"Diffusion of Biosimilar Hemopoietic Growth Factors Use in Oncology Practice: an Italian Experience", PECI-D-15-00004

QUESTIONNAIRE (San Matteo oncology answers are indicated in %)

1)  What is a biosimilar drug?

A.  A biotechnology drug that is similar but not identical to the originator (100%)

B.  A biotechnology drug that is identical to the originator

C.  I do not know

D.  A drug that is produced at the end of patent, as for generics

2)  What are the relevant difficulties related to biosimilar drugs use?

A.  Biosimilars may function in a different way (9%)

B.  Biosimilars may be responsible of allergic reactions

C.  Biosimilars may have different immunogenicity (36%)

D.  There are no difficulties (55%)

3)  Do you think that biosimilars may represent a saving opportunity for the NHS?

A.  Yes, they may represent a saving opportunity (91%)

B.  No, critical issues on safety and efficacy are excessive

C.  I think it would be more important to consider more relevant saving opportunities (9%)

4)  Are biosimilars of monoclonal antibodies commercially available in Italy?

A.  Yes

B.  No (100%)

C.  I do not know

5)  In some European country, the hospital pharmacist can substitute the originator with a biosimilar drug. Do you think that drug substitutability must be a medical prerogative?

A.  Yes (82%)

B.  No (18%)

C.  I do not know

6)  Do you think that if the biosimilar is less expensive than the originator, it should be preferred in naïve patients?

A.  Yes (91%)

B.  No (9%)

C.  I do not know

7)  Do you think it feasible to perform “switching” from an originator to a biosimilar drug in an oncology patient?

A.  Yes, it is an issue that might be discussed on a case-to-case base (45%)

B.  No (9%)

C.  It could be considered if the patient used the originator in a previous line of chemotherapy (27%)

D.  Yes, always (18%)

8)  Do you think that the lower price of biosimilars might have induced prescriptions that are not in line with current guidelines?

A.  No (91%)

B.  Yes

C.  I think it possible (9%)

D.  I do not know

9)  Do you think that the project had in some way limited your prescription freedom?

A.  Yes (63%)

B.  No (36%)

C.  In part

10) The prescription of growth factors was limited to oncologists. Do you think it had a positive impact on pharmacovigilance?

A.  Yes (100%)

B.  No

C.  I do not know

11) What, if any, was the major difficulty you met during the project?

A.  The patient refused to use a drug of unknown or new commercial name

B.  The patient refused to consider the proposed multi-injection schedule for G-CSF

C.  Unpredictable side effects

D.  Drug availability shortage (91%)

E.  I had no difficulties (9%)

12) Do you think that the biosimilars you used during this project had safety or efficacy issues?

A.  Yes

B.  No (100%)

C.  Occasionally