Agenda for SCAVMA Executive Board Meeting

  1. Senior banquet $2500

Banquet committee told keith that they will donate a banner with SCAVMA name on it at the banquet.

  1. Product Day Feb. 16th

Wednesday. Some product companies think that Sarah Courchesne is SCAVMA president. Will be fixed.

  1. SLO asking for HOD funds-

We have bylaws for SLO. Executive committee will look over bylaws and approve it. Have money coming from animals and public policy, AAEP, AABP. Total expense of $2000. Haven’t heard from intervet yet. Consider putting SCAVMA and HOD money in. We will commit to $500. Suggest to SLO to either have lunch and dinner meetings instead of just lunch.

  1. SLO and AAMV bylaws

Josh Kramer has proposed it. We also need to look over these bylaws. Women are allowed. Katie is going to make an announcement to tell people how to start new clubs, and put something on the SCAVMA bulletin board.

  1. Fundraiser for SGU scrub (see design)

Logo is already on file with George, so we wouldn’t have to pay set up fee. As of May 5, can’t use TUSVM. Sell these pants and scrub tops, 4 different colors. We are taking orders for these. Katie will contact Steve Rowell to see if we can put up things in the hospital. Contact alumni and see if we can sell them to alumni too. Need to make sure that they are thick scrubs, not just cotton. We should collect money at the same time as setting up. Time frame for doing all this should be before the 3rd years go to clinics. Try to have all the scrubs by February 25th, so Rachel R can distribute to the 3rd years.

  1. Symposium Budget

Registration is $75/student and they have 35-40 students registered right now. Hotel is $282/room. We are not sure if it includes the Wednesday night for registration. Planning on buying t-shirts and hats. The total cost for t-shirts is $516 and hats is $466. If they cover $200/student the total is $15000. Then we can adjust accordingly. If we do $250 the total is $17100. They should have short sleeved t-shirts, not long sleeves, and maybe hats? Can we give the SCAVMA t-shirts and hats from the store to them instead of buying new ones? All present in agreement of $250/person budget and they will ask Sam and Steve to use the school store stuff.

  1. Auction Budget

Printing off packets, parents flyers, some money from Purina, hills, alumni assoc., Fort Dodge. Estimating total cost $3500-4200. Last years total was $3400.

  1. Elections

Friday. There are enough people running. Martha Delaney is running for secretary.

  1. Luncheon dates

4 luncheon dates this spring. Katie will do the first one.

  1. Heather Beech wants to have a Fort Dodge bulletin board up. Is this a good idea? Is it ok to have Hills and Iams to have their bulletin boards? Barbara says that SCAVMA is in charge of bulletin boards.
  2. Other SCAVMA chapters have giveaways at their meetings to encourage people to come. We will consider doing this during the spring semester.
  3. Pet Loss Hotline is in need of funds to do their spring training session. Where does their funding come from? Gap Junction had a similar problem. Faculty fellowship has paid for Gap Junction in the past. Can we solicit past customers for donations? Will VCA or any other clinics be able to contribute. Katie will email other SCAVMA presidents to find out who is funding their schools. Also send them to the MVMA.
  4. Third year kickoff party-budget is $2500. Keith will check out the budget from last year and get back to us.