Sports Day

Weather permitting we hope to have our Sports Day for years 1 to 4 on Monday 18 July at 1.30pm.

Eco Council – Great News

Yesterday we had our visit from the external assessor to evaluate our work in and around school on environmental issues. As part of the assessment there were meetings with myself, Mrs Ramsay, a governor and the Eco Council. I am delighted to announce that we have retained our Green Flag status (the highest level) for the third consecutive time. The award is valid for 2 years. Well done to the whole school community and Mrs Ramsay and the Eco Council in particular.

Thank you to the members of the Eco Council who have done an outstanding job this year.

( Callum Baker, Taylor Atkinson, Joanna Kinniburgh, Alisha Sokhi, Amelia Atkinson, Macey Lee, Uswah Raj, Charles Fox, Luke Mills and Brooke Donaldson)

Sainsbury’s School Games Award

This week we have also been assessed for The School Games Mark and achieved Silver status, only narrowly missing out on gold. The award recognises our commitment to developing sport within school and the wide range of opportunities that we offer. Over the coming year we are determined to go for gold!

Badminton victory – we retain the title!

Well done to our year 4 badminton team who played in the Ponteland Schools Badminton Challenge last Monday. They played magnificently and retained the title for the school for the 3rd year in a row.

Thank you to Phil Hall who coaches our children so well to ensure a confident victory each year. Many former pupils are now playing for the county team in the older age groups which is something that you can all aspire to and we are very proud of!

Our year 4 winning team was Arslan Hussain, Nathan Kapoor, Ben Mandle, Maici Burns, Lucas Young, Edward Mills, Daniel Robson, Lucy Dodd, Robbie Kinniburgh and Mark Alexandrov.

Ice Skating Success

Congratulations to year 2’s Nina Alexandrov who competed in The Coventry Open ice skating competition earlier this month and was 3rd overall beating ice skaters from all over the country. This is an amazing achievement which we know is so well deserved as Nina skates to such a high standard. I am sure that she is a future winter Olympian.

Dragons’ Den Winners

Our Dragons Den entries were of such a high standard that we awarded a winner from each class rather than each year group! The winners were Oceann , Isa, William, Inaaya, Daisy, Jeevan, Isla, Sophie, Luke and Isi. Each winner received a £10 cinema voucher. Further details of the winning entries are on the school website in the Wow section.

Reading Challenge

The winners of our Reading Challenge to win a Kindle were drawn this morning. It was great to see that so many pupils were eligible for the draw. The winners were drawn at the end of our carnival and were coincidently all boys! Congratulations to Ben Mandle from year 4, Owen Freer from year 3, Antal Trevarrow from year 2 and Charlie Allan from year 1 who each won a Kindle.

Keep reading over the summer everyone!

Great North Snowdog

We have been involved in a Wild In Art project in support of St Oswald’s Hospice this week. We have decorated a Snowdog sculpture which will be part of an art trail around the north east. Our dog has been named Rio and is decorated in a carnival theme to represent the Olympics in Rio this summer. We

hope to bring you further news of where it will be on display in the autumn term.

Arts Week

We have had a very busy Arts Week around our Olympic theme. We have all enjoyed theatre company visits, and particularly the Theatres Sans Frontiers, which tested our knowledge and understanding of French as the whole production was in French!

Lunchtime supervisors

We have appointed 3 new lunchtime supervisors who will join our team in September. They will be a very welcome addition to our team.

Monday morning – move on up.

On Monday morning the children will spend part of the morning in their new classroom with their new teacher to get them ready for the year ahead.

Have a great summer……..

Thank you to everyone who has supported the school in so many ways this year from volunteering in the classroom, accompanying school trips and supporting events. Your continuing support is much appreciated and is so important to all of us as it is what makes this school a special place to be.

For those children and families who are not returning to us we wish you well in the future.

I hope that all of our children and their families enjoy a well- earned break this summer and see a little sunshine somewhere! We will all return refreshed for September. Enjoy the break!

Dates for your diary in Summer Term 2016

Monday 18 JulyAm - Move up to new class

1.30pm - Sports Day ( Years 1 to 4)

Wednesday 20 July9.15am – Year 4 Leavers Assembly

1.30pm - End of term

Please note school closes at 1.30pm on the last day of term.

Wednesday 7 September Autumn Term begins

The above dates are those envisaged by the school and may be subject to change

L Blain

Head Teacher

15 July 2016