BIOL 1407 Lab Manual for Maxim & Speer

Student Laboratory Manual

Biology 1407 Austin Community College


This manual is intended to be primarily an electronic document available on-line. It should be viewed and printed as needed by individual students. Its production has been supported by Austin Community College and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Our approach in this manual is different from most traditional manuals. We assume that students will work in small groups (“teams”) rather than individually. We expect sharing and pooling of data both within a group and among groups, not individual reports of measurements. Tasks are not presented as techniques to be demonstrated (like recipes to be followed) but rather as group projects to be executed and communicated (like banquets to be served and eaten).

Since Biology 1407 has an extremely challenging prerequisite (Biology 1406), we want this course to reinforce, expand and practice skills already present in students’ intellectual toolboxes. Students are expected to “bring to the table” all these skills: basic use of light microscope including quantitative measurements, micro-liter scale volumetric measurements, preparation of chemical solutions and quantitative dilution techniques, usage of electronic spreadsheets, basic graphing and data analysis (including linear regression). Various places in this manual refer students to their Biology 1406 laboratory manual for review. (That manual, like this one, is available on-line.)

We also assume that (modest) modern computer-based tools will be available in labs. These tools include: computers with word processing and spreadsheet software, live internet connections at high speed, microscopes with digital photo microscopy. Our students should learn to think of these as fundamental tools in biological research.

Each exercise is presented in three parts. Part 1 is a very brief introduction to the exercise. Part 2 is a series of things to complete on line before class meeting, which includes taking a pre-lab quiz on Blackboard. Part 3 presents a series of tasks to complete during the lab period and cleanup instructions.

The instructions are generally not detailed because student teams need to learn to direct their own work. Student teams should learn to organize their work, execute it, and then communicate it. Students are expected to develop intellectual independence of their instructor and instructors are urged to wean students from “hand holding” with regard to directions. Students should learn to “make it happen”, not simply to follow step-by-step instructions. Of course, procedures involved in "making it happen" must be subject to scrutiny (preferably of colleagues) and reported accurately.

We have attempted to provide, when appropriate, local relevance for these labs by choosing example organisms that occur in Texas and that, in some cases, have economic importance in our state.

One project will require multiple weeks to complete. In doing this, students will be exposed to time frames for data acquisition that are longer than a few hours and to illustrate biological phenomena that unfold more slowly than typical lab exercises permit.

Another inclusion in this manual is phenomena of populations. While traditional lab manuals for such courses focus on individuals, we attempt here to direct students’ descriptions and examinations to populations of individuals.

We hope that ACC students will use this biology class as a vehicle for bringing multiple technological abilities (photography, calculations, information acquisition, cell phone use, etc) to bear on biological challenges. We want society’s convergence of technologies to accelerate in our classroom and we expect our students to lead society in this endeavor.

Table of Contents

Lab 1 Safety Training and Equipment Orientation 4

Lab 2 The Art of Making Scientific Observations 6

Set up Tenebrio Experiments

Lab 3 Concepts of Relatedness 10

Preparation for Prokaryote Lab

Lab 4 Prokaryotes 15

Lab 5 Protists 19

Lab 6 Mosses, Ferns and Lycopods 21

Lab 7 Conifers and Flowering Plants 24

Lab 8 Flowering Plant Anatomy 28

Lab 9 Fungi 30

Lab 10 Sponges, Cnidarians and Platyhelminths 32

Lab 11 Mollusks and Annelids 36

Lab 12 Arthropods 40

Lab 13 Chordates 43

Lab 14 Chemical Signals 49

Conclude Experiments on Tenebrio

Lab 15 Electrical Signals and Nervous Systems 52

BIOL 1407 Appendices for Laboratory Projects

Appendix 1 Illustrating Biological Material 61

Appendix 2 Maintaining Laboratory Notebooks and Related Records 65

Appendix 3 Using “Prepared” Slides 66

Appendix 4 Reading a Vernier Scale 68

Appendix 5 Constructing Graphic Displays of Data 69

Appendix 6 Using ACC’s “Blackboard” Program 75

Appendix 7 Measuring an Area of Irregular Shape 76

Lab 1: Safety Training and Equipment Orientation

I.  Brief Background

Modern biological research almost always requires teams of scientists to work together while sharing both facilities and information. Without delay, you need to form a lab “team”, learn our school’s standard practices (protocols) and establish effective communications.

II. Pre-lab assignment

1. Review the following materials from Biol 1406 labs:

Use of light microscope

Keeping a lab notebook

2. Review the following appendices to this lab manual:

Appendix 1 Illustrating Biological Material

Appendix 2 Maintaining Laboratory Notebooks and Related Records

Appendix 3 Using “Prepared” Slides

Appendix 4 Reading a Vernier Scale

Appendix 5 Constructing Graphic Displays of Data

Appendix 6 Using ACC’s “Blackboard” program

3. After studying relevant material in your textbook and other information sources, visit the “Blackboard” site for your class and complete this lab’s pre-lab quiz according to your instructor’s directions.

III.  Student Tasks

1. Participate in ACC safety training and sign official roster of persons allowed to perform laboratory work in your lab room.

2. Get a "Student Skills Form" from your instructor. Fill it out. Mingle with the other students until you have found a group of people that you think you can work with and who have different skill groups. Assemble your lab “team”. In general, it will be useful to have team members with differing sets of skills.

3. Once your team is formed, come up with a team name. Tell your instructor the names of all team members and the team name. Your instructor will set up a group for you on Blackboard for file exchanges and intra-team communication.

4. All team members should demonstrate to their entire team that they have competence in the techniques listed below. Most students will be more comfortable with some techniques than others, but mutual instruction and coaching is expected until all have competence in every technique.

Today’s exercise should be a review of most these materials, but some parts are likely to be unfamiliar. Lab teams need to work together to establish confidence in all team members’ competences. During today's lab, all students are expected to use all the following equipment, techniques and software.

1. General use of compound microscope. Get a prepared slide and show your ability to properly focus, adjust lighting, use mechanical stage, change magnification, and determine total magnification.

2. General use of dissecting microscope. Get a prepared slide of a fluke and a shell from your instructor. Demonstrate your ability to properly focus, set lighting appropriate to the specimen, and determine total magnification.

3. General use of digital camera to make photographs. Have all team members take photographs of prepared slides using both compound and dissecting microscopes. Take photographs of the shell and other large objects.

4. Get an object from your instructor. Demonstrate that all team members can use the Vernier scale to accurately measure the dimensions of the object.

5. Upload photographs to group file exchange in Blackboard

6. General use of desktop computer with internet connection

7. General use and access to Blackboard classroom software

8. Cleanup your lab space.

Lab 2: The Art of Making Scientific Observations

I.  Brief Background

Making observations is an essential part of a scientist's work. Some branches of science rely heavily, if not exclusively, on observation. Just think about astronomy, for example. For experiments and experimental work, observations play a role in the background work that leads to research questions, developing hypotheses, and designing experiments. Data collection relies on good observations. The goal in this lab is to learn to how to make good observations, to consider population characteristics instead of individual, and to use simple descriptive statistics to summarize your observational data.

II. Pre-lab assignment

1. Review scientific inquiry in the textbook, Chapter 1, pages 18-24.

2. Review the following materials from BIOL 1406 labs:

Collection and Analysis of Data

Use of Excel

Mean and Standard Deviation

Graphing Data

3. Review the following appendices to this lab manual:

Appendix 1 Illustrating Biological Material

Appendix 2 Maintaining Laboratory Notebooks and Related Records

Appendix 4 Reading a Vernier Scale

Appendix 5 Constructing Graphic Displays of Data

Appendix 6 Using ACC’s “Blackboard” program

4. After studying relevant material in your textbook and other information sources, visit the “Blackboard” site for your class and complete this lab’s pre-lab quiz according to your instructor’s directions.

III.  Student Tasks

Task 1: Tenebrio Experiment

Your group needs to set up a Tenebrio experiment that you will be following for several months. After today, you will need to collect data during each lab for the rest of the semester.

You will need the following materials:

Habitat container

Oat or wheat bran

Cut up potatoes

8-10 Tenebrio larvae



Weigh boats

Sketching materials

Digital camera and accessories

Your group needs to complete the following tasks.

1. Set up the habitats.

2. Collect your larvae from the master culture.

3. For each larva, collect the following data:

· length, using calipers gently

· weight, using the electronic balance and weigh boats

· written observations

4. Document with photographs.

5. Record the data in an Excel spreadsheet. Set up your spreadsheet so you can continue to add data each week. Keep in mind that you will not be able to keep track of each individual from week to week. Larva #1 from this week will not be the same individual as Larva #1 next week.

You will need a separate data table for each week. You can either keep adding sheets to your spreadsheet, using a different sheet for each week. Or, you can construct a separate data table for each week within the same sheet.

By the end of the experiment, you will have descriptive statistics for each week. At the end, you can put the descriptive statistics for each week into one data table and graph changes in the variables over time.

6. You might want to start searching for information about Tenebrio on the web or library. Some suggestions: life cycle, natural habitats, Youtube videos.

Task 2: Making Observations

Your group will be looking at two different types of shells. You will need the following materials:

A package of each type of shell



Weigh boats

Sketching materials

Laptop computer

Digital camera and accessories

Your group needs to complete the following tasks:

1. For each shell type, make a sketch of a representative specimen and make written observations. A sketch should have the name of the artist and the date. Sketches should also include scale. Handwritten observations should also include information on name and date.

2. Take a representative specimen of each shell and examine them with the dissecting microscope. Make sketches and take photographs of each through the microscope. (Note: be sure and record TM for all photographs and sketches made with microscope.)

3. For each shell type, line up the shells and take a picture of the group.

4. Make written observations of the shells. Summarize the variation within each type of shell. Compare the two species (shell types) by looking at similarities and differences.

5. Set up an Excel spreadsheet for each shell type to record this data:

· shell length

· shell width

· shell weight

6. For each type of shell, take a photo of one shell and show with labels how you measured length and width.

Note: you can use your own Photoshop software, the drawing tools in any Microsoft Office product (such as Word or Powerpoint), Paint or any other software that you have access to. However, check to make sure that your file will open up in Microsoft Office 2003 when it is posted to Blackboard.

7. Collect all data for each shell in your two packages and record in data tables.

8. For each shell type, calculate descriptive statistics for each measurement:

· average (mean)

· standard deviation

· range

9. For each shell type, make these graphs in Excel:

· scatter plot of length vs. width (Note: length is x axis)

· histogram of shell length (Note: continuous variables; bars touch)

· histogram of shell width

· histogram of shell weight

10. Upload your preliminary materials (observations, sketches, photographs, data tables, spreadsheets, graphs) into Blackboard file exchange for your group before lab is over. For sketches and handwritten observations, you can either scan the material or take a photograph. Every member of your group will then have access to the information to use in preparing their individual electronic lab notebook entries.

Clean up procedures for this lab: Put the shells back into their respective bags. Put all materials and equipment back where you found it.

Lab 3: Concepts of Relatedness

Preparation for Lab 4

I.  Brief Background

To say that organisms or groups of organisms are “related” has meant different things in the history of biology and still can mean different things in different contexts today. In this exercise, students are to explore what “being related” means in two different contexts: anatomical similarity and protein amino acid sequence similarity. (What obvious potential point of comparison are we ignoring here?)

II.  Pre-lab assignment

1. Students need to be aware of “FASTA” format for amino acid and nucleotide sequences. Visit an online encyclopedia for a brief introduction.

2. Students need to be aware of the ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB). Visit and note its search engine near the top of its homepage. One can enter both protein names and generic epithets to search for a protein’s report within a genus. Complete protein names and binomials sometimes score a hit, too.