Status of telephone interview:  Completed  Not completed  Refused  Unable to find contact info
Person interviewed:  Student  Family member  Other SSID: ______
Name of interviewer: ______Number of attempts to contact: ______
Position:  Teacher/Specialist  Administrator  YTP  Paraprofessional/Educational Assistant Clerical
Post Secondary Follow Up Interview - Special Education Students

Interviewer: the script for interviewers is posted at:

►INTRO: The questions cover activities related to education, jobs, and life in general. We will start with questions about school in the year since high school.

[Answers to Questions with ‘*’ are required for the interview to be considered as complete.]

Postsecondary School

*1. In the 12 months after leaving high school, did you ever attend any school, job training, or education program? If more than one program, use the one with the longest attendance or a completion certificate.

___ Yes

___ No *** skip to question #4

___ Don’t know/No answer *** skip to question #4

*2. Please describe the type of training program or school. (Wait for answer, check box below, and read the option you selected, or the list of options; if it helps to be sure you marked the best choice.)

___ College or University (4 year)

___ Community or Technical College (2 year)

___ Vocational Technical School—less than a 2-year program

___ Short-term education or employment training program (WIA, Job Corps, etc.)

___ High school completion document - certificate (return to high school, Adult Basic Education, GED, etc.)

___ On a mission, AmeriCorps, in the Peace Corps, etc.

___ Don’t know/No answer

*3. Did you complete an entire term / semester or complete a short term program?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know/No answer


*4. In the 12 months after leaving high school, did you ever work?

___ Yes

___ No *** skip to question #10

___ Don’t know/No answer *** skip to question #10

*5. Where is (was) the job? – (Wait for answer, check box below, and read the option you selected, or the list of options; if it helps to be sure you marked the best choice.) If more than 1 job, answer for job they held 3 months or more, at minimum wage

___ In a company, business, or service with people with and without disabilities

___ In the military

___Small group (in community with 2-8 individuals with disabilities paid at least minimum wage)

___ In supported employment (paid work with services and wage support to the employer)

___ Self-employed

___ In your family’s business (e.g., farm, store, fishing, ranching, catering)

___ In sheltered employment (where workers have disabilities, are not paid min wage and few opportunities to interact with non-disabled individuals)

___ Employed while in jail or prison

___ Don’t know/No answer

6a. What was the job title? ______

*6b. During the 12 months after leaving school, did you work for a total of 3 months (about 90 days)? [NOTE: Days do not need to be in a row.]

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know/No answer

*7. Did you work, on average, 20 or more hours per week?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know/No answer

*8. Were you usually paid at least minimum hourly wage? ($9.25 currently in Oregon)

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know/No answer

9. Did you receive the same benefits as your co-workers? (Were you hired under the same general conditions as other workers at the job?)

___ Yes *** skip to question #11

___ No *** skip to question #11

___ Don’t know/No answer *** skip to question #11

[If student hasnot gone to school or held any job since high school]

10. Why haven’t you worked since leaving school? Wait for answer, check best option from list below.)

___ Haven’t found a job (1)

___ Medical reason (2)

___ Incarceration (3)

___ Don’t want or need to (4)

___ Disability (5)

___ Baby/family (6)

___ Drugs/alcohol (7)

___ No driver’s license (8)

___ Not old enough (9)

___ Need skills/help, trying (10)

___ Other (11)

___In school (12)

___ Don’t know/No answer (99)

Additional Data

►We’re almost done, the next two questions ask you about events before you left school.

11. Did you have a paid job when you left school?  Yes  No  Not Sure

12. While you were in school, did you learn to: [check all the boxes where the student answers yes]

 Make choices?  Speak up for yourself?  Solve problems?  Set goals?

►The next questions cover additional things about your life after school.

13. Do you have a driver’s license? (Wait for response)

___ Yes

___ No

___ Learner’s Permit

___ Don’t know/No answer

14. Where are you currently living?

___ Family (1)

___ Campus or military base (2)

___ Independently or with a friend (3)

___ Homeless (4)

___ Foster place, group home (5)

___ Jail (6)

___ Other (7)

___ Don’t know/No answer (99)

  1. I am going to read through a list of agencies and ask you if you have received assistance from any of them since you left school. You may or may not have heard about all of them.

Agency / Have you received assistance?
  1. (SSDI) Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSI) Supplemental Security Income /  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. County Case management, brokerage service
/  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. (OVRS) Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
/  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. (TANF) Temporary assistance for needy families
/  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. Oregon Trail Card – SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
/  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. College Disability Services at a college or
training program /  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer
  1. Loans, financial aid
/  Yes  No  Don’t know/No answer

16. What type of recreation activities do you participate in? ______



17. If you could tell your school one thing, what would you tell them (make a suggestion to help better prepare current students for life after high school)? (Prompt: What was most helpful or could have been done better?) [Speak aloud as you write so student knows what is being recorded.]





Thank you for your help, the interview is done!

Interviewer: Be sure to fill out the information on the first page to

complete the interview!

For technical assistance or questions, contact Pattie Johnson (TRI) at 503-838-8779 or Sally Simich (ODE) at 503-947-5639

Form 581-1465-A (Rev. 12/15) new draft 2/162016 Follow Up Interview