Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Present: Christina Amoroso, Liz Chacon, Denise Helstrom (Drake),Laurie Kimbrel, Chris McCune, Sherri Mowbray, Gary Newman (Drake), Jessica Peisch, Chad Stuart, Jeanette Thorson (Redwood), Sue Chelini

Guests: John Chelini, David Sondheim, Bob Walter

  1. Input from members of the public on items not on the agenda: None
  1. Update: Eligibility for Continuation High School Students (Tia Cummins)The MCAL ADs voted against this proposal at their January meeting. However, it will go to the MCAL Board of Managers this Thursday for discussion and avote. Laurie Kimbrel said that the TUHSD continuation school is very different from most. There are only a handful of students who do not go voluntarily. The majority would be eligible to compete in athletics. One program housed at San Andreas this year, PATHWAYS, will be under Tamsical, rather than SA next year. It will be an official Tamiscal program, just housed at SA. Students can co-enroll in high school and COM. Question: Should SA be a continuation school or should we just have a continuation classroom and not punish everyone else who wants to go to an alternative school.The SA staff will work this issue through next year. There is good instruction and learning happening at SA. It is not a scary place.
  1. A Day in the Life of an Athletic Director (Jessica & Christina): Jessica prepared a Power Point presentation of what it takes to put a team on the court/field/pool/track.
  1. Personnel: Hiring and evaluation of paid and volunteer coaches, training and supervision of coaches, checking for Activities Supervision Clearance Credential, DOJ & FBI fingerprints, TB testing, Coaching Education, Concussion Certification, every 2 years, First Aid & CPR, every 2 years. This year Redwood had 56 paid coaches, 30 volunteer coaches, an athletic clerk, gate takers, front-line staff supervision, and campus supervisors requiring stipends and extra service payments. Season meetings. Coaches Handbook.
  2. Eligibility: Each athlete needs an Athletic Participation Form (APF). Transfer, academic (6 times/year), and disciplinary eligibility as well as school attendance on game days
  3. Budget: M&E, ASB AD & Team sport accounts, Booster groups, fundraising, uniforms (issue, inventory, storage), equipment, officials, transportation, certificate of insurance, gate money, CIF/NCS/MCAL dues,
  4. Scheduling: league schedules, rainouts,
  5. Facilities: Facility coordinator, work orders, field walks, fields, weight, sanitation facilities, equipment/uniform storage.
  6. Goal: make all the background stuff as seamless as possible
  7. Safety: athletic trainer protocol, first-aid kids, blood borne pathogens, concussions, MRSA, Hydration, H1N1 flu, emergency response plans
  8. Team Timeline Example: Meet with Head coaches for goal setting, Assistant coaches, TUHSD Coaches handbook form, Inventory, Order equipment & uniforms, NCS Application to Host, Pre-season schedule and contracts, Transportation, Officials, Facility conflicts, Confirm schedules, Reserve off campus facilities, Coaching requirements, NCS Ejection Form, Practice schedules, MCAL Coaches meetings, Update coaches on any rule changes, Keys, Process APF’s, Collect Rosters, Verify eligibility, Master Early Release schedule, Weekly game schedule, Weekly early release to staff , MaxPreps, Reschedule games as needed with other AD’s, End of Season, awards & coaches evaluation, NCS Applications
  9. Seasonal:Football Saturday games, Basketball Tuesday & Friday Night games, Non-school athletic events, School break athletic events, Off campus events, All home and away playoff games, Overlap of seasons, UCSF Cardiac and Summer physicals
  10. Game Management: Gate Takers, Cash Box, Crowd Supervision, Announcer, Scoreboard Operator, Chain Gang, Medical Coverage, Visiting team locker room, Officials locker room, Custodial services, Sound System, Field Set-up, American Flag, Playoff set-up, Sportsmanship meeting, Confirm game workers, Financials to MCAL, NCS, or CIF, MCAL & NCS Host site: Football, Basketball, Water polo, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis, Baseball, Softball, Track & Field
  11. Meetings: Site administration, booster clubs, Athletic Council, MCAL, MCAL sports, Seasonal coaches meetings, MV Park & Rec field use, CIF athletic administrator meeting, NCS sports advisor meeting., All About Tam Night, Welcome to Tam Night, NCS Sports Advisory Committee, CSADA, NIAAA
  12. Community:Marin Independent Journal, Internet Broadcasting, MaxPreps, Athletics Website, Twitter, Schedule Star, School Newspaper, Redwood Athletic Hall of Fame, Redwood Foundation
  13. Celebrating Student Achievements: Team post season awards, NCS Scholastic Team Awards, NCS Scholastic Individual Awards, Marin Athletic Foundation Outstanding Athlete, TUHSD Coach of the Year, College signing day, Senior Banquet, Letter of Recommendations, Hawk of the week (the Mountain Biking Team also asked to be part of it)
  14. Teaching two periods:Program Goals, Pre/Post testing, Grades, Daily Lesson Plans, Department meetings, Collaboration with colleagues, Equipment management, Locker room management, Developing UBD's, Student Discipline

After the presentation, Laurie expressed her appreciation to the ADs. She thinks it is amazing how much energy they have. This is a full time job without the teaching. She actually thinks it should be a full-time administrative assignment. Lots of volunteer time goes into this job. Every year, the District does a comprehensive staffing plan. Because the District is growing in enrollment, the staffing plan has to be data driven. We are at the point where we need to think about the future of athletics in the District. If we don’t start right now, there will only be a small fraction of students able to participate in athletics. The staffing plan for next year is going to the Board soon. It is making a recommendation to increase the amount of time for ADs from .6 AD/.4 teaching to .8 AD/.2 teaching. We have to talk to Board about the value-added. What will we get for the extra time? How do we grow athletics to accommodate students? The more coaches we add, the more supervision/evaluation there is to do. We also need to encourage more teacher coaches in the future to help the ADs.

Bob Walter also expressed his appreciation for the ADs. He said they have become masters of doing more with less.

  1. Field Hockey at Redwood (Jessica): Interest was expressed by several girls in establishing a field hockey team. Redwood held a meeting last week where about 75 interested girls showed up. Field hockey is a fall sport. The numbers are there. Now, we need to establish a preliminary budget. Marin Catholic, Berkeley, St. Ignatius and University currently have teams. The season is short, 6-8 weeks. There are no community field hockey “club” teams to support field hockey. Bob Walter suggested there could be a conversation with Redwood foundation or other interested parties to sponsor the “start-up” piece. Sue and Jessica will convene a committee to make a proposal to the District.
  1. MCAL
  1. Water polo league: There is now a 13-team boys’ water polo league including Cardinal Newman, Sonoma Valley, Healdsburg and Marin Academy in addition to the MCAL schools. NCS has placed the four new schools into our league. MCAL had no choice. NCS is thinking about the kids in the outlier schools who want to play. It takes four teams to make a league. MA has already been in the MCAL water polo league in place of Branson. The MCAL ADs will consider several options to make a schedule that works best for the most teams.
  2. CIF: Rule 600: CIF Rule 600 keeps athletes from playing on a club team during their season of sport, except for soccer. There had been a move to eliminate that rule. It was voted down by Southern Section and is still in effect. Five states have had suits against a similar rule. The parents have won in all those states on the grounds that the state athletic organization could not tell families what to do on their own time.
  3. CIF: Practice Rules: The NCS Sports Advisory Committee voted yesterday in favor of limiting practice time to 18 hours/week including games, chalk talks, film, etc. The policy is going to the NCS Board of Managers and then the CIF Federated Council. If it passes, it most likely will go into effect for the 2014-15 school year. Curriculum doesn’t count (i.e. weightlifting in zero period, 7th period athletic class). Enforcement is a big question. Our parents/students will let us know if other schools are violating the new policy. Each section will have to create penalties for violation. The primary question, “Are you providing for the STUDENT athlete when so many hours are going into athletics.
  1. Winter/Spring Season Updates (ADs)

Tam: Winter: Tam hosted MCAL wrestling finals. G basketball made NCS. G frosh basketball won the league. B basketball has hired a new teacher coach, Tim Morgan, for next year. There will be eleven on-campus coaches next year. Spring: League started yesterday so not much news. There will be more at the next AC meeting. The new baseball infield is installed and is working beautifully. Teams are practicing on it. New football scoreboard has been installed, but doesn’t work yet.

Drake: Winter: Drake had a few individuals compete at NCS for the first time. B basketball won regular season title, but lost MCAL playoffs. However, they did make NCS, losing in semi finals against Acalanes. They still went on to NorCals. Tonight, they are playing in the NorCals at Redding. Hopefully, they will be in San Francisco Saturday night.

Redwood: Winter: B frosh basketball finished the season 26-0! G basketballwas in MCAL playoffs for the first time in a long time. Redwood hosted Ukiah in NCS B basketball playoffs. Boys also did well in NCS. One wrestler placed 6th in state tournament. As usual, Redwood hosted MCAL basketball playoffs during mid-winter break. Baseball will play in “Game Night” at Albert’s park this Friday. The new turf field is beautiful and athletes and coaches really appreciate it. Now, we are working on getting a scoreboard and bleachers. In the meanwhile, we are trying to figure out how to place fans and teams. The spring league is starting this week.

  1. Additional items that may come up: None

Confirm future meeting dates:

Athletic Council: Tuesdays, 2:30-4:00, Carlisle Creekside

May 20, 2014

Athletic Directors Only, Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00, Carlisle C

April 22, 2014

Superintendent/Athletic Directors, Superintendent's Office, Fridays, 1:00-2:00

April 25, 2014

Marin Athletic Foundation

Golf Tournament: Monday, April 21, 2014

Outstanding Athlete Dinner: Monday, May 12, 2014

CA State Athletic Directors Association Annual Meeting

San Diego, April 10-13, 2014

National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Annual Meeting

National Harbor, Maryland,December 13-16, 2014