge and/or skills to be assessed by reporting period, including Grade level) / Teaching Strategies
(List only those that are different for this student and specific to the learning expectations for the subject/course/alternative program) / Assessment Methods
(For expectations for each reporting period)
Kyle will demonstrate achievement of all the expectations for Grade 4 mathematics as given in the curriculum document, expect for the following, which have been modified:
Grade 3: Number Sense and Numeration
Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
Multiply to 7 x 7 and divide to 49 ÷ 7,
using a variety of mental strategies
Grade 3: Patterning and Algebra
determine, through investigation, the
inverse relationship between addition
and subtraction
Communicate mathematical thinking orally, visually, and in writing, using everyday language, a developing mathematical vocabulary, and a variety of representations
- Understand and use the following terminology: numerator, denominator, place value, before, after, between, one more than, and one less than.
Solve word problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of single- and double digit whole numbers. / Review and identify the sequencing of component steps
Highlight processing signs
Colour dot the ones column
Review and identify the sequencing of component steps
Highlight processing signs
Colour dot the ones column
Highlighting similarities
Use flash cards
Terminology reference sheet
Review and identify the sequencing of component steps
Highlight key words
Draw or role play word problem / Written and oral activities
Written and oral assignments
Written and oral activities
Written and oral assignments
Written and oral activities
Written and oral assignments
Written and oral activities
Written and oral assignments
Written and oral activities
Written and oral assignments
IEP Developed by: / Sources Consulted in the Development of the IEP: (check)
Staff Member / Position
Mr. LeBlanc / Classroom teacher
Ms. Bailey / Special Ed. teacher
Ms. Redpath / Principal
/ IPRC Statement of Decision (if applicable)
X / Provincial Report Card
Previous IEP
X / Parents/Guardian
X / Other (List Below)
Other Sources: / Kyle’s previous teachers, student assignments, classroom observations
Date of Placement in Special Education Program: (select and appropriate option and provide date)
X / 1) First day of attendance in new special education program
2) First day of the new school year or semester in which the student is continuing in a placement
3) First day of student’s enrollment in a special program that he/she begins mid-year or mid-semester as
a result of a change in placement
Date of Placement: / December 5, 2005
Completion Date of IEP Development Phase: / November 30, 2005
(Within 30 school days following the Date of Placement)

Transition Plan:

For Student who are 14 years of age or older, unless solely identified as gifted.

Transition Goal
Specific Goal(s) for Transition to Postsecondary Activities
Actions Required / Name of Person(s) Responsible for Actions / Timelines

Implementation and Monitoring:

Human Resources: (Teaching/non-teaching)

Include service, initiation date, frequency or intensity, and location.

Resource support / Special Education Teacher / Twice a week


Reporting Dates: / 10/12/2005 / 24/03/2006 / 29/06/2006
Reporting Format: (please check) / X / Provincial Report Card / Alternative Report
(Required if student has modified expectations and/or accommodations only)

Log of Parent/Student Consultation and Staff Review/Updating

Date / Activity / Outcome
(Indicate Parent/Student Consultation or Staff Review)
September 7, 2005
September 14, 2005 / Classroom teacher called parent
Special Education teacher called parent / Discussed Kyle’s math difficulties.
Parent consented to administration of standardized tests

The Principal has the legal requirement to implement and monitor the IEP.

The plan has been developed according to the Ministry’s standards, addresses the student’s strengths and needs, and the learning expectations will be reviewed and student progress monitored at least once every reporting period.

Principal’s Signature: / Date:
Parent/Guardian/Student Involvement:
I was consulted in the development of this IEP
I declined the opportunity to be consulted in the development of this IEP
I have received a copy of this IEP
Parent/Guardian/Student Comments:
Parent/Guardian Signature: / Date:
Student Signature: / Date:
(If 16 or older)