Future Schools

Dear Parents,

We know how vital having the right schooling is both to a child’s present happiness and their future success. With this in mind, we have already held the Future Schools Fair this term and we are now looking to build on this by setting aside time early in the summer term for parents of children in Year 4 to talk through options for senior schools. We appreciate that things may well change between now and Year 6 but having these initial discussions will help set the ball rolling, with the next ‘marker’ being the parent-teacher meetings towards the end of next term when the next set of exam scores will be available.

For the forthcoming consultations, I will be joined by Mrs Hawkins (Director of Studies and i/c future schooling for the forthcoming year), Miss Watson (Head of Upper Key Stage 2 from September) and the present Year 4 teachers. Whilst this may sound and feel a little ‘heavy’ this should allow for great continuity from this time forward.

Consultations will take place on Thursday 26th April from 2.15pm(this is slightly earlier than advertised in the calendar). Consultations will be no more than 15 mins. Miss Lucas orMiss Baynham will give a very brief résumé of your child’s progress and this will lead nicely into discussion. In order to maximise time, it would be useful to have as much information prior to the meetings as possible(please do not worry if you have not yet considered all options .. this is a means of beginning this process in earnest and not an end).

If you would like to meet on the afternoon / evening of the 26th, I would be very grateful if you could send an email to Mrs Ranger (who will coordinate the timetable for the evening), answering as many of the questions as are relevant to you at this time. The deadline for responses be back to Mrs Ranger is 9am on Wednesday 18th April. Thank you.

Timings: please indicate whether you would prefer a time slot:

2.15 – 3.15pm

3.15 – 4.15pm

4.30 – 5.30pm

5.30 – 6.30pm

(Please note we cannot guarantee the time slot but we shall do our best to accommodate your preference)

Useful information:

Please could you let us know:

-Have you already selected potential schools? If so, which ones

-If not,

  • would you favour single-sex or co-ed?
  • are you looking for a boarding element, potentially?
  • what else are you looking for in the senior school of your choice?

We feel we know your children very well and we shall use this in conjunction with exam and classroom performance data and the information you send to form ideas of schools which may be worth considering, should that be useful.

We recommend that, in the end, you select no more than three schools and that, within that selection, there is a breadth or range which goes from what we might call ‘appropriately ambitious’ to something which we would consider a relatively safe option for entry but which would, all the same, care for and inspire your child in the years to come.

The process hereafter

From here, it is likely that some senior schools would need to be visited, and probably not (only) on an Open Morning.

We have hosted ‘Future Schools’ Fairs and ‘11+’ evenings and these would be valuable events to attend when they recur.

If you have any further questions at this stage, please do bring them to the evenings.

Kind regards,

M L Harrison

Weston Green School Limited, Registered Office: 1Wolsey Road, Hampton Court, East Molesey KT8 9EL Reg No 02642462