- ______Greece is the period of Greek history from around 500 B.C. to the ______of Greece by the Macedonian king ______in 338 B.C.
- Period of brilliant achievement of ______in Athens under the leadership of ______
- Age began with ______between the Greek states & the ______Empire
The Challenge Of Persia
- ______ was the biggest of the ______city-states (of the big 3, that is)
- It developed the best ______power (which includes a navy), was the ______largest in land & the 1st in ______
- It becomes the ______power in Greece
- The government of Athens was a ______ ("rule by many"), on paper that is
- All adult ______had the right to ______
- Every male could vote, but they weren't ______to vote & the middle class couldn't take the time to go vote cuz they couldn't ______to close up their shops all the time
- So only the ______the ______had the time to vote & on crucial votes, the poor could be ______($) by the rich so that actually Athens functioned like an ______where the rich were running the state
- Athens had a neat ceremony called ______
- Athenians were ______that leaders would become ______so once a year, in the winter time (nothing better to do), they had a ______for ostracism
- If over 6,000 men showed up, there was a ______where one would get a pot shard (broken piece of pottery) & write down the ______of the ______you don't like
- If he gets the ______of votes, he's kicked out of ______for 10 years, he's not guilty of anything, he's just making most Greeks ______
- Sometimes Athenians got rid of their best ______in the middle of wars cuz they were too good ______
- There was also an un-ostracism ______if they needed the guy ______
- As Greek civilization ______throughout the Mediterranean region it was inevitable that it would come into contact with the ______Empire to the east
- Some Greeks saw the struggle with the Persians as a contest between ______
- To the Greeks, a person was a ______of the state, not a ______
- Ionian ______cities fell to the ______in southwestern Asia Minor by the mid 6th century B.C.
- The Greek cities were restless & a ______in the Ionian Greek cities led by ______broke out in 499 B.C.
- The ______sent 20 ships to aid the revolt & helped Milesians capture & burn ______(Persian capital—Lydian satrapy)
- Only temporarily, the Persians managed to ______Miletus & reestablish ______by 494 B.C.
- The Persian ruler ______now decided to attack the mainland Greeks to gain ______for the Athenian action but also to ______his empire westward & in 490 B.C. a Persian expedition was sent to ______
- He developed a foreign ______: If you're ______, go out ______the territory stuff it into the empire
The First Persian Attack
- The Persians sailed across the ______Sea, captured ______(also aided the Ionian Greek rebels) on the island of Euboea across from Atticathen ______their army to the plain of Marathon (______miles from Athens)
- The Athenians (______but with help from towns in Boeotia) ______the Persians
- Persians were lightly ______troops, more mobile & ______& relied heavily on missles
- Greek ______were armed with heavy shields & relied on ______thrusts at close range
- The Greek hoplites charged across the plain of ______the Persian forces
- ______, the Persians did not mount another attack against mainland Greece for ______years
- In the meantime Athens had acquired a new ______, Themistocles
- He persuaded his fellow ______to pursue a new military ______, namely, the development of a ______
- They produced about ______vessels, primarily ______(ships with 3 banks of oars)
- Darius I was killed during a revolt in ______which kept the Persians from mounting another ______on ______
- ______, the new Persian monarch, was bent on ______
- He was ______as he collected men & material for ______years for the next battle
- In the meantime, he sent ______to AthensSparta to ask them if they didn't want to reconsider & ______the Persian Empire before they were stuffed into it anyway
- SpartaAthens put the ambassadors to ______(a little tacky don’t ya think)
- The ______knew Xerxes was getting ready for ______& they thought he had 5 million men but actually it was more like 150,000 men
The Invasion Of Xerxes
- The Persians mounted their invasion (under ______) in 480 B.C. with about 150,000 troops, several hundred naval ships & hundreds of ______ships to feed the large ______
- The Persians crossed the Hellespont by forming a ______of ships & then moved through ______on their way to Greece
- The Greek ______was to fight at the pass of Thermopylaealong the main road of ______into Boeotia (plug it like a cork making the Persians______)
- This would have given the Greek fleet (300 ships) the chance to ______the Persian ______
- A Greek force numbering close to 9,000, under the leadership of the Spartan king ______& his contingent of ______hundred Spartans held off the Persian army (150,000) at Thermopylae for 2-3______
- Unfortunately for the Greeks, a ______told the Persians of a mountain path they could use to outflank the Greek force (another way ______it)
- King Leonidas & the 300 Spartans fought to the ______man
- The Athenians now ______by the onslaught of the Persian forces decided to ______Athens & evacuated the population of Attica to the offshore island of ______with the Greek fleet while the Persians ______Athens
- Although the Greeks were outnumbered, they managed to ______the Persian fleet (mostly Phoenicians & Ionians) & decisively ______them
- With the Persian army still intact, Xerxes was ______by the prospect of another Ionian ______& decided to return to ______leaving the Persian force in Thessaly under control of his general, Mardonius
- Early in 479 B.C. the Greeks formed the largest Greek ______seen up to that time
- The Athenians ______the Spartans to move north of the Peloponnesus & take on the Persians at ______(northwest of Athens) where the Greek forces decisively ______the Persian army
- The Greeks almost lost cuz they were waiting for the Spartans to ______the attack while the Persians were shooting ______at them
- The Spartans were holding ______ceremonies examining sheep______for the sign to ______
- Finally, Athens attacked without them the Spartans found the right liver & again, the ______mowed over the ______
- The remaining Persian forces returned to ______
- The Greeks destroyed much of the Persian ______& were overjoyed at their victory but remained ______that the Persians would try again
The Growth Of An Athenian Empire
- After the ______of the Persians, Athens stepped in to provide new ______against the Persians by forming a ______called the ______League
- Was ______by the Athenians from the beginning with its main ______on the island of ______
- Chief officials, treasurers & commanders of the ______were Athenians
- Larger states (Lesbos, Samos, & Chios) contributed ______while smaller communities made payments in ______
- The Delian League pursued the ______against the ______Empire
- All of the Greek states in the ______were ______from Persian control
- “No ______” became Athenian policy (some Delian League members wished to ______)
- Athenians ______the withdrawn states, ______their walls & took over their fleets, eliminated their ______& forced them to pay ______(Athenian Imperialism)
The Age Of Pericles
- At home the Athenians favored the new ______policy (Pericles an aristocrat began a political role)
- Under Pericles, Athens embarked on a policy of expanding its new empire abroad (Age of Pericles) & witnessed the height of the Athenian ______as a civilization
- Athenians became deeply attached to their ______system
- Pericles was the great democratic ______of ______after the Persian Wars
- The Greeks were ______of themselves for putting it to the Persians & developed their culture during this period, which ran from 445-431 BC
- During this time, the Athenians built a ______around the entire ______
- The ______ (high city) had been used for ______before the Persians burned it down but after the Persians left, Athens didn't need it for defense any more, so they built new buildings, like ______& neat stuff on top of it
- These were built by Pericles (with funds ______from the ______League) as a work project for the people so they would keep ______him into ______
- The ______ was the big temple built for Athens, patron ______of Athens
- All the rest of the temples of Greece were razed ______by a later religion that came along (______) because they were to heathen ______
- But the Parthenon was ______cuz somebody thought fast stuck a ______on top of it, thereby converting it to the ______of the day
- As a matter of fact, the Parthenon almost made it through time intact until about 200-300 years ago when somebody stored their ______in it it blew up
- Since then, it's been stacked up again but it's not all ______yet
Athenian Imperialism
- The Athenian pursuit of democracy at home was coupled with increasing ______abroad as Athens attempted to create both a ______empire in Greece & a ______empire in the Aegean
- Athens attempted to ______its empire on the Greek mainland as well but the creation of a land empire overextended the Athenians & involved them in a series of ______with ______& its allies known as the First ______War
- While building its land empire, Athens continued its offensive against ______& at the same time tightened control over the Delian ______
- ______did take its toll as Pericles recognized the ______of Athenian exhaustion & sought ______
The Great Peloponnesian War (421-404 B.C.)
- In the ______that followed the defeat of the Persians, the Greek world divided into _____ major camps: ______& its Peloponnesian League & the ______maritime empire (Delian League) & the little islands around Greece
- The ______, who have never gotten along that well, were heading for a major ______called the Peloponnesian ______(431-404 BC) between the city-states
- It happened ______the Age of Pericles & was a turning point cuz of the ______to Greek city-states
- There were ______ basic ingredients that set the ______for war:
- There were 2 major leagues in Greece (______League)
- It was started to ______against another Persian attack with Athensas the greatest ______power & it was to defend the ______
- Athens took ______the league collected the money to run the ______
- Soon, the islands figured out there wasn't going to be any more Persians wanted ______of the League, but Athens was too ______to go against
- Besides, Athens needed the ______to put all those fancy buildings up on the ______
- Almost ______the important city-states were in one of the two ______
- The two leagues saw ______differently as cities in the Peloponnesian League were mostly ______& the Delian League were mostly ______
- There were old ______between the member states in ______leagues
- Corinth was ______& feared Athens because ______the Persian Wars, Corinth traded in the West & Athens in the East & after the war, Athens was moving in on Corinth's trade ______which was very pushy on Athens' part
- There were 4little ______events that, added all together, made war
- #1 was called the ______
- Corinth had founded the ______of Corcyra on an island years ago (oligarchy but ______to democracy)
- Together, Corcyra Corinth had founded a little colony on the coast north of ______
- In 436 B.C., a civil war broke out in the colony between government styles with both sides pumping in ______to keep their half of the colony going
- In 435 B.C., Corinth sent her ______to chastise the colonies for causing a ______
- Corcyra (#3 Navy) beat Corinth (#2 Navy)
- Corinth was ______spent the next year building up a ______to go get Corcyra
- Corcyra knew they were coming was ______cuz they knew they had won in the first place with a little______& couldn't do it again
- Corcyra needed ______!! Corcyra wasn't in a ______
- So, where do you go for help against the #2 Navy? You go to the ______Navy which happened to be ______
- Incident #2 was the ______
- Potidaea was a Corinthian ______way up north on another strip of land but it was a member of the ______League
- Every year, Corinth elected an ______to go up & ______the colony so Athens told Potidaea to ______the next official & run themselves
- Potidaea______to listen to Athens instead & wanted Corinthian ______, which they'd always had
- Athens got ______and sent a small ______to close down the Potidaean ______
- Incident #3 was the ______
- Megera was a little city-state ______AthensCorinth & a member of the Peloponnesian ______
- ______passed a series of decrees against Megarian ______which closed off the Delian island ______to Megera that choked off most of Megera's trade
- Athens just did it to show off to the other city-states how ______it was
- Incident #4 took place at ______(remember the last battle of the Persian Wars?)
- ______was the big city up there was trying to form a ______league in the area which it wanted to manage but the rest of the Boeotian cities didn't want Thebes in ______
- Thebes (______) was in the Peloponnesian League Plataea was ______
- The oligarches in Plataea made a ______with Thebesto turn over the city to them & in the middle of the night, the oligarchies opened the city gates of Plataea to let the Theban army in
- But the democrats of Plataea moved fast enough to get the ______closed before Thebes got ______of the army in to do the job (they couldn't get _____& couldn't _____ the city)
- Plataea offered to let them go if they threw down their ______& went ______
- They threw in their weapons the Plataeans ______each one of them
- Thebes was ______Athens sent ______to Plataea
- In 432 BC, an ______meeting of the Peloponnesian League took place
- Everybody was upset & wanted to take on ______
- Corinth, Megera Thebes all ______for ______but Sparta voted for ______cuz they can't afford war cuz the ______back home would rise up
- Corinth said if Sparta couldn't lead the war, maybe ______had better
- Sparta couldn't afford to ______the leadership of the ______cuz that enabled them to order everyone else about & save themselves as a ______resort
- ______sent an ambassador to Apollo at Delphi to ask what the ______wanted
- Apollo said that ______was the cause of all the ______in Greece &, if there was a war, Sparta would ______
- Athens said the Spartans ______the ______cuz they don't want their own people believing the ______are against them
- ______sent an ambassador to Athens demanding that, to avoid ______, Athens do ____ things:
- ______the Megarian Decrees
- Quit hurting Potidaea & open up their ______
- Give up the Delian League & make all the islands ______
- Athens could have done #1 & #2 easily, but they needed the ______from the ______so they refused to do ______of them
- Athens was ready for ______(had 6,000 talents of ______in the treasury all saved up for war) so she could afford to refuse Sparta's terms
- No one else had any ______saved up
- Athens had about 15,000 ______which were pretty good soldiers but Sparta could field 2-3 times that many so Athens didn't want ______war
- On the sea, Athens had 500 ships, 300 of the new style ______ (expensive no one else had any)
- Sparta company had about ______triremes
- Besides that, Athens had the best ______position in the ______
- They had just finished building a ______around the city they built a couple of walls down to their ______(about 3 miles away) called the "______"
- At that time, there was no effective ______equipment against walls except to ______out the people on the ______
- Athens had included their harbor they controlled the sea so there was no way to ______them out
- ______was leading Athens (he said don't risk the navy the army, but to fight a war of ______)
- 2 ways to ______a war
- 1 is war of total ______where you throw everything at the enemy who then surrenders ______& is a very satisfying war to win
- 2 is a war of ______which means to keep the war going as long as it's without great ______to yourself until somebody gets ______of fighting & they ______on terms
- The war was not in Sparta's best interests cuz they have all those helots waiting at home for the right chance to ______
- Athens figured they could keep the war going ______enough that Sparta would have to get ______of the League it would ______
- Historians have traditionally divided the war into ______phases
- 1stphase, the ______War, Sparta launched repeated invasions of Attica, while Athens took advantage of its ______supremacy to raid the coast of the Peloponnese attempting to suppress signs of unrest in its empire
- This period of the war was concluded in 421 BC, with the signing of the ______of Nicias
- That treaty, however, was soon undermined by ______fighting in the Peloponnese
- Phase 2 in 415 B.C., Athens dispatched a ______expeditionary force to attack Syracuse in Sicily; the attack failed disastrously, with the destruction of the entire force, in 413 B.C.
- This ushered in the final phase of the war, generally referred to either as the ______War, or the ______War
- In this phase, Sparta, now receiving ______from Persia, supported ______in Athens' subject states in the Aegean SeaIonia, undermining Athens' empire, , eventually, depriving the city of ______supremacy
- The destruction of Athens' ______at Aegospotami effectively ______the war, Athens ______in the following year
- The Peloponnesian War ______the Ancient Greek world
- On the level of ______relations, Athens, the strongest city-state in Greece prior to the war's beginning, was reduced to a state of near-complete ______, while Sparta became established as the leading ______of Greece
- The economic costs of the war were felt all across Greece; ______became widespread in the Peloponnese, while Athens found itself completely ______, and never regained its pre-war prosperity
The Decline Of The Greek States (404-338 B.C.)
- The next ______years witnessed continuing ______among the Greeks, with the leading roles shifting among Sparta, Athens & the new Greek power ______
- With no more Athenian empire, ______headed by local “______” (ten-man board) were placed in control of the ______Athenian states
- “Thirty Tyrants” (ruling faction of 30) ______1500 of their democratic ______
- The Athenians would reestablish their ______in 403 B.C. & again become a force in the Greek world
- As the Greek states continued their petty wars, king Philip II of ______was developing a ______state that would finally end the destructive nature of the Greek states by imposing Macedonian ______
- Classical Greece saw a period of remarkable ______growth throughout the Greek world
The Writing Of History
- ______as we know it, the systematic analysis of past ______was a Greek creation
- Herodotus (______Greek from Asia Minor) was the author of The Persian Wars, a work commonly regarded as the ______real history in Western Civilization
- Thucydides (by far a better historian—considered by many the ______of the ancient world) was an Athenian & a ______in the Peloponnesian War
- He had been elected a ______, but a defeat in battle led the Athenian assembly to send him into ______where he described his activities in History of the Peloponnesian War
- He was not concerned with underlying divine ______or ______as explanations in history
- He saw ______in purely rational terms as the activities of ______beings
- He provided remarkable insight into the human condition & believed that human nature was a ______
Greek Drama
- ______as we know it was created by the Greeks & was clearly intended to do more than ______
- It was used to ______citizens & was supported by the ______for that reason
- ______were presentedin ______theatres as part of ______festivals
- The first Greek drams were ______, plays based on the suffering of a _____ & usually ending in disaster
- Aeschylus was the first ______whose plays (with ______plots) are known to us
- Out of 90 tragedies only 7 have ______
- The ______is the only ______(set of 3) that we possess that was written by Aeschylus
- Agamemnon (King of Mycenae) returs a hero from the defeat of ______
- His ______avenges the sacrificial death of her ______by murdering Agamemnon who was responsible for ______death
- In the 2nd play, Agamemnon’s son ______avenges his fathers death by ______his mother & is then pursued by the avenging ______who torment him for killing her
- In the 3rd, evil ______breed evil acts & Orestes is put on ______& acquitted by Athena (patron goddess of Athens); personal vendetta has been eliminated & the ______has prevailed
- ______was another great Athenian playwright who wrote Oedipus the King
- Fortells that a man (Oedipus) will ______his own ______& marry his ______
- Despite all attempts at ______, the tragic events occur with ______determined by the gods
- Euripides (another Athenian tragedian) moved beyong his predecessors in creating more ______characters
- His plots were more ______, reflecting a greater interest in real ______situations
- Greek tragedies dealt with universal ______that are still relevant in our society ______
- They probed problems such as ______& evil, conflict between ______values & the demands of the state or ______, the rights of the individual, the nature of ______forces & the nature of human ______
- Over & over agin the tragic ______was ______
- Humans were free & yet could operate only within the limitations of the gods
- Ancient Greek ______developed later than tragedy & was one of the final three principal dramatic forms in the theatre of classical Greece (the others being tragedy & the satyr play)
- Atheniancomedy is conventionally divided into three periods, ______Comedy, ______Comedy, & ______Comedy
- Old Comedy ______today largely in the form of the eleven surviving plays of Aristophanes, while Middle Comedy is largely ______, i.e. preserved only in relatively short fragments in authors such as Athenaeus of Naucratis
- ______Comedy is known primarily from the substantial papyrus fragments of Menander
- The philosopher ______wrote in his Poetics (c. 335 BC) that comedy is a representation of ______people & involves some kind of ______or ugliness which does not cause ______or disaster
The Arts: The Classical Ideal