Terms of Reference for a Planning Study – Area North of 159 Avenue, East of 54 Street and West of the Future 50 Street (Little Mountain Cemetery)
Recommendation:That this report be received for information.
Report Summary
The Community Services Department is investigating the potential to expand the Little Mountain Cemetery site.
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the July 31, 2001, City Council meeting, the following motion was passed:
That the Administration research and report back to City Council through the Community Services Committee, on the potential of expanding Little Mountain Cemetery.
- The Little Mountain Cemetery is located within the Hollick-Kenyon Neighbourhood in northeast Edmonton.
- Demand for cemetery space is forecast to increase significantly in the next 25 years. Sufficient demand exists to warrant the acquisition of additional land for the Little Mountain Cemetery.
- The Community Services Department is working with Asset Management and Public Works to estimate land costs and to determine which adjacent land would be best incorporated into this cemetery site.
- The report dealing with cemetery land purchase has been delayed by recent changes proposed for this area. Included in these are the possible realignment of 167 Avenue, and changes in the planned populations.
- These changes will impact the size and population of neighbourhoods, which will influence the size and location of school and park sites planned here.
- Community Services is working with the Planning and Development Department, Asset Management and Public Works Department, Transportation and Streets Department, and the Edmonton Public School Board in regard to potential changes recently proposed for the Hollick-Kenyon Neighbourhood as part of the Northeast Hollick-Kenyon Planning Study.
- These proposed changes will influence the type of development that occurs adjacent to and surrounding the Little Mountain Cemetery.
- The Community Services Department will bring forward a report to Council with recommendations on the expansion of Little Mountain Cemetery before the end of September 2002.
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