茅ヶ崎方式ニュース英語サロン/ニュースOnline英会話 ~Presented by Jバイリンガル

英文読解★時事英会話 【中級】 2017年10~12月期 課題Topic5
News Discussion Topic5【Intermediate】 October-December, 2017

NEWS.com.au Nov.14, 2017 Japanese student sues school after being forced to dye hair

  1. A school in Japan is under fire / for ordering a student to dye her naturally brown hair black / in order to keep attending.
  2. An 18-year-old Japanese student is suing a local government body / after she developed a scalprash and other irritations/ after following directives from her high school to dye her hair.
  3. Japanese schools tend to have strict rules about appearance, / including hair color, make-up and uniforms.
  4. Many forbid students from dyeing or bleaching their hair, / with some insisting on getting proof / that their lighter colored hair was natural
  5. The teenager dyed her hair several times to comply with school rules, / but teachers kept saying her hair was not black enough, / and banned her from class, / the Asahi newspaper said.
  6. The girl has not attended school since September 2016 / and claims that she suffered damage to her scalp from the dyeing process, / local media reported.
  7. She filed a claim in late October, / seeking 2.2 million yen in compensation.
  8. The school reportedly told the girl / that even a “blonde-haired foreign-exchange student would have to dye their hair black” / under school rules.
  9. The student’s mother had informed Kaifukan High School / before the teen started attending / that her hair was naturally brown, / but teachers ordered the student to dye it black, / according to documents the plaintiff submitted in court, / the Japan Times reports.
  10. Ironically, the school also has a policy / that prohibits students from dyeing their hair any other color than black.
  11. Critics of the school say / the claim confronted outdated thinking in Japan, / and as more students in Japanese schools come from diverse backgrounds, / rules regulating the “natural appearance” could be seen as discriminatory.
  12. Online, the student had plenty of support, / including from high profile Filipino-Japanese actor and singer Sayaka Akimoto. / Akimoto, a former member of Japanese girl group AKB48, / revealed she did not have naturally black hair, / and had dyed it at school. /
  13. Her father had defended her, she said, / telling her school their policy was “ridiculous”.“Rules are important,” she said. / “But there must be many other things that are more important.”
  14. The Osaka prefectural government, / which runs Kaifukan High School, / has asked the court to throw out the claim.

【単語と語句】scalp(名)頭皮 rash(名)発疹 irritation(名)炎症 directive(名)命令

–Questions for Discussion –

  1. Would you give us a brief outline of this article?
  2. What do you think of the school’s policy of ordering a student to dye her naturally brown hair black?
  3. Is the girl student right to sue the local government?
  4. Should all school students wear tidy uniforms and hair styles?
  5. Would a blonde-haired foreign-exchange student have to dye their hair black?
  6. Could rules regulating the “natural appearance” be seen as discriminatory?
  7. What do you most agree or disagree with in this article?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this topic?

【参考】東洋経済 2017年11月17日









【Review Questions from Topic4】Gurriel booed by L.A. fans over racist gesture

  1. Would you give us a brief outline of this article?
  2. What’s your impression of Gurriel’s racially insensitive gesture toward Darvish?
  3. Was Gurriel deserved to be booed by Dodgers fans?
  4. What do you think of Darvish’s reaction to this incident?
  5. Is Gurriel's suspension for the first five games next season appropriate?
  6. What would you want to tell Gurriel if you met him?
  7. What do you most agree or disagree with in this article?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this topic?

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