Southend University Hospital NHS Trust

Open Energi has been working with Southend University Hospital toimprove its energy management, generate revenues and support the Trust’ssustainability goals.

Southend University Hospital is an NHS Trust providing care to a localpopulation of nearly 350,000 people from its main Prittlewell Chasesite and satellite clinics across the region.With an energy bill of around £2.4 million a year, managing assets and energy consumption to save money andreduce carbon emissions is extremely important. EnergyManager Manoj Chohan started working with Open Energi in early 2012.

Open Energi works with customers to generate revenues from their electrical loads. Our Dynamic Demand technology harnesses energy-intensive equipment to help manage peaks and troughs in electricity demand nationwide - vital to maintaining power supplies - and provides an income in return.At the same time, it helps to cut UK carbon emissions and reduce the likelihood of blackouts.

After a detailed site survey, it was agreed that the Trust’s chillers would be the most suitable equipment forDynamic Demand.The hospital has six 18kW chillers which help to deliver clean, temperaturecontrolled air to operating theatres.

The technology wasstraightforward and cost-effectiveto install and operates automatically with nointeraction from Manoj or his team. Most importantly, because it respects the chillers’ own operatingparameters, it has no impact on performance.

Dynamic Demand has now been in operation on the site for almost two years and is generating revenue and reducing UK carbon emissions at a rate of about 2,000 tonnes ofCO2 per MW per year. But for Manoj, one of the most powerful outputs has been the detailedinformation he now receives on the site’s energy consumption.

Prior to the installation, the Trust relied on three meters across the whole of its site to measure itsenergy consumption. This made it extremely difficult to identify where and when energy was beingconsumed or why loads were behaving in certain ways.

Now, the smart grid infrastructure installed to support Dynamic Demandis providing Manoj withhighly granular data on load behaviour and use. This detailed business intelligence is helping him toimprove asset performance, identify maintenance issues and breakdown energy cost centresacross the Trust.

“The data I receive from Open Energi is incredibly useful. Now I know exactlyhow, why and when we are using energy, and the equipment that was costing us the most to run is now generating an income.”

Manoj Chohan, Energy Manager

Looking ahead

We are continuing to work with Southend University Hospital to identify moreequipment which issuitable for our services. This partnership will help the Trust to further optimise its energy loads,identify cost savings and reduce carbon emissions.

For further information or to discuss how our solutions could work for you, please contact us.

Telephone: +44 (0)20 3051 0600


What is Dynamic Demand and how does it work?

  • A unique software based technology thathelps National Grid to balance electricitysupply and demand, vital to maintainingpower supplies
  • Suitable assets includes HVAC,Commercial Refrigeration, Chillers, WaterPumps and Heaters
  • Responds instantaneously to imbalancesin electricity supply and demand by subtlyadjusting the timing of an asset’spower consumption
  • Is unobtrusive and autonomous so needsno interaction from the client
  • Always respects the control parameters ofthe asset so operating performanceis unaffected