Children & Young People’s Services RISK ASSESSMENT

Premises / Name of Person:

Work Activity: Reasonable adjustments to work role / timetable

Assessor(s): Pages 3

Date: Review date:

1. What could go
wrong / factors to
consider ? / 2. Who
might be
harmed ? / 3. Control measures at present / 4. Further action required (if any)
Under the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act it will be necessary on occasions to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to a persons work role as an employee or a pupils inclusion in school to accommodate the individual in work / school.
Examples may include:
a medical condition requiring medication
injury causing temporary disability eg the wearing of a plaster cast etc
a permanent disability eg visual impairment, hearing impairment, wheelchair user etc
A person does not have to be registered disabled for ‘reasonable adjustments’ to apply, the disability could be longstanding eg a back problem where the person receives medical treatment / consultation or a temporary condition eg returning to work after surgery / injury where a medical practitioner has recommended light / not strenuous work etc.
NB ‘Reasonable adjustments’ should be proportionate to the individuals needs eg a person with a permanent disability eg wheelchair user as opposed to a person with a temporary disability eg arm in a plaster cast.
Paying for "reasonable adjustments"
Council policy is that the costs of making "reasonable adjustments" iscontained within Department/School budgets.
In some cases funding / financial support can be available eg. Access to Work funding for employees / access initiative funding for pupils. / Individual
Others / You will need to look at the individuals work role / timetable and consider any access problems they may have / encounter.
You will need to consider whether any equipment or facilities needs to be installed / made available eg a stairlift / evacuation chair to allow safe access to and egress from areas of the workplace / placement for a person who’s disability causes mobility issues, or a lockable cupboard for prescribed medications to be storedNB certain equipment will require staff operators to be trained in it’s use eg evacuation chair:
Restrictions on work activity eg avoid manual handling tasks due to current pain and discomfort from back condition etc
Are the ‘reasonable adjustments’ on a temporary basis or permanent eg adjustments made for a wheelchair user / person returning to work post operation / after injury etc: / Access issues – how can they be addressed:
Equipment required:
Training requirements for staff:
Restrictions on work activities:
Temporary / Permanent adjustments:
Timeframe for review of reasonable adjustments:
Have ‘reasonable adjustments’ been agreed with the individual: