Out-of-School Care Standards Review

  1. That City Council approve the revised Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000 (Attachment 1) effective July 1, 2000 to replace the Out-of-School Care Standards (1995).
  2. That City Council direct the Community Services Department to review the Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000 before June 30, 2005.

Report Summary

Extensive review of the Approved Out-of-School Care Standards (1995) has now been completed. The recommended changes are included in the Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000 (Attachment 1).

Previous Council/Committee Action

At the June 27, 1995 meeting of City Council the following motion was passed:

  1. “That the revised Out-of-School Care Standards, 1995 (Enclosure I of the June 1, 1995 Community and Family Services Department report) effective July 1, 1995 replace both the Out-of-School Care Recommended and Approved Standards be approved.
  2. That the Community and Family Services Department review the revised Out-of-School Care Standards, 1995 before June 30, 2000.
  3. That when staffing requirements allow only one child care staff, the Out-of-School Care Standards be amended to include a clause that provides for a second adult in the case of an emergency.”


  • With the assistance of an Out-of-School Care Standards Review Advisory Committee (Attachment 2), representing various stakeholders in the out-of-school care field, the Community Services Department undertook a consultation process to develop a revised set of standards. The Proposed Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000 (Standards) will enable the 157 approved out-of-school care centres to provide affordable and accessible child care.
  • Public input was sought and received through the use of two public forums, held April 4 and April 6, 2000, as well as through written submissions.
  • Key highlights of the changes are identified in Attachment 3.
  • Significant changes were made to the following areas:
  • Staff Qualifications: a shortage of certified staff to work in out-of-school care centres has led to the development of an “exemption” process which will support staff employed in out-of-school care centres while they continue to upgrade their education.
  • Additionalfees: the requirement that out-of-school care centres could not charge additional fees, aside from those for enhanced summer programming, has been removed from the Standards. The Children’s Services Out-of-School Care Policies and Procedures Manual will identify that centres will be permitted to charge fees for enhanced programming throughout the year provided no child is prohibited from this programming due to their family’s inability to pay the fees.
  • Enforcementaction: any action used to enforce the Out-of-School Care Standards, including an appeal process, had not been identified in the previous standards. The Standards now address enforcement.
  • The Community Services Advisory Board (CSAB) received these Standards, as information, and approved the appeal process at their meeting of April 27, 2000. A member of the CSAB will sit on the Out-of-School Care Advisory Committee which will hear appeals from parents or centres.
  • The Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000 will become effective July 1, 2000 if approved by City Council.

Budget / Financial Implications

  • These Standards are supported by the current Community Services budget.
  • Discussions concerning the long term funding for the Out-of-School Care Program remain ongoing within the Ministry of Children’s Services. Direction on this is expected soon and Community Services will advise Council accordingly.

Justification of Recommendation

  1. These Out-of-School Care Standards were developed using wide public consultation to determine areas where changes are needed. The implementation of these Standards should have minimal impact on the approved out-of-school care centres and will continue to support trained staff while recognizing the reality of the day-to-day operation of a child care centre.
  2. This review process has been the third one undertaken since the implementation of the initial Standards in 1987. Reviews are needed as changes to the out-of-school care field take place; changes in funding for the centres and the regional authorities also necessitate a review on a regular basis.

Background Information Attached

  1. Revised Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000
  2. Resources and Review Process for Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000
  3. Highlights of the key changes to the Approved Out-of-School Care Standards (1995)

Background Information Available on Request

  1. Approved Out-of-School Care Standards (1995)
  2. Terms of Reference for the Out-of-School Care Standards Review Advisory Committee

(Page 1 of 2)

Attachment 1

Revised Out-of-School Care Standards, 2000




1. Introduction………………………………………………………4

3.5Philosophy Statement……………………………………..4

3.6Authority and Rationale for Standards……………………4



2. Community Service Department………………………………7

3.5Approval of Purchase of Services…………………………7


3.7Enforcement of Standards…………………………………8


3. Operators………………………………………………………….9

3.1Service Purchase Requirements…………………………9

3.2Operator Responsibilities…………………………………..10

3.5.4Child Well-being



3.5.7Employee Qualifications & Training

3.5.8Staff Planning

3.5.9Operator Training



3.5.12Administrative Duties


3.5.14Record Keeping

3.5.15Reporting of Centre Changes

3.3Program Requirements…………………………………….14

3.5.4Capacity and Group Size


3.5.6Furnishing, Equipment and Materials

3.5.7Emergency Procedures and Information

3.5.8Parent/Program Liaison

3.4 Staffing and Supervision of Children………………………..19


3.5.5Staff Qualifications and Responsibilities

3.5.6Staffing Ratios


3.5.8Distal Supervision

3.5.9Release of Children

3.5.10Transportation and Walking

3.5.11Administration of Medication

3.5 Program Delivery……………………………………………..25

3.5.4Program Content

3.5.5Child Guidance

3.5.6Children with Special Needs



3.5Philosophy Statements

1.1.1Program Philosophy

The City of Edmonton seeks to enhance the quality of life for all families by ensuring that a high standard of childcare is available, accessible and affordable. Out-of-School Care programs are encouraged to accept and meet the needs of ALL children in their programs, including those with special needs and of diverse cultural backgrounds.

1.1.2Child Guidance Philosophy

All programs will promote and maintain a safe environment, creating opportunities for children to develop and grow in a positive manner to reach their fullest potential.

Through positive role modelling, children will develop respect and dignity for themselves and others.

Children will learn to be responsible and accountable for their own actions by understanding and using self-discipline, problem solving, and conflict resolution.

3.6 Authority and Rationale for Standards


In 1985, the City of Edmonton conducted a major out-of-school care review. As a result City Administration was directed by City Council to develop standards for all out-of-school care centres, from which the City purchases services on behalf of eligible families.

The first Standards were approved and implemented in 1987. In addition, City Council approved the immediate establishment of a section within the City Administration to act as a consulting and monitoring body for the Approved Standards.


The rationale for the development of standards is to:

Establish minimum required standards of care

Provide public accountability by ensuring tax dollars are used to purchase only services that meet required standards

Ensure the provision of quality care through the approval process of centres providing services

Make centres accountable to parents and children

Provide support to staff by identifying clear expectations and encouraging staff training and development


3.7.4City Council and the City Administration must approve standards.

3.7.5Policies and procedures are approved by City Administration only.

3.7.6City Administration is responsible for the following aspects of the Out-of-School Care Program:

  • Program Approval
  • Monitoring
  • Purchasing Services
  • Administration

3.7.7The Out-of-School Care Advisory Committee mandate is to:

  • Advise City Administration on Out-of-School Care Standards and their related policies/procedures and implementation.
  • Advocate on behalf of Out-of-School Care.
  • Provide the appeal mechanism regarding Out-of-School Care programs.
  • Resolve staff qualification issues.


Decisions made under these Out-of-School Care Standards may be appealed as follows:

  • The appellant will ask the official of the City Administration who made the decision to reconsider it, who will have five (5) working days to respond.
  • If the issue is not resolved, the appeal will be directed in writing by the appellant to the Director responsible for Out-of-School Care, who will make a decision and respond in writing within ten (10) working days of receiving the written appeal.
  • If the appellant is unsuccessful, he/she may appeal in writing to the Out-of-School Care Advisory Committee who will make a decision and notify the appellant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the written appeal.


3.5.4Personal information of Our-of-School care clients must be collected and protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

3.5.5All Operators or their designates, Out-of-School care staff and volunteers, and City of Edmonton employees must conduct him/herself in a manner consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act when carrying out services, duties or other obligation under these Standards.


3.5Approval of Purchase of Services

2.1.1Community Services will only purchase services from those programs that are in compliance with the City of Edmonton Out-of-School Care Standards.

2.1.2An application form, with the required attached documentation, must be submitted by the operator to the City of Edmonton for approval.

2.1.3The City of Edmonton may levy a fee for approval of a program.

2.1.4All programs from which the City of Edmonton purchases services will receive a Notice of Approval, which identifies the:

Name of the program

Approved capacity

Expiry date of approval

Age range of children in care

Signature of the designated City Administration authority


3.5.4Designated City Administration staff have the right to enter an approved centre during it's hours of operation to ensure compliance to the standards

3.5.5Programs will be monitored by designated staff on a regular basis, using primarily unannounced visits.

3.5.6Programs will be fully reviewed a minimum of once per year to ensure ongoing compliance with the Standards.

3.5.7A fee may be levied by the City of Edmonton for a program review.

2.3 Enforcement of Standards

3.5.4Non-compliance to Standards may result in one or all of the following:

Increased monitoring

Reduced approved capacity

The requirement for greater than Approved Standard staff/child ratios

Reduced rates for the purchase of service

A short-term Notice of Approval

Mandatory consultation on how to improve service

A contractual agreement between City Administration and the operator that identifies changes to be made.

Withdrawal of approved status

2.3.2Approval may be immediately withdrawn if infractions jeopardize the safety or care of the children.

2.4 Investigations

2.4.1The City of Edmonton shall investigate all complaints received.

2.4.2Designated City Administration staff have the right to enter an approved centre during the centre's hours of operation to investigate any complaints received.

3.5.4Designated City Administration staff have the right to review and remove any records necessary to verify claims made to the City of Edmonton.


3.1Service Purchase Requirements

3.5.4Licensing: All programs must be licensed as directed by the Social Care Facilities Licensing Act.

3.5.5Compliance with By-Laws, Codes, Regulations and Acts: All programs must meet the requirements of the Land Use By-Law, the Alberta Building Code, the Public Health Act and the Alberta Fire Code. They must comply with all municipal and provincial regulations related to fire, zoning, building, and health.

3.5.6Criminal Records: The City of Edmonton may not purchase services from a centre where an owner, a shareholder, or a board member has a record of conviction under the Criminal Code of Canada.

3.5.7Posting of Documents: The following documents must be current and posted in an area that can be easily seen by parents and City of Edmonton staff:

Notice of Approval

Staff certification documents

Evacuation Plan

Weekly menus and menu changes when applicable

Weekly program plans

Closure dates

Most recent centre visit report

The following documents must be easily accessible and available:

  • First aid certificates
  • All centre visit reports over the past year

3.1.5Insurance Liability Insurance is required in an amount not less than $2 million per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The policy must be endorsed to include the following:

Contractual liability

Non-owned vehicles

Independent contractors, as applicable

Products and completed operations

Personal injury

Incidental medical malpractice

Employees as additional insured

Cross liability

Contingent employers liability Owned Automobile Liability coverage is required in an amount not less than $2 million per accident for bodily injury and/or property damage. This clause applies to all vehicles owned, leased or operated by the operator and used in conjunction with the service provided. insurance coverage for the practice of distal supervision, where applicable. aforementioned insurance coverage must be endorsed to provide the City of Edmonton with thirty-(30) days prior written notice of cancellation or material change and must be in a form acceptable to the City of Edmonton. that the centre has the required liability insurance must be provided to the City of Edmonton.

3.6Operator Responsibilities

The following outlines the responsibilities of Out-of-School Care program operators in meeting the requirements of the City of Edmonton.

3.2.1Child Well-being the health, safety and security of the children at all times that the program is in operation. opportunities are provided to enhance the children's physical, emotional, social, creative and intellectual development. that child-related concerns, such as child abuse/neglect, health and safety hazards, contagious diseases, infections and security needs are recognized and appropriately addressed.

3.5.4Nutrition: Provide appropriate and sufficient snacks, in accordance with the Canada Food Guide.

3.5.5Confidentiality Operators or their designates are responsible for ensuring the compliance of its employees, agents, and volunteers with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will notify the City of Edmonton Administration, in writing, of any breach that comes to its attention. Operators or their designates, must ensure its employees, agents, and volunteers who may see or obtain access to personal information collected, protected, used disclosed, or managed by a centre are familiar with the relevant sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

3.5.6Employee Qualifications & Training: child care staff who have the appropriate qualifications and experience. all staff are familiar with the Approved Out-of-School Care Standards. staff development and training opportunities.

3.2.5Staff Planning:

Ensure that there is adequate time for program support activities such as program planning, room set-up, and general maintenance.

3.5.4Operator Training: Ensure all operators and their designates complete the approved seminar on the City of Edmonton Out-of-School Care Standards and the City of Edmonton Subsidy program.

3.5.5Maintenance: Ensure rooms, toys, equipment and outdoor play space are safe and maintained.

3.5.6Policies Development: Develop a child guidance policy that reflects the child guidance philosophy provided by the City of Edmonton. Develop appropriate personnel policies and procedures and implement them in accordance with the requirements of Employment Standards Code. Develop and implement operational policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Approved Out-of-School Care Standards.

3.5.7Administrative Duties: All Operators or their designates are responsible for duties such as:

Accounts payable/receivable

Child and staff attendance records

Subsidy claims






All related record keeping

3.5.8Communication: Ongoing communication with program personnel and parents about information that may affect the children and the program is required.

3.5.9Record Keeping: and accurate records must be retained on site for the current and past calendar year for the following:

Children’s attendance. Parents must sign the attendance records by the end of each month to verify their child’s actual hours of attendance.

Staff’s attendance. Records must be verified and signed by the staff member on the last working day of the month.

Incident/injury reports must be completed when incidents/injuries occur. Centres must make parents aware of the incident or injury and must obtain the parent’s signature to verify their notification. and accurate records must be retained and kept on file for at least one year for the following:

Medication information records must be retained.

Program plans must be kept on file for at least one year. Forms:

Field Trips/Offsite Visits Consent Forms: Parents must indicate permission by their signature on these. Records must be retained as of these forms, as needed. forms and information must be kept current and include the following:

  • Child’s name
  • Child's birthdate
  • Home phone numbers and addresses for parent(s)
  • Work or school phone numbers for parents(s)
  • Emergency contact names and phone numbers
  • Child’s Alberta Health care number
  • Physician’s name and phone number or name of the medical centre the child regularly attends
  • Medication received on a regular basis
  • Custody orders and instructions, or names of persons to whom the child may be released, if applicable
  • Child's allergies, if applicable
  • History of the child’s diseases, fears and special needs. Menus: Weekly menus must be dated and kept on file for a least the current month and the immediate past month.

3.5.4Reporting of Centre Changes: of Centre: The City of Edmonton must be notified a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance if there will be a change in the Centre's ownership or the shareholders of the company that owns the Centre. Changes: All changes in centre management, staff, and/or policies must be reported in writing to the City Administration within seven (7) working days.

3.3Program Requirements

3.3.1Capacity and Group Size maximum capacity of a centre must not exceed 72 children. maximum group size must not exceed 36 children. group must have a designated area with designated staff to ensure consistent care and supervision.