Wallingford Sports Trust
Meeting of trustees, 23rd February 2016
Apologies: / John Atkins, Jon Pebworth, Alan Holmes, Fon Leigh (Hockey), Lauren Butt (Petanque), Arthur Morris for Simon Cowlard (Football), Nigel Hughes (Wallingford TC), Roger Haycock (Tennis).
Beryl Guiver (Squash). / Action
Update on Changing Rooms. / JA advised that on this day, SODC’s Grants Panel had recommended the award to the Trust of a total of £187k of which 50% could be taken up front. This should receive confirmation from SODC’s Cabinet Member within a few days. We now have grants totalling £392k towards our anticipated expenses of £402k. The project will therefore go ahead.
The bad news is that the cost of the heating and hot water facilities which have now been designed in detail since the award of the contract will be significantly above anticipated level and a further loan may be needed. In the worst case £10k each could be borrowed from Rugby and Hockey Clubs, as agreed.
NH advised that a loan would almost certainly be available from the Town Council. JA/JP to note. / JA/JP
New Constitution. / JA advised that he and JP had now held a very useful face-to-face meeting with Michael Shawyer – Billy Allen’s expert VAT advisor. He would write to the Trust shortly, giving his advice on the Trust’s optimum constitutional framework to minimise VAT payments.
It would therefore not make sense to pursue the Constitution project further with Blake Morgan (Solicitors) until the VAT proposals had been finalised
It was proposed by RFH, seconded by LB and carried nem con that the New Constitution as circulated as an email attachment by the Chairman on 24th December 2015 (and supported by all trustees in individual emails to the Chairman) should be formally adopted as the Constitution of Wallingford Sports Trust.
The 1974 constitution which has been attached as “The first schedule” to 1973 and all subsequent leases could now be formally considered obsolete.
AOB / JA advised trustees that Nicola House (currently our External Examiner) had agreed to accept the job of Treasurer as from 1st April. She would attend the next Exec meeting.
Trustees were reminded that we needed to find a Bookkeeper to replace Carol Taylor who will finish at the end of May. One possible candidate had been found but the post will be formally advertised .
It was proposed by JP that the Chairman should receive a vote of thanks for his phenomenal work to get the Changing Rooms project funded and contracted. He was supported with acclamation by all present. / All
Next Meeting / Monday 11th April at 8.00 p.m.

RFH 24/02/16