School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting Minutes: May 20, 2014

The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) met on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at Guerra Development Center, 1930 Herbert Lane.

The meeting was called to order at 9:09am by Norma Haro, Chairperson for SHAC. Ms. Haro welcomed all members and guests of the SHAC, as did Michele Flores, Director of Health Services. Mike Espinoza, Corresponding Secretary, carried out the roll call.

The minutes from the SHAC meeting on 3/18/2014 were read by Norma Haro. No corrections were made. First and second motions were made (Ms. Contreras, Ms. Villarreal) to approve the minutes.

Report of Officers:


Committee Report:

The Bylaws Committee Report was given by Ms. Haro. The proposed SHAC Bylaws were sent to the District’s Legal Department in March for review. Ms. Flores has received the document and several suggestions have been made. The SHAC Executive Committee would like to call a special meeting on Thursday, June 5th to review the document and vote on it. The goal is to present the new Bylaws to the School Board for their approval during the summer.

Guest Speaker

Mario Martinez, Project Director for Project WORTH, San Antonio Metro Health. Mr. Martinez presented preliminary data to the SHAC on one of the new sex education curriculum used at the high school level,- Reduce the Risk (RTR). Over this past year, RTR was implemented in 6 classes: 507 students had a valid permission slip to participate, 373 of those actually participated and finished for a completion rate of 74%. It’s Your Game (IYG) is another curriculum that was implemented at the middle school level this year; data is not yet available, but Mr. Martinez can return in the fall to present data at that time. He congratulated the Edgewood ISD because it is the only school district in San Antonio offering evidence-based, medically accurate sex education at both the middle and high school levels. He also introduced a new campaign at Metro Health called DREAM SA – it’s a teen pregnancy prevention campaign that encourages youth to achieve dreams and goals before becoming parents. Once he has more information, he will bring materials to the SHAC.

Old and Unfinished Business:

  • SHAC Training. This training took place on April 29th and 9 SHAC members were present. The facilitators were from Austin (ACTIVE Life and Action for Healthy Kids) and they shared a wealth of knowledge on SHAC and explained the role of SHAC members.
  • SHAC Brochure. Ms. Flores pointed out that membership has already approved the use of this brochure.

New Business:

  • School-Based Health Clinic (SBHC). The district is exploring the possibility of establishing a SBHC, location undetermined. Health related services would be offered to EISD students and their siblings. Forms of payment would include Medicaid, CHIP, and sliding scale fee for services. This topic will be further discussed when the District has more details.
  • SHAC Meetings, 2014-2015. Dates were presented and approved: September 16, 2014, December 9, 2014, March 17, 2015, and May 12, 2015. Motions came from Ms. Contreras and Ms. Casares.
  • Elections. Norma Haro carried out nominations and elections for SHAC Officers for the 2014-2015 school year. Positions filled by voice vote included: Chair: Irene Villarreal and Corresponding Secretary: Mike Espinoza. Positions left vacant included: Chair-Elect and Secretary. These positions will try to be filled at the September meeting.


The SHAC thanks the following departments for attending the meeting and giving presentations highlighting some of the activities/things that have taken place this school year:

-Police Department, Chief Jacobs

-Parental Involvement, Ms. Bombella

-Student Support Services, Ms. Garcia

-Parenting/Homeless Programs, Ms. Herrera

-Risk Management, Ms. Paine

-Health Services, Ms. Flores

There will be a SHAC special meeting on Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 9:00am at Guerra. The agenda item will be to review the newly proposed SHAC Bylaws.

First and second motions were made to adjourn the meeting (Ms. Contreras, Mr. Espinoza). The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 am.

Submitted by: Mike Espinoza, appointed secretary for 5/20/14 meeting