Manuscript Preparation Template

IBM Journal of Research and Development

Welcome! Please type directly in this template over the black text. Blue text is for instructional purposes and should be deleted. Do not add spaces between paragraphs. Use Word’s built-in Styles to indicate manuscript sections. Thisensures that the document is formatted according to typesetter specifications.“DOC and“DOCX”files are fine.

  • Use Microsoft Word,not LaTeX.Be concise: 6,000 words maximum per paper. (Please do not compose in LaTexand then convert to doc format, because the equations may turn into uneditable images with unpredictable results).
  • The manuscript should be a report of significant new workand be targeted toward the general technical reader.
  • Maximum of 4 figures, placed at the end of the Word document. Each figure should really be just a single figure, and not an attempt to cram part a, b, c, d, etc. into one multi-part figure to avoid the 4-figure limit).
  • The paper must not have been published previously outside of IBM. For example, it must not be available on the Web outside of IBM. It must not have been published previously in a conference proceedings. Papers should provide results and findings.
  • IBM authors must have their papers cleared by IBM. Please send evidence of the clearance when you submit the paper.

[Title]Please use sentence case (≤10 words)

[Byline: separated by commas]J. S. Smith, C. Brown


Abstract text goes here.This single paragraph (≤200 words) summarizes the significant aspects of the manuscript. Often it indicates whether the manuscript is a report of new work, a review or overview, or a combination of the above. Do not cite references in the abstract. Throughout the paper, spell-out acronyms. Example start of Abstract: “The design of optical communication links has traditionally been based on the use of multimode fiber (MMF).…”

[First section head of the manuscript]Introduction

The introduction should provide background information (including relevant references) and should indicate the purpose of the manuscript. Inclusion of statements at the end of the introduction regarding the organization of the manuscript can be helpful to the reader.

Cite relevant work by others, including research outside your company. Place your work in perspective by referring to other research papers. The manuscript should not exceed 6,000 words.Example start of the Intro: “Car-Parrinello molecular ab initio molecular dynamics (CPAIMD) algorithms [1–4] may be implemented….”

Heading level 1: Subsequentsections

Section heads should be unnumbered with no ending punctuation. However, if sections are referred to numerous times, we can accept numbered level 1 heads ("1. Introduction"). Sections following the introduction should present your results and findings.Paragraphs should be more than one sentence long. Do not use paragraph indentation.

Heading level 2: Style and formatting

All acronyms should be defined at first mention. References must be cited in brackets in numerical order, starting with [1]. Do not use automated numbering features in the word processor. Consecutive reference number citations should be indicated with an n-dash (–) [2–6] or a comma [7, 8] as necessary. Do not use footnotes.The use of technical jargon, slang, and vague or informal English should be avoided.

Avoid using bulleted and numbered lists. Instead, use full sentences and flowing paragraphs. (This is not a PowerPoint presentation.)If your paper cannot survive without lists,use them extremely rarely and keep them short:

  • Style for bulleted lists—This is the style that should be used for bulleted lists.
  • Punctuation in lists—Each item in the list should end with a period, regardless of whether full sentences are used.


Scalar variables and physical constants should be italicized, and a bold (non-italics) font should be used for vectors and matrices.Do not italicize subscripts unless they are variables.

Heading level 3: A comment on equations

Equations should be either display (with a number in parentheses) or inline. Use the built-in Equation Editor to insert complex equations.

Figures and tables

In-text callouts for figures and tables

Figures and tables must be cited in the running text. Example: “Figure 1 shows…” At first mention, the citation should be boldface (Figure 1); subsequent mentions should be Roman type (see Figure 1 and Table 1). Figures and tables should be cited in consecutive order. Previously published figures or tables require permission to reprint. Please obtain permission. Then, add to the figure/table caption: “From [reference no.], with permission,” or “Adapted from [reference no.], with permission.”Carefully explain each figure in the text. Each manuscript should be limited to four figures(where each figure is really just a single figure, and not an attempt to cram part a, b, c, d, etc. into one multi-part figure to avoid the 4-figure limit).


The manuscript should include a conclusion.Example: “In this paper, we have …”


The “Acknowledgments” section appears immediately after the conclusion. If applicable, this is where you indicate funding for the work if applicable.


[[Do not use built-in (automated) numbering features, including Endnote, as this sometimes leads to problems when the paper is finally typeset. Do not use Wikipedia for references. List all authors. Provide issue numbers for papers. This section should not be used for commentary and notes. Use only one reference in each citation.]]

1. R. E. Kalman, A. Jones, and C. Pickover, “New results in linear filtering,” J. Basic Eng., vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 95-108, 1961. [for a journal paper]

2. B. Klaus and P. Horn, Robot Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.[for a book]

3. M. Semilof, Business on web. [Online]. Available: [for a web site; do not use active hyperlinks]

4. C. Janow, “Guidance and control,” in Proc. Nat. Electronics Conf., New York, 1994, vol. 24, pp. 30-35. [for a conference proceedings]


[[We publish brief biographical sketches of authors. Do not include street address, but do include the city, state and zip (if applicable), country, and email address. Spell-out all acronyms. Avoid using first names in the body of each bio. Use "Dr. Smith" and not "John Smith." We use "Dr." or "Mr." for men, and "Dr." or "Ms." for women. Be concise!]]

John L. SmithIBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (). Dr. Smith is a Research Staff Member in the Physical Sciences department at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He received a B.S. degree in physics from Bucknell University in 1976 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Michigan in 1977 and 1981, respectively. He subsequently joined IBM at the T. J. Watson Research Center, where he has worked on magnetic films. In 1991, he received an IBM Outstanding Innovation Award for his work on coupled magnetic films. He is author or coauthor of 4 patents and 16 technical papers. Dr. Smith is a member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and APS (American Physical Society).

Figures and tables (placed at end of paper)

[[Please provide a figure caption for each figure. Refer to each figure in the main text by number. A minimum number of figures and tables should be used. Acronyms and abbreviations used in a figure should be spelled out in the figure caption.Figure captions and tables should be placed after the bios and should be formatted as follows...]]

Figure 1 Comparison of theoretical and experimental …. (OS: operating system; VPN: virtual private network.)From [reference no.], with permission.

Figure files

[[Save your separate figure files for us so that you can supply them. For any diagrams and graphs, we need your digital files with editable text and data points (e.g., excel, eps, ppt, Visio, etc.). We can’t use an image capture of the line graph.]]

Table format

Table 1Parameters for calculating ….

Column head / Column head / Column head
Table body text / 20% / −15
Table body text / 10% / −5

*Additional Useful Style Advice Here: