Objective 2.01

UNIT:A / Personal/Social Development
CM02.00 / Evaluate positive interpersonal skills in a variety of workplace settings.
CM02.01 / Differentiate between positive and negative interpersonal skills in a variety of workplace settings.
Journal Prompt(s) / What stereotypes will keep me from embracing diversity in the workplace?
How can I move past my stereotypes?
Objective 2.01: Differentiate between positive and negative interpersonal skills in a variety of
workplace settings.
  1. Summarize the types of communication.
  1. Verbal
  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing
  1. Non-verbal
  1. Gestures
  2. Posture
  3. Facial expressions
  1. Analyze components of effective communication.
  1. Sender/encoder
  2. Message
  3. Channel
  1. Voice
  2. Written text
  3. Visual images
  1. Receiver/decoder
  2. Feedback
  1. Differentiate between practices that promote and impede listening and understanding.
  1. Hearing vs. listening
  2. Effective listening skills
  1. Concentration
  2. Avoiding distracters
  3. Avoiding interruption
  4. Asking for clarifying details
  5. Giving feedback
  1. Barriers to listening
  1. Interruption
  2. Prediction of message
  3. Blocking message due to personal views
  4. Inability to hear
  5. Distracting mannerisms
  6. Non-understanding
  7. Wandering thoughts
  1. Differentiate between constructive and destructive feedback.
  1. Characteristics of feedback
a. Constructive
2)Addresses behavior
6)Suggests actions to solve the problem
b. Destructive
2)Addresses personal characteristics
6)No solutions offered
  1. Understand the importance of feedback/constructive criticism.
a. Prevents costly mistakes/accidents
b. Provides opportunity for improving work performance
  1. Summarize routes of feedback/constructive criticism.
  1. Oral/verbal
  2. Written performance evaluations
  3. Visual
  1. Summarize steps to provide constructive feedback.
  1. Tact
  2. Sandwich technique
  1. Differentiate between positive and negative response to feedback.
  1. Positive
1)Make sure that you understand the feedback.
2)Identify the solution(s).
3)Take action.
  1. Negative
3)Emotional display
E. Differentiate between positive and negative reaction to conflict.
1. Potential conflicts
2. Reactions in a conflict
a. Negative
b. Positive
3. Communication in conflict situations/”I” statements
a. I feel ______
b. When you ______
  1. Because ______
d. And I want ______.
4. Conflict resolution model
a. Define the problem.
b. Suggest possible solution(s).
c. Evaluate the possible solution(s).
d. Compromise.
e. Seek mediation/arbitration if the conflict cannot be
F. Summarize techniques to positively manage anger.
1. Self awareness
2. Understand others.
a. Empathy
b. Tact
3. Management strategies
G. Differentiate between effective and ineffective handling of
1. Ineffective handling
2. Effective handling
a. Ask for an informal meeting.
b. File a complaint properly; complaint letter.
c. Turn to outside agencies.
1.) Wages and hours – Employment Standards
2.) Equal Pay – US Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
3.) Discrimination - US Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
4.) Safety – Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
  1. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate treatment of co-workers.
2.Privacy practices
5.Avoiding comparisons
a. Workload
b. Salary
  1. Treatment of co-workers
1.) Parking spaces
2.) Vacation periods/schedules
3.) Work schedule
4.) Bonuses
I. Differentiate between ethical and unethical behavior.
J. Summarize the steps for effectively handling a problem.
1.Identify and analyze the problem.
2.Collect and analyze data.
3.Consider possible solutions.
4.Choose the best option.
5.Implement the plan.
6.Observe, evaluate and adjust the plan as needed.
  1. Differentiate between actions that demonstrate respect for a diverse workforce and those actions that discriminate against a diverse workforce.
1. Analyze diversity trends in the US.
a. Language
b. Disability
c. Religion
d. Gender
e. Age
2. Summarize the benefits of diversity.
  1. Fewer lawsuits
  2. Increased productivity
c. Higher morale
d. Increased productivity
e. Quality workers attracted to the company
f. Decision making improves
g. Better understanding of diverse customers
h. Creation of goodwill and positive ties with government agencies
  1. Exemplify employee actions that encourage respect for workplace diversity.
  1. Show flexibility.
  2. Examine your assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes.
  3. Explore different cultures.
  4. Show patience in communicating and understanding.
  5. Admit unfamiliarity of diverse customs along with a willingness to learn more about them.
  6. Show respect for ideas different from your own.
  7. Avoid stereotypical jokes/humor.
  8. See the humanity in every person.
  1. Summarize actions that demonstrate discrimination.
  1. Basis of discrimination
1.) Sex
2.) Race
3.) Color
4.) National Origin
5.) Language
6.) Religion
7.) Disabilities
8.) Age
9.) Sexual orientation
10.) Appearance
b. Actions
  1. Outline laws that protect employees from discrimination.
a. Fair Labor Standards Act
b. Equal Pay Act
c. 1964 Civil Rights Act
d. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
e. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
f. Americans with Disabilities Act
g. 1991 Civil Rights Act
h. Sexual Harassment
  1. Differentiate between actions that facilitate and impede effective
1. Actions that facilitate teamwork
a. Listen and communicate effectively.
b. Follow up with responsibilities/assignments.
c. Resolve conflicts.
d. Motivate/inspire others.
e. Support team goals.
f. Show initiative.
g. Accept assigned role(s).
h. Share views, ideas and opinions in a positive manner.
I.Be a problem solver, not a problem maker.
j. Be open-minded and tolerant.
k. Demonstrate trust.
l. Stay focused.
2. Actions that impede teamwork
M. Differentiate between effective and ineffective leadership styles
and strategies.
1. Authoritative/Autocratic
2. Participatory/Democratic
3. Laissez Faire
As a group, create a PowerPoint training presentation regarding how poor written and/or verbal communication impacts the workplace (training, customer relations, safety, etc.). Present the training session at a CTSO meeting.
Visit the periodical database at Choose an article dealing with improvement strategies for getting along with others (interpersonal relationship skills). Analyze the information that the article is presenting through addressing the questions in Appendix 2.01 (1) – Magazine Article Review.
Visit the periodical database at Choose an article dealing with techniques for improving teamwork. Analyze the information that the article is presenting through addressing the questions in Appendix 2.01 (2) – Magazine Article Review.
As a team, create a script and role-play a workplace situation that shows an individual hearing vs. listening. Role-play the situation again showing an individual actively listening. As a class, discuss the following prompts in response to the role play situation(s):
Compare and contrast hearing and active listening.
What factors affect both hearing and active listening?
Why are both hearing and active listening critical to effective communication?
What are the dangers of hearing without listening?
As a group, develop a script and role-play an employer/employee situation in which an employee must ask for time off, arrives late due to uncontrollable circumstances or makes a mistake, etc. Role-play the situation showing the employer reacting in an angry manner. Role-play the situation again with the employer reacting with empathy. As a class, discuss the following issues:
Which situation is likely to yield the most positive results? Why?
How should the employee respond in both situations?
Does the reaction of the employee impact the employer’s approach? Could bias caused by prior incidences cause the employer to react in a certain way? Why or why not?
Create a poster/collage indicating at least 5 personal characteristics that help individuals work well as team members. Present the poster/collage to the class.
Develop a brochure, video or poster outlining acceptable etiquette standards for:
Introducing co-workers
Professional courtesy
Respecting privacy
Response to constructive criticism
As a group, collect magazine graphics or develop drawings of the “ideal employee” for each of the listed occupations:
Movie star
Truck driver
Computer engineer
Day care worker
Construction worker
Professional athlete
Each group should share their “ideal employee” interpretation as the class rotates through the various occupations. Display the examples by category. As a class, evaluate bias/stereotyping of the ideal employees for each occupation in regards to age, gender, race, and appearance. What trends are obvious? How might these stereotypes impact hiring? How might these stereotypes impact workplace interactions? What are the benefits of being aware of stereotypes?
Assume you are the manager of a business. The following situations require feedback. You are to respond to each of the following using both constructive and destructive feedback.
  • An employee shows up to work 20 minutes late on a regular basis
  • An employee makes a mistake which costs your company hundreds of dollars
Review your responses to the above situations to answer the following questions.
  • What are the differences you see between the two types of feedback?
  • If you were the employee, which type of feedback would you prefer?

Thinking Skills
Prepare a one page essay reflecting about a time when you felt that someone was really listening to you and a time when someone was not listening to you. Describe how you felt in each situation and how you knew whether or not the other person was listening to you.
Complete Appendix 2.01 (3) - Workplace Conduct and Job Success. Read each of the statements about workers’ conduct. If the statement is an example of good conduct, write good in the blank. If the statement is an example of bad conduct, write bad in the blank.
As a team, create a collage contrasting positive and negative body language and facial expressions. Label each illustration as to the message that is being sent? Present your collage to the drama, public speaking and/or communications class. Discuss with the class the importance of gestures, body language and facial expressions in effectively communicating.
Using Appendix 2.01 (4) – Ethical/Unethical Treatment, list at least 3 actions that would be considered unethical and at least 3 ways employees can demonstrate ethical treatment in regards to co-workers, customers, property, community and the environment.
Describe 5 situations in which employees demonstrate ethical behavior on the worksite. Describe 5 situations in which employees demonstrate unethical behavior on the worksite.
Complete Appendix 2.01 (5) – Evaluating Leaders, differentiating between positive and negative qualities of leadership. Then in the chart, name local or national leaders that impress you and explain why. Don’t forget to answer the reflection questions provided.
Read the situations listed in Appendix 2.01 (6) - Ethical/ Unethical Behavior. Decide if you think the situation is ethical or unethical.
Personal Qualities/Responsibility
Complete Appendix 2.01 (7) - Your Diversity Quotient to take a quick look at your global and cultural awareness.
Create respect cards which identify possible employee actions that encourage workplace diversity. Use theserespect cards throughout the schoolas reminders to show respect for each other.
Choose an ethnic group to research. Create a power point presentation or a brochure including the following topics:
  1. Special holidays observed
  2. Traditions
  3. Communication styles
  4. Geographic areas of greatest population
  5. Values
Find things that are common to all people and identify differences that will help to understand and appreciate the cultural diversity of the people around you. Include pictures and graphics relevant to the ethnic group.
Primary Resources
Kimbrell, Grady & Vineyard, Ben S. (2003). Succeeding in the World of Work. (7th Edition). New York,
NY. Glencoe/McGraw Hill. pp. 174-188, 198-208, 237-239, 258-271, 276-286, 296-301, 302-303,
305-308, 324-330.
Bailey, Larry J. (2003). Working, Career Success for the 21st Century. (3rd Edition). Mason, OH.
Thompson/South-Western. pp. 94-97, 99-100, 120-127, 205-219, 253-256.
Littrell, J.J., Lorenz, James H. & Smith, Harry T. (2004). From School to Work. Tinley Park, IL. The
Goodheart-Willcox Company. pp. 45-57, 65-77, 81-105, 182-186, 191, 217, 346-347, 349-350, 362,
365-379, 459-401.
Carter, Carol, Izumo, Gary, Kravits, Sarah L. & Reeves, Diane L. (2001). The Career Tool Kit for High
School Students; Making the Transition from School to Work. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice
Hall. p. 28-41, 88-91, 121-145, 233-234, 236-237, 238-239, 240.
Workbook Resources
Kimbrell, Grady & Vineyard, Ben S. (2003). Succeeding in the World of Work - Student Activity Book
(7th Edition). New York, NY. Glencoe/McGraw Hill. pp. 109-111, 112-116, 139-140.
Bailey, Larry J. (2003). Working, Career Success for the 21st Century - Student Working Papers and
Exploration Package (3rd Edition). Mason, OH. Thompson/South-Western. pp. 86-88, 105-106.
Littrell, J.J., Clasen, Annie H. & Pearson, Peggy. (2004). From School to Work – Student Activity
Guide. Tinley Park, IL. The Goodheart-Willcox Company. pp. 137-140, 141-143.
Web-Site Resources
(Etiquette Rules, Communication Is the Key to Working With Your Boss)
(Teamwork Quotes)
(The Genius of Teamwork)
(Diversity Awareness Information)
(10 Ways to Improve Communication)
(Leadership Skills Link, Problem Solving Link, Communication Skills Link)


Magazine Article Review – Appendix 2.01 (1)

Name: ______Date: ______

Directions: Visit the periodical database at Choose an article dealing with improvement strategies for getting along with others (interpersonal relationship skills). Analyze the information that the article is presenting through addressing the questions below.

Title of magazine: ______

Title of article: ______

Author: ______Date: ______

Write a brief summary of the article below:

List the article’s main ideas as they relate to the improvement of interpersonal relationship skills.




What are two new facts that you learned about improving interpersonal relationship skills?



Who is the author’s intended audience?

What is your opinion of the information presented in the article? How does the information relate to class studies?

Would you recommend the article to someone studying interpersonal relationship skills? Why or why not?

Magazine Article Review – Appendix 2.01 (2)

Name: ______Date: ______

Directions: Visit the periodical database at Choose an article dealing with techniques for improving teamwork. Analyze the information that the article is presenting through addressing the questions below.

Title of magazine: ______

Title of article: ______

Author: ______Date: ______

Write a brief summary of the article below:

List the article’s main ideas as they relate to the improvement of teamwork.




What are two new facts that you learned about improving teamwork?



Who is the author’s intended audience?

What is your opinion of the information presented in the article? How does the information relate to class studies?

Would you recommend the article to someone studying teamwork? Why or why not?

Workplace Conduct and Job Success – Appendix 2.01 (3)

Directions: Read the following statements about workers’ conduct. If the statement is an example of good conduct, write good in the blank. If the statement is an example of bad conduct, write bad in the blank.

______1. They communicate well.

______2. They think only of themselves.

______3. They smile often.

______4. They accept responsibility for their actions.

______5. They blame others for their mistakes.

______6. They don’t respect others’ opinions.

______7. They don’t criticize others.

______8. They very frequently complain.

______9. They try to get along with other people.

______10. They praise the company and their supervisor.

______11. They enjoy working with their coworkers.

______12. They are usually cheerful.

______13. They have negative attitudes most of the time.

______14. They are not willing to try new tasks.

______15. They believe in their ability to succeed.

______16. They are grouchy and irritable.

______17. They are cooperative team members.

Think of a situation in which a coworker showed poor conduct. Describe the situation. Then explain how this person’s conduct could affect his or her job success.

Ethical/Unethical Treatment – Appendix 2.01 (4)

Category / Unethical Treatment / Ethical Treatment
Co-workers / 1.
3. / 1.
Customers / 1.
3. / 1.


/ 1.
3. / 1.
Community / 1.
3. / 1.
Environment / 1.
3. / 1.

Evaluating Leaders – Appendix 2.01 (5)

Read the following list of leadership qualities. If the leadership quality is a positive quality, write P in the blank. If the leadership quality is negative, write N in the blank. Then in the chart below, name local or national leaders that impress you and explain why. Don’t forget to answer the reflection questions.

_____ 1. Set goals that have been expressed by the group.

_____ 2. Is able to delegate responsibility.

_____ 3. Appoints only friends to committees.

_____ 4. Doesn’t listen to the opinions of others.

_____ 5. Gives credit to others for the work they do.

_____ 6. Challenges and encourages others to action.

_____ 7. Works for group success.

_____ 8. Works only for personal success.

_____ 9. Assumes the responsibility for the duties of the office.

_____ 10. Analyzes situations clearly and takes decisive action when needed.

_____ 11. Shows confidence in ability to lead a group.

_____ 12. Is enthusiastic.

_____ 13. Cannot motivate the group.

_____ 14. Has a vision that is important to the organization.

_____ 15. Gets others to do all the work.

Impressive Leaders
Name of Leader: / Key Quality or Ability

What key qualities or abilities do these leaders have in common?

Do you possess any of these qualities or abilities? If so, which ones?

How can you use these qualities of abilities to become a better leader?

Ethical/ Unethical Behavior – Appendix 2.01 (6)

Directions: Read the following situations. Decide if you think the situation is

ethical or unethical. Beside each situation, place either an E (ethical) or U (unethical) to represent your choice and answer the discussion questions.


_____ 1. Stealing from your employer.

_____ 2. Recording inaccurate work hours.

_____ 3. Reporting to work on time.

_____ 4. Taking an extra half hour for lunch.

_____ 5. Finding things to do without being told to do them.

_____ 6. Only accepting business calls while at work.

_____ 7. Answering your cell phone while helping a customer.

_____ 8. Leaving work early without asking your supervisor.

_____ 9. Taking office supplies for personal use at home.

_____ 10. Always reporting safety concerns to the supervisor.

Discussion Questions:

11. How did you decide which situations were ethical and which were

unethical? What were your criteria?

  1. Compare your answers with a classmate. Do any of your responses differ from your classmate’s responses? If so, why might this be so?
  1. Could any of the situations that you identified as unethical be considered ethical under some circumstances? Why or why not?

Your Diversity Quotient – Appendix 2.01 (7)