Emergency Response Fund Guidelines

ERF Project Appraisal Template

This document serves as a checklist to appraise project proposals

Clearly Identified Needs

Basic criteria for confirming the necessity of the project based on assessed needs

  The project saves lives, livelihood and/or is filling gaps.

  The proposal uses baseline and survey data to identify number of beneficiaries and their needs. Beneficiary data is disaggregated by gender and age.

  Identified need(s) are based on priorities identified by the Humanitarian Coordinator, the appeal, flash appeals, or updates to the appeal and confirmed by the clusters.

  The project proposal uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative indicators using SPHERE Guidelines or other national/international standards to identify needs and measure success.

Technical Evaluation

An assessment of the applicant agency, to be gleaned from the agency profile and capacity assessment form submitted with the proposal

  Identified critical humanitarian needs and gaps can be adequately addressed through the proposal.

  The proposed interventions are technically sound and will likely contribute to saving lives and livelihoods within the proposed timeframe.

  The workplan provides sufficient detail for the concrete understanding of methods to be used and for a determination of technical appropriateness to be made.

  The activities technically achievable within the life cycle of the project.

  The activities fit within the Fund ToR / are appropriate for achieving the Fund’s objectives.

  A monitoring and reporting strategy is presented in the proposal.


An assessment of coordination mechanisms in place to ensure maximum complementarity and reinforce cluster coordination

  The partner displays active participation in cluster and coordination meetings.

  All stakeholders and implementers in the proposed intervention area/region are aware of the project and collaboration is promoted.

  Potential links with longer-term interventions or an exit strategy are described in the proposal.

  Evidence of discussion with relevant regional government authorities, clusters, etc regarding the proposed intervention is provided.

  Complementarity with other funding sources (ECHO, CERF, other CAP and pooled fund projects in the project area) described – if applicable.


An assessment of whether the costs are reasonable and appropriate for the intervention and proposed activity area

  The proposal achieves the maximum impact with the resources requested.

  The cost is adequate to achieve the stated objectives.

  The average cost of key items and activities is in line with similar projects funded in the area (as assessed by the cluster or gleaned from a record of previous projects in the area).

  Administrative expenses are at or below 7% of the proposed budget.

Consideration of Gender and other Cross-Cutting Issues

A brief assessment of the inclusion or consideration of potential biases and vulnerable groups in the project design

  There is consideration for disabled persons, children, elderly or other groups who may need special attention.

  The project’s potential to contribute to gender equality is at least 2a.

Gender Marker Codes
The Gender Marker codes, on a 0-2 scale, whether projects are designed to effectively meet the differing needs of men, women, boys and girls:
Gender Code / Description
0 / Gender is not reflected anywhere in the project sheet
The project design is gender blind
1 / The project’s needs assessment includes a gender analysis and/or one or more activities or outcomes respond to the distinct needs of women, girls, boys or men*
Contributes in a limited way to gender equality
·  If the gender issue is addressed for the first and only time in the outcomes section, the project is still considered to be gender-blind and coded 0
Gender Mainstreaming / The project’s needs assessment includes a gender analysis and the gender analysis is reflected in the project’s activities and outcomes
Contributes significantly to gender equality
Targeted Action / As a result of the gender analysis, the project is targeted to one particular group – women, girls, boys or men – who are disadvantaged or discriminated against because of their gender roles*
The principal purpose is to advance gender equality
* Please note that stand-alone GBV response and prevention projects, as well as nutrition projects being implemented in the first phases of a crises, are always coded on the 0-1-2b scale.