Delivery Board Meeting

Part 1 Public

Friday19th September 2014 at 10 am to Noon

The Savoy Court Community Centre

49 Savoy Court North Harrow HA2 6BU

Minutes of the meeting

Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

Part 1 Meeting in Public

/ Action
1.4 / The Chair, Arvind Sharma (AS) opened the meeting with a warm welcome to members of the public and DB members. The Chair gave a brief summary of his background and his interest in Health & Wellbeing. He invited member of the public to introduce of themselves as well seeking their active engagement in contributing to the work and effectiveness of Healthwatch Harrow. The Chair pointed out that public engagement and participation is critical in making sure local needs, concerns and aspirations are effectively represented and championed.
The Chair informed the meeting that Chippo Maendesa Harrow Council’s Senior Public Health Policy Officer unfortunately was unable to attend. The Chair shared the meeting’s disappointment and agreed that we would look at re-scheduling this meeting and given the critical importance of helping shape our local Joint Strategic Needs Analysis (JSNA), we would keep this item on the agenda and gather perceptions and key issues from members of the public present at the meeting.
The Chair acknowledged and was grateful for positive and constructive approach from members present.
Antonetta Fernandestook notes.
Attendees:Arvind Sharma (AS); Mike Coker (MC);Mark Gillham (MG); Heinz Grunewald (HG);Julian Maw (JM ); Avani Modasia (AM);Deven Pillay (DP); Marie-Claire Sekely (MCS);
Members of the public in attendance Rita Keyes; Richard; S.A. Wooding; Thusitha Perera; Nannette Spain; John Hunter; Bharti Vyas; Ann Freeman; Jenny Stephany
Apologies :Mo Girach (MG); Lee Janaway (LJ); Tony O’Hara (TO); Nigel Long (NL)
2 / Approve minutes of meeting held on 18th July 2014
2.2 / Minutes of last meeting in July were agreed and signed off without any amendments. Jenny Stephany – member of the public requested that the draft minutes should be posted on the website and the invitation sent out. Agreed by All.
Avani Modasia (AM) requested that the minutes should also reflect and acknowledge members of the public that have attended. Agreed by all present with a proviso that anyone that did not want their names to appear on the list of attendees should note it on the signing sheet. / AF
4. / Matters Arising
5.1 / Merger
  • Transport become apparent as a major issue with members of the public and DB members alike. AS also shared this was mentioned at the HWB.
  • Central Middlesex an elective surgery centre of excellence has an urgent issue around transport. Julian Maw (JM) – explained that TFL (Transport for London) has an issue with change of direction. John Hunter (member of public) acknowledged JM explanation but went further by saying it must be dealt with high-level national involvement.
  • JM explained that the Merger is going through administration changes and will be run by LONDON North West Healthcare NHS Trust. On 1st October there will be further opportunities and feedback.
  • Work is being carried out for Central Middlesex to become an orthopaedic centre of excellence based on a model hospital in South East London.
GP accessibility
  • Our work plan task –Patient Transport is going to be crucial noted by JM as in Harrow we have the 3 hubs –
  • AM enquired on the results of a national survey carried out last year across London?
  • Jenny Stephany went further to probe on what was the baseline and looking at the critical change gone through by the patients using the services and focus on the group around it to get leverage.
  • Jenny Stephany – Need to set-up a working group –Stanmore orthopaedic – has not been sorted out. Member of the public suggested getting Tony Woods of HPS to be involved.
  • AS reiterated that transport seems to be a recurring theme and issue in gauging patients/carers experience.
Northwick Park Hospital
  • Waiting times at A&E Northwick Park Hospital was highlighted by member of the public, 11 hours not getting the treatment. When the patient challenged the team at Northwick Park on why they were discharged highlighted the need for a neurologist who was able to deal with the patient’s concerns. The DB encouraged the member of public to make a complaint.
  • Jenny Stephany shared with the meeting her concern of lack of clarity on patient discharge policy and practice - from hospitals into responsibility of social care. This issue is likely to grow as integrated care is embedded. Member of the public shared examples of poor practice in such as switchboard speech system was very poor.
  • The public shared a number significant concerns with A&E. This included examples of the process being very confusing, long queues and the difficulty to understand the system as you walk. May be worth exploring help from volunteers which might elevate the fears of public attending A&E
A&E and Mental Health
  • Ann Freeman raised a number of pertain issues related to the urgent need to improve the overall experience and treatment mental health patients receive at A&E. Mark Gilliam re-affirmed the point raised and advised to keep a visual ant eye on steps taken by CNWL in addressing such issues. MG also reminder the meeting the many of these concerns have been shared with CNWL and is aware of efforts being made to improve quality of provision.
  • Mark Gillam pointed out there was a project with 8 CCGs headed by Michael Dixon looking at the quality of care and is happy to champion this for Mental Health. Heinz commented that it might be good to invite Michael Dixon to make a presentation at the next meeting.
  • Nannette Spain commented that there are similar issues for people with Dementia. Delivery Board members agreed
  • Stuart Wooding – has been involved with the recruitment of nurse and was disappointed that Healthwatch Harrow did not take up the invitation to be involved in the recruitment process. Arvind will take this up with Sunny.
Compliments, Complaints and Comments
  • Member of public commented on the excellent service that was received from the London Ambulance service “they could not do enough for me.”
Next steps – Actions arising
  • There following DB Members and volunteers will led on:
  • Mergers – Julian Maw
  • A&E – Julian Maw, Jenny Stephany and Mark Gilham
  • Mental Health – Mark Gilliam and Mike Coker
  • Enter & View Training: Jenny Stephany would like to be trained.
  • Health and social care – set-up a Dementia Task Group (Mark) and Nannette Spain
  • Enter & View should also be carried with home care.
/ JM
5 / Open Discussion………………………………………………………..
5.1 / JSNA Update
JSNA – The Chair once again apologised the borough’s JSNA representative and appreciated the inconvenience this may caused and proposed that we pool our initial thought and ideas which will be collated and combined with later data and information gathering exercises which Healthwatch Harrow will be initiating
Julian Maw gave a summary of what the JSNA was and looked at some of the priorities we can work on. Mike Coker would like to look at process over the 6 months on what people need.
  • John Hunter – commented on the presentation at Elliot Hall where a select group of professional were invited. Moving forward we need public to feed into the JSNA rather the professional. Professional do not listen to the public.
  • Devan Pillay – Professionals can facilitate the process on behalf of the public.
  • Julian Maw– The census used was the old one produced 11 years – we need to shift – use the new census. JSNA was to inform commissioning intentions.
The Chair summarised the pointsraised by the meeting on the JSNA discussions.
  1. The Chair to engage with HWB
  2. Invitation to be re-issued to Public Health Team
  3. Suggest a consultation or survey be carried by Public Health
  4. Prioritise on Mental Health.
  5. Ensure we are vigilance and participate in the changes that will take place in the implement of Whole Systems Integrated Care
7 / AOB
Comment from John Hunter “Best Public Meeting he has attended to far”
Next Meeting – TBC

DB notes 19.09.14 HiB Office, Howard Road, Stanmore HA7 1BTPage 1 of 4