Happy New Year from Pastor Davis and the Study Hour Family!



Unit One: God Sends Jesus

“We are Called, like Simeon and Anna, to Witness the King’s Presence”

Sunday School Lesson No. V

December 29, 2013

Lesson Presented by Rev. Frank A. Davis, III


Lesson Text: Luke 2:21-38

Required Reading:Luke 2:21-40

Motto Text:Luke 2:30-31,“For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people…

vs. 34, “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and fora sign which shall be spoken against.”

Reliable Resources:Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Precepts for Living (UMI); Standard Commentary; Logos Bible Software;Word Search 10 Electronic Library; H. L. Willmington’s Outline Bible; Life Application Bible (NIV); Rightly Dividing Luke by E. L. Bynum


We live in a country that calls for our eye-witness testimony and not hearsay evidence in its courts. Such witnesses’ testimonies should collaborate in order to give reliability. We have heard the witness of the Saviour’s presence from Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary, shepherds and angels but beloved, we are also called to give witness to the Saviour’s presence. What can you say about the Saviour? Well, we visit yet two more witnesses named Simeon and Anna, who give us testimony of the Saviour’s presence and how it affected their lives. Let us witness in Simeon and Anna, the Saviour’s presence in fulfilling God’s law and promises concerning the redemption of the creature and creation!

Anticipated Power Points: We witness the King’s presence…

  • In the Fulfilling of God’s Law. Luke 2:21-24
  • In the Fulfilling of the Holy Spirit’s Promise to Simeon. Luke 2:25-32
  • In Future Events that will Affect Many People. Luke 2:33-38


We witness the King’s presence…

I. In the Fulfilling of God’s Law. Luke 2:21-24

Early in the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He said in Matthew 5:17, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” These words were not just evident in His adult ministry, but in every phase of His life! Note from these verses in Luke the fulfillment of God’s law as it related to the earthly life of Jesus Christ. At least three laws are fulfilled in verses 21-24:

A. Circumcision

1. Given – Genesis 17

2. Fulfilled – Luke 2:21

B. Purification of the mother

1. Given – Leviticus 12:1-8

2. Fulfilled – Luke 2:22, 24

C. Redemption of the First-born

1. Given – Exodus 13:1-2, 13; Numbers 18:15-16

2. Jesus Christ fulfilled these laws and they are no longer necessary for those who have put their trust in His now finished work at Calvary and the resurrection. (Read Hebrews 10:1-10)

We witness the King’s presence…

II. In the Fulfilling of the Holy Spirit’s Promise to Simeon. Luke 2:25-32

A.Simeon was a man of righteousness. vs. 25

There in Jerusalem during the time of the purification of Mary and redemption dedication of the baby Jesus was a righteous man whose name was Simeon. He was led to the Temple by the Spirit to witness the presence of the baby Jesus. He was a just man living in right relationship with his fellow man. He was also devout, meaning he lived godly before Jehovah.According to this verse, he was anticipating the appearance of “The Consolation of Israel” who we know to be Messiah!

B. Simeon was a man led by the Holy Spirit. vss. 26-27

Simply being submitted to the Holy Spirit, he believed he would not die until he had seen the promised Christ. As only it could happen by God’s providence, he was led to the Temple at the time Mary and Joseph came to present the Christ Child!

C. Simeon was a man who found contentment. vss. 28-32

He sees the child Jesus and takes Him into his hands to pronounce a blessing or compliment upon him but, lo! Simeon gave God the glory because he had seen God’s fulfilled promise in his life! He realized that the One he held was God’s Messiah even in the form of a little baby. This was also evident perhaps later when Jesus was found by the Magi from the east. They came looking for Him that was born “King of the Jews” as told in Matthew 2:2, “Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” Beloved, thank God for the witness of the Saviour’s presence! According to Simeon’s words, He would affect eternally the lives of Jews and Gentiles!

We witness the King’s presence…

III. In Future Events that will Affect Many People. Luke 2:33-38

A. The Kingly Saviour’s presence affected the lives of Mary and Joseph. vss. 33, 34a, 35

1. They were left speechless and amazed at the words of Simeon. Until this point, they continued to realize how God

was using people to expose more and more about who Jesus really is!

2. They would be blessed because of this child. vs. 34a

3. Mary’s life would be totally altered and her heart broken because of this Child. (Just think of Luke 2:19 and John 19:25-26.) Oh, the love and dedication of a true mother’s heart!

B. The Kingly Saviour’s presence affects the lives of all mankind. vss. 34b, 35b

The man that Simeon describes (the Lord Jesus Christ) will cause men to honestly take sides – some with Him, some against Him. He will cause the innermost thoughts of people to be exposed and no one will be able to straddle the fence!

C.The Kingly Saviour’s presence affirmed by a loving widow named Anna. vss.36-38

Anna, a widow of many years, chose to serve God in fasting and intercessory prayers around the Temple.Herlife’s desire was to be a faithful servant, believing and encouraging temple worshippers to trust God’s prophetic Word! She seems to fit the mold Paul wrote of Godly women in ITimothy 2:9-10;Titus 2:3-5;and I Peter 3:1-6. God bless us with more Anna’s who would sacrifice their conveniences to sacrificially wait at the feet of the Lord in the service of prayer, encouragement and praise unto our Lord and King!


As I close and we launch into a new year, “What think you of Jesus who is called Christ?” Beloved, some say one thing of Him, and some say another! “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” Acts 16:31, “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” The King is here!

NOTE: Please pray for our Radio and Television Outreach and if God wills, mail a donationpayable to “The Study Hour” so that we can truly affect many with Christ’s message! Thank you and may God Bless You!

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Radio Broadcasts: WLNO AM1060, Saturday, 8:30 a.m. and Sunday, 5:30 a.m.

Looking Ahead: January 5, 2014 Luke 6:1-11