St. Mary’s CE Primary School (Reddish)



Meeting date: Thursday 12thJune 2014

Time: 6.30pm

Venue:The School


Miss E Small (Chairperson), Mrs E Irvin (Headteacher), Miss J Walsh, Mrs T Brennan, Mrs N Gilburt, Mr G Phillips, Mrs. J Grundy, Mr G Dixon, Miss A Smith, Mrs B Hargreaves, Mrs E Splawnyk, Mrs L Appleton .


Ms S HadfieldAssociate Member

Ms R GrantAssociate Member

Mr L MoranDeputy Headteacher

Mrs R HodgsonGovernor Support Officer


It was noted that Mrs A Graham, was not present. The Clerk undertook to contact her.



Governors were asked to declare any personal interest in any agenda items.

There were no declarations of interest.


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th February 2014, copies circulated previously, be approved by the Chairperson and authorised for publication.


The actions raised at the summer term meeting were duly reviewed as follows:

Governors asked about the progress of performance management for Learning Support Assistants. The Deputy Head replied that targets had been set and all LSAs observed. Each LSA had 2 targets based on Standards (around reading, writing and maths) and a personal development target. Have you been able to identify any training needs from this process? The Headteacher reported there was a new learning mentor who would need training.

What is happening about Link Governor meetings? The Headteacher asked if governors would like staff to make contact? Governors confirmed that they would.

The Headteacher reported that the School Council Books, which were available to view at the meeting, were always available to view at the front of school and had proved very popular amongst children and visitors to school. The School Council Action Plans are evaluated and written termly with more information on the website.

The Clerk reported that the Labour Party was now looking for a replacement for Councillor Verdeille. A vacancy had been reported to the Area Committee Meeting.

The Clerk undertook to contact Paul Jepson, of Signpost for Carers, to invite him to a future meeting, once dates for the coming year had been set.


The Clerk undertook to circulate the updated membership list.


The Headteacher informed the meeting that the Governing Body Visits Guidance had been discussed at a staff meeting. It would be personalised and presented at the next Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting.


The Chair invited questions on other matters arising. The Head explained that once the minutes were approved they were made available to the public via the website and copies were available to read in school. Is there a rolling programme to remove old minutes from the website?

Not currently, as there were only 2 years of minutes on the website.

There were no other matters arising.


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the following meetings:

  • Teaching and Learning Committee – 11th March 2014
  • Resources Committee – 18th March 2014

copies circulated previously, be approved by the Chairperson and authorised for publication;


The Headteacher reported that the Sports Funding Plan which had initially been for 1 year had now been amended to 2 years taking the plan to 2015. This would be presented at the next Resources Committee.

Similarly, the Forest School would be discussed at the next Teaching and Learning Committee.

The meeting was told that Mrs Moran, who leads on the project, had funded the course herself. School was supporting her with release time. Was there scope to expand this to all year groups? Years 2, 3 and 4 currently access the Forest School. Finances would be the major factor for considering further expansion. How many SEN children are involved?All SEN children in the mentioned cohorts are involved and the Head would find out how many attend the after school club by looking at the registers. Governors would be interested to know how additional needs are provided for in this setting. Is it the most popular club? There was a huge uptake at different times. Could it be broadened? Health and safety issues needed to be considered and this was the main consideration with numbers. The Deputy Head reported that the impact was lost in larger groups.Pupils were still involved in Forest School learning in their classes if they were unable to go the Forest After School Club. Is it linked to the nursery curriculum? Governors were informed that Mrs Moran and Mrs Warburton had written and personalised the scheme for the school.

How is the E-Safety mark progressing? Staff were pleased to report it was 89%complete. The Safety Committee, which involved pupils in making policy, e.g. sanctions and rules for the use of IPads, had been very engaging. Will it be finished this year? No, there needed to be a few meetings to embed it and feel confident with it. It was advised that it should take 18 months to 2 years to complete to ensure it becomes part of practice.

There were no other matters arising.


The Headteacher’s report had been circulated to Governors and questions from Governors had been invited. Should we be expecting more pupils to be on track to achieve Level 3 by end of KS1in Year 1 (Orange Class)? The Head reassured governors that by tracking the pupils on a termly basis, pupils could be identified and intervention employed before the next set of data was reported. There should therefore be termly improvements. Less experienced class teachers were supported by a mentor.

Governors were pleased with the number of pupils expected to make 4pts progress in Year 2 (Yellow Class).

One governor reported that she had struggled with the terminology when comparing it to the data from spring term. The Head explained that it was difficult to understand because data analysis shows a child’s age related attainmentand achievement. Could we change the format to make the data easier to understand? The Head replied that it was very complex to report but 3 things were measured: what the pupil had achieved, what theywere expected to achieve and if they were exceeding that expectation.

Has the data in Year 4 been fluctuating? The process was in place to get pupils back on track. There would be a period of assessment, a progress meeting and further work this term so that next term an improvement should be seen.

Governors were pleased with the data, especially Year 3 (Green Class) and Year 6 (Violet Class) The Head remarked that this proved that the early identification and intervention was having an impact. The Head asked if any staff wanted to comment on the data. The Year 4 teacher welcomed a discussion with the Chair of Governors to discuss the Year 4 data at a later date.

Staff commented on the percentage of pupils expected to achieve Level 5 in Year 3 (Green Class). The Head pointed out that it was pupils with the potential to reach Level 5 and actual results may change. Governors acknowledged that data fluctuated because of the changing numbers of pupils.

How is Level 6 booster work progressing? Staff reported there were few level 6 tests available to give the pupils. Pupils have been challenged with Level 6 but were not expected to achieve it. The hope was to strengthen them to a 5a. However, some were close to achieving it. The objective had been to encourage pupils to realise that learning never stops. The meeting was told that pupils had risen to the challenge and worked very hard. Governors liked the change in culture, encouraging pupils to take a risk and stretch themselves.

How do you ensure supply teachers keep the high standard of teaching in the classroom?If possible, school employed the same teachers from the agency. If a supply teacher is thought to be unsuitable they would not be invited back. An addition, staff reported that teachers planned the lessons for the day and LSAs could report back if they thought it to be an ineffective learning.

Governors asked what the acronyms AA, A and BA stood for? Above average, average and below average.

Questions were invited. The Headteacher wished to draw governors’ attention to the extensive list of opportunities for parental involvement. She reported that school had made a proactive and conscientious effort to make a real improvement and create a partnership with parents. A governor who had experience of other governing bodies recognised the effort involved and the improvement. The Head wished to thank all her staff, not just teachers, for their efforts in creating the partnership.

The Head was happy to report that after a rigorous interview process, Mrs Grant had been appointed as Assistant Headteacher. Ms Lewis, an LSA, was leaving to train to be a teacher. Governors were pleased she had been encouraged in her personal development.

Governors were alerted to a change of date for their diaries. The performance of Hoodwinked on 16.7.14 had been changed to 6pm. A discussion ensued about how the pupils themselves chose this as their performance. Governors were reminded that there was an open invitation to any school event. The Chair expressed an interest in attending the NSPCC Assembly.

The Headteacher remarked that attendance had improved with only 2 children with less than 90% attendance.

Are you concerned about the number of physical interventions? No, in that staff were trained in Team Teach. Staff reported that intervention was the last resort. It would only be used after attempts to de-escalate the crisis had failed and only used to keep the child and other children safe. Governors observed that there was one less intervention this term than last. What is meant by physical intervention? The Head explained that it was when a child had to physically be removed from a space if there was risk of harm. All teachers had Team Teach training and Team Teach Top-up because of the number of interventions.

Governors asked about the SEN offer. The Head reported that the school had not yet decided what their offer would be but would be interested to hear the views of governors.

The Headteacher was thanked for her report and there not being any further questions it was RESOLVED that the Headteacher’s report be received.


(i)Appraisal Update (Head and Staff)

It was reported that the Head had had a mid-year appraisal; teachers had also been appraised.

The Chair informed governors that the school had been reclassified as a Group 2 school, based on the number of pupils.

(ii)Report on Physical Interventions (Spring Term 2014)

This was covered in the Headteacher’s report.

(iii)Stage on the LA School Protocol – School Improvement Adviser Annual Report

Copies of the report were circulated for information and Governors were reminded that the document remained confidential. The school was rated Amber.


The Headteacher reported that there had been no racist incidents during the spring term; the Clerk provided a nil return form, which was completed and signed by the Headteacher and Chairperson. The Clerk then undertook to return the form to the appropriate section within Services to People at the LA.


(i)Budget Update

A document was circulated to governors outlining the updated paperwork.

(ii)Approval of the 2014/2015 Budget

The budget would be discussed in greater detail at the Resources Committee meeting on 8th July 2014.

(iii)School Fund Audit Arrangements

It was reported that the school would be arranging the annual school fund audit during Autumn term 2014.

(iv)Scheme of Delegation Form 2014/2015

Governors learnt there had been no changes made to the current year as it had fallen in line with LA requirements


(i)To Consider the Development Needs of the Governing Body

Governors were reminded of the Governing Body Development Plan and informed that Paul Garrett had advised Chair that any training to modify/enhance Governor section on VLE would be best in next academic year as VLE was undergoing system changes.

(ii)Feedback from Governor Conference and Training Courses attended

Two governors had attended the LA’s New Governor Training. Both returned with the feeling that this governing body was strong, individuals were able to contribute and as a result, able to make an impact.

One governor had tried to complete an online module on the FFT Data Dashboard but had experienced access issues. The clerk undertook to investigate this.


The Chair reported back on the courses she had attended: Governor Live, Headteacher Performance Management Training and Health and Safety Training, the latter she had attended with Mr Moran. A discussion ensued about how to cascade that learning into the culture of the school to empower pupils and parents.

Mrs N Gilburt left the meeting at 20:04.

The Chair and Headteacher had also attended the GOVAS Conference.

Mrs N Gilburt returned to the meeting at 20:06.

(iii)Reconstitution of Governing Bodies

The Chair referred to a charter she had previously sent out to governors and emphasised the increased expectation and accountability of governing bodies by OFSTED. Governors were asked to consider it and bring it back to the first full governing body meeting in the autumn term.


The Chair invited the clerk to explain about reconstituting the governing body. Governors learnt that all governing bodies would have to reconstitute by September 2015. Governors were advised to think about the skills and attributes the governing body required and to use this as a starting point. New regulations stated that a minimum of 7 governors were needed and must include:

  • at least 2 parent governors
  • the Headteacher
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 local authority governor

The governing body could appoint as many co-opted governors as was needed. Reconstitution must be agreed and minuted at a Full Governing Body meeting.

A presentation was given by the Chair, outlining her proposal and timeframe for the reconstitution of the governing body. A full and frank discussion ensued. Concern was raised about the timeframe. The Chair raised the point that terms of office for two parent governors and a staff governor were due to end. Should reconstitution come in on the 1st September 2014, there would be no need to hold elections for these posts. Would everyone’s term of office have to start again in September? The clerk confirmed that where a category of governorship remains unchanged, so does the term of office. Re-categorised governors would start a new term.

The Chair highlighted the fact that the newly proposed governing body of 13 ensured that there was a role for all current members of the governing body. A lengthy discussion ensued about the different categories of governor and how the Chair had decided upon the make-up of the proposed governing body.

The Clerk reminded governors that the deadline for reconstitution was September 2015.

At this point Mrs N Gilburt (parent governor) declared that she would not be standing for re-election in September. She had loved her time as a governor and working with her fellow governors but could no longer commit the time needed to be a governor.

Mrs E Splawnyk left the meeting at 20.30.

The Headteacher thanked Mrs Gilburt for her commitment to the school.

Mr G Phillips (parent governor) declared his intention to stand again in September. Miss A Smith (staff governor) confirmed she would not be standing for re-election in September.

Governors discussed at length how current governors could be re-categorised and indeed whether it was possible to do this. The clerk was unsure of how to advise governors and informed the meeting she would prefer to refer their questions to a Senior Governor Support Officer.

A governor reminded the meeting of the importance of recruiting governors who understood and cared for the school and its pupils.

The Chair asked governors if they were in favour of reconstituting by the 1st September 2014 with the proposed make-up. After deliberation, governors voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.

The Chair kindly requested that governors let her know their intentions by the next Teaching and Learning Committee.

The Headteacher raised concerns that the implications of the changes were not fully understood. The Clerk also reminded the meeting that many of their questions remained unanswered and would have to be referred to a Senior Governor Support Officer. The Head wanted clarification that a position was available for all current governors who wished to stay on the governing body.