Minimum Wage increase, effective January 1st, 2015
As you may have already heard, the Bureau of Labor and Industry has announced that Oregon’s minimum wage will increase on January 1st, 2015. The rate will increase from the current $9.10 per hour to $9.25 per hour; an increase of $0.15.
Multiple Assignment, EmpCenter, and Banner will be revised by a central process to reflect the new increased rate of pay for those who are below the new minimum of $9.25 per hour. Units will only need to make changes to those they want abovethe new minimum rate or increased in conjunction with the new minimum rate.
As a supervisor for students or TS901 employees, you may enter any pay rate changes over $9.25 per hour for your employees in Multiple Assignment. We do not have the ability to lock Multiple Assignment down from supervisor edits and so as not to be duplicating efforts or making a dual process, supervisors will edit their own assignments directly in Multiple Assignment. Multiple Assignments does offer the ability to future date records, therefore you can edit the rates as early as you would like and simply make the effective date of the increase January 1, 2015.
While supervisors now have access to update rates, we do suggest you work with the appropriate budget authority to verify the desired rate increases are allowable and fit in your department’s budget and expectations of consistency of rates between students and TS901’s, before making any changes.
How To:
To change the rates of pay for your student or TS901 staff, you will edit the assignment in Multiple Assignment. For directions on editing assignments you can find the Multiple Assignment User Guide under the Supervisor Policy Profile/Role Training section of the MyTime training page. Instructions for editing an assignment start on page 10.
To assist departments with reviewing employee’s current rates, the AABC will provide a list of your student and TS901 employee’s current assignments and rates of pay to each individual supervisor by Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 5pm. This list will reflect the assignments and rates of pay for those employees at that time the data is pulled. It will not reflect future dated entries or requests for hire that may be in process through the business center.
We will only be able to supply the spreadsheets once given staffing levels and availability. We will be sending them by November 26th, 2014at 5pm so that you will have the entire month of December to make decisions about pay increases you may want to give, as well as have the time to make those edits in Multiple Assignment before January’s rates can no longer be edited for January pay; January 15, 2015 at 5pm. You do not need to wait for this list to take action, you can view and edit your employees assignments and pay rates at any time in Multiple Assignment.