Adder 3

Sub AdderThree()

a = Val(InputBox("Please enter the first value to be added"))

MsgBox "This program is designed to add two numbers"

b = Val(InputBox("Please enter the second value to be added"))

c = a + b

guess = Val(InputBox("Please enter your guess of the total"))

If guess = c Then

MsgBox "Good Guess!"


MsgBox "You're wrong!"

End If


ActiveCell.Value = c

MsgBox "the total = " & c

End Sub


Sub captureSales()

'when you run this macro, it will take the sales of all the 12 stores we own

'it will ask for a reason if the sales are too low or too high

Dim storeSales As Long

Dim storeNum As Integer

Dim reason As String

Dim store As Range

storeNum = 1

For Each store In Range("C7:C18")

store.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store " & storeNum)

If store.Value < 500 Orstore.Value > 5000 Then

reason = InputBox("Why are the sales deviated?", "Reason for Deviation", "Reason for Deviation")

store.Offset(, 1).Value = reason

End If

storeNum = storeNum + 1

Next store

End Sub

Count HighForty

Sub CountCells2()

Dim total As Integer, i As Integer

total = 0

For i = 1 To 4

'ignore the two code lines below, they are only added to illustrate the loop

Cells(i, 1).Select

MsgBox "i = " & i

If Cells(i, 1).Value > 40 Then total = total + 1

Next i

MsgBox total & " values higher than 40"

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub InsertSheet()

' Adds a new worksheet, and prompts user to name it.

Dim objWS As Worksheet, strName As String


strName = InputBox("Sheet name?")

' Check to make sure the name is unique.

If strName > "" Then

For Each objWS In Worksheets

If LCase(objWS.Name) = LCase(strName) Then GoTo Again

Next objWS

End If

' Add new worksheet after the active sheet.

Set objWS = Worksheets.Add(After:=ActiveSheet)

' If user provided a name, assign that name.

If strName > "" Then objWS.Name = strName

End Sub

Sub NewRecord()

' Add new record and increment the value in the first column.


' Select the first cell after the last filled cell in column A.

Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

' Determine the maximum value in the column and add 1.

ActiveCell = WorksheetFunction.Max(ActiveCell.EntireColumn) + 1

End Sub

Sub Summary()

' Displays the sum, average, and count of the selected range.

Dim objSelect As Range

Dim iCount As Long, pSum As Double, pAvg As Double


' Prompt user for range to summarize.

Set objSelect = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select range of values to summarize", _

Default:=Selection.Address, _



' Use Count, Sum, and Average worksheet functions

' on the selected range.

iCount = WorksheetFunction.Count(objSelect)

pSum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(objSelect)

pAvg = WorksheetFunction.Average(objSelect)

' Display values.

MsgBox "Count: " & iCountvbCr & _

"Sum: "FormatNumber(pSum, 2) & vbCr & _

"Avg: "FormatNumber(pAvg, 2)

End Sub

Sub PMT_Table()

' Creates a table of mortgage payments for specified loan amount and APR.

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, curAmount As Currency, fAPR As Single

Dim objCell As Range, curPMT As Currency

' CallInsertSheet Sub procedure.


' Prompt user for loan amount and APR.

curAmount = InputBox(Prompt:="Loan amount?", _


fAPR = InputBox(Prompt:="APR?", _


' Create APR column headings, and loan amount row labels.

For i = 0 To 9

For j = 0 To 9

Cells(1, j + 2) = FormatPercent(fAPR + 0.0005 * j)

Next j

Cells(i + 2, 1) = FormatCurrency(curAmount + (curAmount / 100) * i)

Next i

' Fill in payment table values.

For i = 2 To 11

For j = 2 To 11

curPMT = WorksheetFunction.Pmt(Arg1:=Cells(1, j) / 12, Arg2:=360, Arg3:=Cells(i, 1))

Cells(i, j) = FormatCurrency(curPMT)

Next j

Next i

' Format cells as bold, and autofit columns.

Cells.Font.Bold = True


End Sub

Sub CalcSalaries()

' Calculates the sum of saleries for the specified department and location.

Dim objDept As Range, objLoc As Range, objSal As Range

Dim strDept As String, strLoc As String, curSum As Currency


' This With statement returns a Range object that represents the range

' that surrounds the active cell.

With ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

' Set ranges for the department, location, and salary columns.

Set objDept = .Columns(4)

Set objLoc = .Columns(5)

Set objSal = .Columns(6)

' Prompt for department and location.

strDept = InputBox(Prompt:="Which department (cancel or blank for all departments)?", _


If strDept = "" Then strDept = "*"

strLoc = InputBox(Prompt:="Which location (cancel or blank for all locations)?", _


If strLoc = "" Then strLoc = "*"

' Calculate and display sum of specified salaries.

curSum = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(objSal, objDept, strDept, objLoc, strLoc)

MsgBox "The total for "strDept & " in " & strLoc & " is: " & FormatCurrency(curSum)

End With

End Sub

Sub CleanUpData()

' Trims irregular spacing, and corrects capitalization.

Dim objCell As Range

For Each objCell In ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

objCell = WorksheetFunction.Trim(oCell)

objCell = WorksheetFunction.Proper(oCell)

Next objCell

End Sub