Application Reference
/ · 16/02038/FULApplicant
/ · Mr and Mrs JonesReason for Referral to Committee
/ · Support from Ilmington Parish CouncilCase Officer / · Amy Flute
Presenting Officer / · Dave Kenyon
Site Address / · 2 Nellands Close, Ilmington, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4NF
Description of Proposals / · Proposed two storey side extension, new double garage, face existing building with render and natural stone
Ward Member / · Councillor M Brain - No comment received
Parish Council / · Ilmington Parish Council – Support (09.08.2016)
o Greatly enhance the street scene, improving visual aspect of the street
o In keeping with other houses as a result of similar extensions in the street scene
Third Party Responses / · One letter of support received, with the following comments made:
o Improvement to the street scene
o Will not impose on neighbouring property
Consultations / · Ecology – Bat and nesting bird informatives are recommended (18.07.2016)
Development Plan / Stratford-on-Avon District Council adopted the Core Strategy and Main Modifications Schedule on 11 July 2016. Full weight can be attached to the relevant policies:
· CS.1 – Sustainable Development
· CS.5 - Landscape
· CS.6 – Natural Environment
· CS.9 – Design and Distinctiveness
· CS.11 - AONB
· CS.20- Existing Housing Stock and Buildings
· AS.9 – Wellesbourne
Other Material Considerations / · Framework & PPG
· Extending Your Home
· Ilmington Parish Plan – Feb 2006
Other Legislation / · Human Rights Act 1998
· Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006
· The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010
Any Relevant History / · 99/01406/FUL - Proposed ground and 1st floor extension. Porch enclosure. Planning Permission or Listed Building Consent not required (05.05.1999)
Considerations / · Visual Impact
· Impact on AONB
· Impact on Neighbouring Amenity
· Highway Safety and Parking Provision
· Ecological Impact and Trees
Assessment of Key Issues
Policy CS.1 of the Core Strategy, attaches great important to the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), seeking for all proposals to contribute towards the character and quality of the District and to the well-being of those who live and work in and visit the District.
The application site is a detached property within a small cul-de-sac, constructed from red brick, Cotswold stone and cladding, with an attached garage. The property has off road parking for two cars and a garden area to the front, side and rear.
The application seeks permission for a two storey side extension, new double garage and to face the existing building with render and natural stone.
The proposed two storey side extension would project off the north east elevation by 4.9m, with a length of 8.8m and a height of 7.2m. This would provide an enlarged kitchen, utility room and garden room at ground floor level, and a master bedroom with en-suite and dressing room at first floor level.
The proposed garage would project off the two storey side extension and would measure 6m wide by 5.8m in length and have a maximum height of 3.3m.
Visual Impact
The proposed two storey side extension would be visible within the street scene due to the position of the property, and there will be views of the proposed extension when travelling in a north westerly and south easterly direction along Ballards Lane.
‘Extending Your Home’ guidance states that extensions should be designed to appear as extensions, rather than attempting to look like they are part of the original dwelling. Furthermore, extensions should normally be lower than the main house and set back from the frontage of the main house. The proposed extension fails to show subservience from the main house as it is neither set down from the ridge of the host dwelling nor set back from the front elevation of the main house, contrary to the requirements of ‘Extending Your Home’ and Core Strategy Policy CS.20, which requires extensions to be of an appropriate scale and subservient in relation to the existing building.
I recognise that the proposed development would visually enhance the existing design of the property, as it would introduce render and natural stone to a property which currently has numerous facing materials used. In addition, to some degree the proposal would therefore enhance the character and appearance of the street scene. I also recognise that there is the addition of other extensions within the street scene however these other extensions have been made subservient in some way, predominantly by being set down in height. I consider that the proposed extension would not read as an ‘extension’ due to its lack of subservience to the host dwelling.
In addition to the extension, the proposal seeks to introduce a garage which will sit forward of the principle elevation. ‘Extending Your Home’ states that garages should normally be set back from the front of the house as garages forward of the house often become a dominant feature and can block views from the street to the house. Within the immediate street scene of Nellands Close there are no garages forward of the principle elevation. Garages are instead set adjacent to the sides of properties. Within the wider street scene, I note that garages are not set forward of the principle elevation along Ballards Lane. I recognise that the existing mature hedgerow and large tree present in the front garden would offer some vegetative screening to soften the visual impact of the garage, however I consider that the introduction of a large garage forward of the principle elevation would cause harm to the character and appearance of the street scene of both Nellands Close and Ballards Lane.
I therefore consider that the proposed development is contrary to Core Strategy Policies CS.9 and CS.20 of the Core Strategy and ‘Extending Your Home’.
Impact on AONB
Policy CS.11 states the development proposals should conserve and enhance the special landscape qualities and scenic beauty of the AONB. It states further that small scale development is appropriate, in accordance with Core Strategy Policy AS.10 Countryside and Villages, but must not harm the historic or built character, local distinctiveness or landscape quality of the AONB. The proposed development would use materials which are a common feature within the character of the street scene, the proposed development is small scale and I subsequently consider that it would not be contrary to Core Strategy Policies CS.11 and AS.10.
Impact on Neighbouring Amenity
Policy CS.20 of the Core Strategy attaches great importance on proposals not detrimentally detracting from the amenities of the neighbouring property.
No.1 Nellands Close is the neighbouring property that adjoins the north-west boundary of the application site and would be primarily affected. This neighbouring property has two habitable room windows on the south elevation that would face towards the proposed extension. No:2 Nellands Close, already breaches the 45 degree angle due to its orientation on the plot, however the proposed extension would have a window to serve a proposed en-suite at first floor level that should planning permission be granted, would require a condition to be attached to ensure that this window is obscure glazed to a minimum of level 3 and maintained at all times, to ensure that the privacy of both properties is maintained.
The application proposal would not overlook onto the amenity space of any other neighbouring properties due to its orientation, the position of the proposal, and the existence of Nellands Close and Ballards Lane.
I subsequently do not consider that the proposal would result in an unacceptable level of harm to the occupiers of the neighbouring properties, and would be in accordance with ‘Extending Your Home’, and Core Strategy Policies CS.9 and CS.20.
Highway Safety and Parking Provision
The proposed development would result in an increase level of parking provision at the property and would therefore have no detrimental impact on parking along Nellands Close or Ballards Lane. It is proposed to widen the existing dropped kerb access directly outside the property by an additional 3.5m. I do not consider that this would cause harm to the character or appearance of the street scene or have any detrimental impact on highway safety.
Ecological Impact and Trees
The impact upon local ecology/biodiversity has been considered and subject to the inclusion of nesting bird and bat notes, should planning permission be granted, no objection is raised. I am therefore satisfied that the proposal accords with policy CS.6 of the Core Strategy and paragraph 118 of the NPPF.
A large Ash tree is situated within the hedge boundary on the north east elevation. The proposed garage would be within close proximity to this tree and could therefore result in a negative impact on its root/canopy structure. However the tree is a relatively poor specimen, does not have a TPO on it and is not considered worthy of consideration for a TPO.
Whilst officers have made a recommendation on the basis of the Development Plan and other material considerations it is for the Committee to weigh and balance these in coming to a decision.
It is therefore recommended that the Planning Manager be authorised to REFUSE planning permission for the following reasons:
1. The proposed two storey side extension by reason of its size and lack of subservience to the host dwelling would introduce a dominant extension that would not respect the scale, appearance and character of the host dwelling or the character of the wider street scene, contrary to the requirements of Core Strategy Policies CS.9, CS.20 and ‘Extending Your Home’.
2. The proposed garage will sit forward of the principle elevation and building line for Nellands Close and Ballards Lane. By reason of the location of the proposed garage it is considered that the development would not respect the character of the wider street scene and is contrary to the requirements of Core Strategy Policies CS.9, CS.20 and ‘Extending Your Home’.
Following public consultation, and changes made as a result, “Extending Your Home” was adopted by Stratford-on-Avon District Council on 1 October 2007 as a material planning consideration in determining householder applications. The Council chose not to adopt the document as a ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ and it was neither included in the Local Development Scheme nor subject to sustainability appraisal. However, the Council still attaches considerable weight to the document as it has undergone a consultation process compliant with Planning Policy Statement 12.
Robert Weeks