RFP #16-1147-2CS


Extended Day and Summer Academic Learning Program



Questions & Answers

March 23, 2016

Q1.What information will need to be provided on sub-contractors that will be utilized in the contract if applicable?

A1.Refer to Section VI. S. of the RFP. TheSuccessful Offerorisresponsible for having their subcontractor(s) comply with Attachment E of the RFP.

Q2.Is the Summer Academy operating on the same days and times?

A2.To take advantage of the bus transportation for students, the Summer Academic Learning Programmust operate on the same schedule as the College Readiness program at Wilder Middle School. Dates and times are Monday through Thursday, 7:30a.m. – 1:30p.m. Transportation for students will not be available during the summer if operating at times other than 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Q3.Will Wi-Fi be available at Wilder?


Q4.Will students have access to laptops or other computers during the summer?

A4.No. Student laptops are turned in at the end of the school year.

Q5.Will students have access to laptops or other computers during the normal school year?

A5.Yes. HCPS provides a laptop to every middle and high school student during the school year.

Q6.Is student access to laptops 1 to 1?

A6.Yes. HCPS provides a laptop to each middle and high school student.

Q7.Can you provide information on what spaces will be available for use by the Successful Offeror?

A7.Classrooms, multipurpose room, and cafeteria will be accessible to the Successful Offeror. Notify HCPS ofyour space requirements for the Program and HCPSwill try to accommodate.

Q8.Please explain if HCPS will be providing all bus transportation and drivers?

A8.HCPS will provide bus transportation and drivers for the Program.

Q9.Is there any limit to the number of field trips that can be scheduled?

A9.There is not a limit to the number of field trips but each field trip must be approved by the school principal and go through the field trip approval process. The student permission forms must be completed.

Q10.Will there be other summer feeding programs that can share resources?

A10.The Successful Offeror will be responsible for feeding the students participating in this Program. There may be resources that can assist with feeding the students (i.e. FeedMore). The Successful Offeror should contract directly with these providers.

Q11.Are there any specific demographics that HCPS is looking to target to participate in the program?

A11.No. Our primary focus is student academic performance.

Q12.Will special needs students be enrolled in one or both programs?

A12.Not at this time.

Q13.Can you please provide information on any support services that can be offered at Wilder?

A13.Other program offerings currently available to the Successful Offeror include Wilder’s Community Garden program and The Henrico Education Foundation’s Go for the Goal Mentoring program. The Successful Offeror is welcome to incorporate any of these programs into their schedule or other onsite programs as they are implemented after-school at Wilder.

Q14.What resources are available to the Successful Offeror to use to market the program to student’s parents?

A14.Information can be posted on the Wilder Middle School website. Information for student participants may be sent in Wilder’s Tuesday packets or emailed to parents once the students are enrolled. Students will be recruited for participation in the program. Letters will be sent to students identified for participation. The Successful Offeror may collect contact information on participants once they are enrolled.

Q15.Please explain the 70 slots and how they will be filled/re-filled.

A15.Students will be recruited for the program with the assistance of HCPS. Student participation will be based on academic need and SOL scores. The Successful Offeror will work with the Coordinator of Assessment and Remediation (CAR) at Wilder Middle School to identify the best candidates for the program.

Q16.Are there any metrics; not grading, that can be used to analyze attendance expectations?

A16.The Successful Offerormay use multiple measures and metrics in the evaluation and reporting of the program; however, academic performance must be one of the primary metrics.

Q17.Is there one specific metric that you want the Successful Offeror to focus on?

A17.Academics and mentoring should be the primary focus. The specific academic needs for each student will be identified by the CAR during the recruitment for the program.

Q18.Do you have any age guidelines/requirements volunteers, instructors, tutors and supervisors utilized in the program?

A18.Yes. All volunteers, instructors, tutors, supervisors, and mentors must be at least college age and must pass a background check.

Q19.What will the summer program be operating?

A19.The Summer Academic Learning Program will beginJune 27, 2016.

Q20.Based on the Pre-Proposal conference please clarify that the days the program will be offered during the school year will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from approximately 3:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.? If Offeror’s cannot meet the requirement hours, can we propose use of additional days during the week or offer services past 6:00 p.m.?

A20.The Successful Offeror may extend the times and days. Dinner must be provided if the Program operates past 6:00 p.m. It is not uncommon for programs of this nature to operate until 7:30 p.m. Students will arrive from the elementary schools beginning at 3:00p.m. The Successful Offeror should be prepared to accept students by 3:00p.m. and begin operation of the program. Middle school students participating in the program will join the group as soon as they are dismissed. Currently transportation will be provided to take students home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday based on the program dismissal time.

Q21. Are there any other programs operating at the school during these days and hours?

A21.Yes. These programs should not impact the operation of the Successful Offeror.

Q22.Please provide additional information on the following:

  1. Number of students on free or reduce lunch
  2. Elementary feeder schools
  3. Secondary feeder schools

A22.a.82% or 694

  1. Chamberlayne Elementary (also feeds into Brookland Middle)

Glen Lea Elementary

Harvie Elementary (also feeds into Fairfield Middle)

Laburnum Elementary

Ratcliffe Elementary (also feeds into Fairfield Middle)

  1. None at this time

Q23. Does the school have a PTA program or any other programs that have parent participation?

A23.Yes, Wilder Middle School has a PTSA.

Q24.Will there be a project manager at Wilder assigned to the project that will coordinate with the Successful Offeror?

A24.Yes. Wilder Middle School will have a contact person that will work with the Successful Offeror.

Q25.In reference to the Scope of Services A-5, will this desk space be available for our program coordinator during normal school hours such that they can be housed at the school for better coordination with school staff on a regular basis, in addition to after school hours while the program is in operation?

a.Can there be a desk space made available for one additional staff member or a small work area as a home-based for the Successful Offeror?

b.Is it possible to utilize an Ethernet connection for access to internet, in addition to guest Wi-Fi?

A25.Space will be provided for the site coordinator and necessary staff during the operation of the program. Wilder can also provide a space to lock-up supplies so they will not need to be transported off site each night after the program ends. Wilder does not have the accommodations to provide a dedicated home officespace during the school day for the Successful Offeror. Wi-Fi is available to the Successful Offeror.

Q26.In reference to the Scope of Services B-1-c, how often or what is the frequency of the SOL parent nights, parent conferences and school data team meetings?

A26.The Successful Offeror shall schedule Parent Conferencesas needed. The SOL parent night is during the spring prior to SOL testing. Additional parent nights may be added. School data team meetings are scheduled as needed with the CAR and principal.

Q27. In reference to the Scope of Services B-4, can field trips be during the school day (during the school year) or should they be mostly after school?

A27.Field trips can be during the day if approved by the principal. It is preferred to schedule field trips on early dismissal days and after school.

Q28. In reference to the Scope of Services B-6, is it safe to assume that PD days for teachers are the preferred and designated times to host our PD training with the teachers on the best practices and topics mentioned?


Q29.Is the PD training being provided by the Successful Offeror deemed to serve as a compliment, supplement or replacement to current PD training on best practices listed in B-6-a?

A29.The professional development days will compliment current professional development offerings and will keep teachers informed about your program.

Q30.In the event that computer hardware (for instructional purposes) or software subscription licenses (for academic testing software, etc.) are necessary to be purchased to work or train the students, would these items be considered property of HCPS…similar to items we make and develop specifically for the program (like customized training modules for this program)?

A30.Any software provided or paid for by the Successful Offeror will be property of the Successful Offeror. All software must be approved by HCPS Instructional Technology and reviewed for compatibility and network security before it can be installed or accessed on HCPS owned devices.

Q31. In reference to the Proposal Response Format (page 20 – item 6), are YouTube video links preferred or hardcopy DVD or USB drives of videos?

A31.Links to a video, DVD or USB will be accepted for information about the Program.

Q32.In reference to Safety – page 15, is there a nurse available during the summer month’s onsite for the students?

A32.The nurse is not available outside of school hours.

Q33. In reference to General Contract Terms and Conditions (page 9 – item D- Compensation), it is given the first day to start is June 27, 2016 for the summer program within 3 months and contract award would occur in May 2016 and there will need to be a quick turnaround time in less than 60 days. How soon is the Successful Offeror provide an invoice for deliverables for the summer program in order to begin preparations for June 27th since there is a 45 day turn-around in rendering payment…OR…can payment for summer program deliverables be provided upfront or faster than 45 days?

A33.HCPS pays for services after they are provided and prefers to be billed monthly.

Q34. If not, when would be the first opportunity the Successful Offeror is allowed to submit for deliverables with the program starting on June 27, 2016?

A34.An invoice may be submitted for services through June 30, 2016 and each month thereafter.

Q35.Is there an option for ACH for the Successful Offeror and if so, is 45 days applicable to the ACH deposits or would this be 15 days similar to other programs?

A35.ACH is an option for the Successful Offeror and invoices are paid within 45 days.

Q36.The RFP states that “All tutors must be processed through the HCPS volunteer process”; is it expected that tutors for this program be volunteers or just that they follow the same protocols?

A36.Tutors may be paid staff or volunteers. If they are volunteers, they must follow the appropriate protocol and polices for volunteers working in HCPS facilities. If they are paid staff, they must follow the appropriate protocols outlined for staff provided by the Successful Offeror.

Q37.If the tutors are requested to participate in SOL parent nights, parent conferences and school data teams, how can we invoice for that time?

A37.Include time and pricing for these activities in your proposal.

Q38.Is Virginia certification a requirement of any of the staff positions?
