CP World History (Unit 3, #6) Name ______

Date ______Block ______

The Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa

I. Geography of Africa

A. Africa’s geography was very ______& Africans were lived ______based on where they lived

B. The ______is the world’s ______desert & acted as a ______to separate North Africa from sub-Saharan Africa

1. Characteristics of North Africa

a. Early societies of ______were influenced by Mediterranean cultures such as the Phoenicians & ______

b. By 750, North Africans were part of the ______Empire, converted to ______, & shared Arabic culture

2. Characteristics of Sub-Saharan Africa

a. African societies ______of the Sahara were ______& missed out on the cultural diffusion of the ______Era

b. While the societies of sub-Saharan Africa were diverse, they shared some similarities

i. Most societies lived in ______villages in ______-based clans

ii. Few societies had ______languages; Histories were shared ______by storytellers (griots)

iii. Made ______tools

iv. Sub-Saharan people were polytheistic: Practiced ______, a religion in which ______exist in nature &play a role in daily life

C. Bantu Migrations

1. Over the course of 4,000 years, ______peoples of central Africa ______south in search of farmland

2. These Bantu migrations helped spread new ______& ironworking techniques

II. East African Societies

A. The societies of ______participated in the ______network & were shaped by cultural diffusion:

1. The kingdom of Aksum ______with Persia, India, Arabia, & Rome; Aksum became a ______kingdom

2. Arab merchants introduced ______to East African trade cities

a. The mix of African & ______cultures led to a new ______language

b. Towns had ______& were ruled by a Muslim sultan

c. But many people kept their traditional ______beliefs

III. West African Empires

A. West Africa was were shaped by the ______trade network:

1. West Africans had large deposits of ______, but lacked ______

2. The ______connected North & West Africa

3. The gold-salt trade increased cultural diffusion with ______merchants

a. ______was introduced in West Africa & slowed gained ______

b. Many Africans ______Islam with animism or ______converted

B. The gold-salt trade led to ______& ______in West Africa

1. By 800, ______became an empire by taxing merchants, building a large ______, & conquering surrounding people

a. Ghana kings served as ______leaders, judges, & generals

2. Eventually Ghana was overthrown & the ______empire emerged

a. Mali’s King ______took over the Ghana kingdom & ______in West Africa

b. Sundiata created an ______gov’t, promoted ______, & controlled trade

c. The kings who ruled Mali after Sundiata converted to ______

d. The most important king was ______:

i. He built a 100,000 man ______to keep control over Mali

ii. He divided Mali into ______ruled by appointed ______

iii. Mansa Musa was a devout ______& went on a ______to Mecca in 1324

iv. Mansa Musa passed out ______to the people he met along the way

e. When he returned from Mecca, Mansa Musa built _ throughout Mali, including ______

i. This trade city attracted ______, doctors, religious leaders

ii. It had a ______& became an important center for ______

3. After Mansa Musa, Mali declined & was replaced by ______

a. Kings gained control of trade cities along the ______routes

b. Songhai grew into the ______of the West African empires

c. Its fall in 1591 ended a ______year era of ______in West Africa

IV. Conclusions:

A. African societies were transformed by two powerful forces:

1. ______with outsiders

2. Introduction of ______