Professor and Dean
Office: Home:
Office of the Dean 2401 North 850 West
David O. McKay School of Education Provo, UT 84604-1203
MCKB 301
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602-5093
(801) 422-1592 (voice)
(801) 422-3695 (secretary)
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Post-Doctoral Fellow; 1997; University of Kentucky, Lexington; Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling; Emphases: Special Education Technology and Distance Education.
Ph.D., 1987, Utah State University, Department of Special Education. Emphases: General Special Education, Instructional Technology, and Educational Administration
Dissertation: Expert System Technology and Concept Instruction: Training Educators to Accurately Classify Students with Learning Disabilities.
Attended, 1983-84, Arizona State University, Department of Special Education.
M.S., 1982, University of Utah, Department of Special Education. Emphasis: Learning Disabilities.
Thesis: Participation and Attitudes of Utah Parents toward Individualized Education Programs.
Bachelor of Music, 1975, University of Utah, Department of Music. Emphasis: Music Education.
Dean, David O. McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University, 2013-present.
Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, School of Education, Brigham Young University, 2001-present.
Department Chair, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, School of Education, Brigham Young University, 2003-2011.
Special Education Program Coordinator, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, School of Education, Brigham Young University, 2001-2003.
Courses Taught
(Number of semesters or terms taught in parentheses)
CPSE 300/400 Exceptional Students: Principles of Collaboration (4)
CPSE 452 Effective Teaching Strategies for Mild/Moderate Disabilities (5)
CPSE 460 Collaboration with School and Family (3)
CPSE 480 Educational and Multicultural Issues in Special Education (2)
CPSE 486/586 Student Teaching: Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities (4)
CPSE 487 Student Teaching: Students with Severe Disabilities (1)
CPSE 496 Academic Internship: Special Education (4)
CPSE 601 Current Issues and Research in Special Education (3)
CPSE 6101 Collaboration within School and Family Settings (3)
CPSE 690 Seminar: Issues in Special Education (2)
CPSE 692 Advanced Topics in Special Education (2)
CPSE 699 Thesis Support Seminar (2)
REL 121A Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 1-Alma 42 (2)
Committees (University and School of Education only)
Brigham Young University
BYU Women’s Conference Planning Committee, 2009-2010
BYU’ Department Chairs’ Coordinating Committee, 2006-2009; Chair, 2008-2009
Marjorie Pay Hinckley Endowed Chair Committee, 2004-2006
David O. McKay School of Education
Accreditation Committee, 2004-2005
Assessment Committee, 2002-2003
Bilingual/English as a Second Language Program Planning Committee, 2007
Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling (CITES) Professional Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC), 2005-2013
CITES, Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED) Associates, 2010-2011
CITES, Leaders Associates Planning Committee, 2010-2013
CITES, Search Committee, 2007
English Language Learner Symposium Steering Committee, 2009-2011
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Planning Committee, 2002-2005
Office of Research and Creative Activities Student Scholarship Review, 2001
Student Advisement
Chairperson / Committee MemberCompleted / In Progress / Completed / In Progress
Students / Brianna Teerlink
M.S. Students / Anika Bales
Nari Carter
Ashleigh Cramer
Jacob Figueria
Megan Santini
Ashleigh Smith / Heidi Abraham
Danielle Agle
Britany Barnes
Cami Burton
Diane Fails
Megan Fort (Rec Mgt)
Linda Hansen
Amanda Henderson
Angelina Krieger
Megan Langford
Tricia Lund
Cari Shields
Michele Thompson
Charlene Weaver
Ed.S. Students / Julie Daye
Temma Devereaux
Lisa Dickison
Stephanie Harris
Kari Newman
Casey Pehrson / Jeff Gomm
Melissa Leininger
Emily Moulton
Mary Lane Newman
Marci Olsen
Effie Thacker / Margot Gardiner
Ph.D. Students / Nari Carter
Prater, M. A. (2018). Teaching students with high-incidence disabilities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chapter 1: Learner Characteristics and Laws Impacting Special Education
Chapter 2: Educational Collaboration
Chapter 3: Behavior and Classroom Management and Organization
Chapter 4: Assistive and Instructional Technology
Chapter 5: Assessment for Learning
Chapter 6: Teacher-Directed Instruction
Chapter 7: Supporting Students in General Education
Chapter 8: Student Mediated Instruction
Chapter 9: Strategies for Learning
Chapter 10: Strategies for Reading and Writing Instruction
Chapter 11: Strategies for Mathematics Instruction
Chapter 12: Strategy Application in Other Content Areas
Chapter 13: Social Emotional Learning (with E. Young)
Chapter 14: Life Skills and Transition
Carter, N., Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2009). Making accommodations and adaptations for students with mild to moderate disabilities (What every teacher should know about series). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson.
Chapter 1: Addressing Learning Problems
Chapter 2: Accessing General Education Curriculum
Chapter 3: Assessing Learning
Chapter 4: Content Area Accommodations
Dyches, T. T., Carter, N., & Prater, M. A. (2012). A teacher's guide to communicating with parents: Practical strategies for developing successful relationships. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson.
Chapter 1: Developing Caring Relationships in Schools
Chapter 2: Skills for Communicating with Families
Chapter 3: Communicating with Families throughout the School Year
Chapter 4: Communicating with Families in Meetings
Chapter 5: Addressing Difficult Topics with Families
· Dyches, T. T., Carter, N., & Prater, M. A. (2013). A teacher's guide to communicating with parents: Practical strategies for developing successful relationships. Translated into Arabic. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.
Dyches, T., & Prater, M. A. (2000). Developmental disabilities in children’s literature: Issues and annotated bibliography. PRISM Series. Reston, VA: Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Division (MRDD) of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Chapter 1: History of Characters with MRDD in Children’s Literature
Chapter 2: Positive Portrayal of Characters with MRDD in Quality Children’s Literature
Chapter 3: Using Children’s Books Including Characters with MRDD
Heath, M. A., Dyches, T. T., & Prater, M. A. (2013). Bullying prevention K-4: Children’s books, lesson plans, and activities. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Chapter 1: Bullying and the Opposing Power of Bystanders
Chapter 2: Sharing Books with Your Classroom: The Basics of Bibliotherapy
Chapter 3: Lesson Plans: Strengthening Classroom Bystander Support
Chapter 4: Lesson Plans: Vulnerable Classmates
Prater, M. A. (2007). Teaching strategies for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Chapter 1: Learner Characteristics (pp. 2-26)
Chapter 2: Laws and Reform Impacting Special Education (pp. 27-59)
Chapter 3: Educational Collaboration (pp. 60-93)
Chapter 4: Behavior and Classroom Management and Organization (pp. 94-128)
Chapter 5: Assistive and Instructional Technology (pp. 129-156) with D. L. Edyburn
Chapter 6: Assessment for Learning (pp. 157-188)
Chapter 7: Teacher-Directed Instruction (pp. 189-227)
Chapter 8: Differentiated Instruction and Accommodations (pp. 228-250) with N. Carter
Chapter 9: Student Mediated Instruction (pp. 251-271)
Chapter 10: Strategies for Learning (pp. 272-315)
Chapter 11: Strategies for Reading and Writing Instruction (pp. 316-356) with G. Gibb & N. Carter
Chapter 12: Strategies for Mathematics Instruction (pp. 357-393) with N. Carter
Chapter 13: Strategy Application in Other Content Areas (pp. 394-427) with N. Carter
Chapter 14: Assessing and Teaching Social Competence (pp. 428-460) with R. S. Black & C. Ornelles
Chapter 15: Life Skills and Transition (pp. 461-496) with G. Smith & R. S. Black
· Prater, M. A. (2011). Teaching strategies for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Translated into Korean. Seoul, Korea: Hakjisa.
Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2008). Teaching about disabilities through children’s literature. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 3: Lesson Plans
Chapter 4: Unit Plans
Chapter 5: Activities and Reproducible Worksheets
Chapter 6: Additional Resources
Sileo, N. M., & Prater, M. A. (2012). Working with families of children with special needs: Family and professional partnerships and roles. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson.
Chapter 1: Historical and Legal Foundations of Family Involvement in Special Education with B. Y. Ashbaker & T. T. Dyches
Chapter 2: Historical and Current Perspectives of Family Involvement with M. T. Tannock & N. J. Carter
Chapter 3: Family Members’ Roles and Characteristics with M. T. Tannock & N. J. Carter
Chapter 4: Communicating and Collaborating with Families with W. W. Murawski & N. J. Carter
Chapter 5: Overview of Diversity among Families and Professionals
Chapter 6: Cultural Competence and Working with Families from Diverse Backgrounds
Chapter 7: Understanding the Professional Perspective with N. J. Carter
Chapter 8: Creating IEPs with Families and Strategies for Involving Students with N. J. Carter
Chapter 9: Ethical Considerations When Working with Families with J. M. Sileo
Chapter 10: Special Considerations for Birth through High School with T. Rose
Chapter 11: Special Considerations for Post-Secondary with T. Rose
Chapter 12: Family Voices
On-Line Text
Carter, N., & Prater, M. A. (2012). Exceptionalities Modules. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Least Restrictive Environment
Response to Intervention
Individualized Education Programs – Part 1
Individualized Education Programs – Part 2
Working with Families
Teacher Directed Instruction
Increasing and Maintaining Behavior
Classwide Behavior Management
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Peer-Mediated Instruction
Early Literacy Accommodations
Reading Comprehension Accommodations
Written Language Accommodations
Journal Articles, Chapters, and Proceedings
(*refereed, #invited, +conference proceeding, ^chapter)
(Italicized name = university students)
Manuscripts Submitted
Lund, P. D., Anderson, D. H., Prater, M. A., Dyches, T. T., & Hansen, B. D. (2016). The use of video prompting on an iPad to improve the vocational skill of adolescents with autism and intellectual disability. Manuscript submitted to: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. (August 2016)
Prater, M. A., Correa, V., Gallagher, P., McHatton, P. A., Robinson, S. M., & Black, S. (2016). Thirteen “must reads” in special education teacher education. Manuscript submitted to: The Professional Educator. (July 2016)
Fort, M., Lundberg, N., Zabriskie, R., Eggett, D., Prater, M. A., & Barney, K. (2016). Adolescent summer camp volunteers’ attitudes towards peers with disabilities. Leisure Sciences. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2016.1171740. Published online: 05/26/2016.*
Prater, M. A., Cramer, A., Wilder, L. K., & Carter, N. J. (2016). Diverse teacher candidates’ perceptions of and recommendations for a special education preparation program. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 11(2), 233-251 doi:10.1515/mlt-2016-0005.*
Heath, M. A., Dyches, T. T., & Prater, M. A. (2015, April). Bibliotherapy in elementary school classrooms: Strengthening student support against bullying. The Utah Association of School Psychologists (UASP) Observer, 30(2), 13–17.
· Heath, M. A., Dyches, T. T., & Prater, M. A. (2015, June). Bibliotherapy in elementary school classrooms: Strengthening student support against bullying. School Psychology in Illinois, 36(4), 13–17. Reprint of article in The UASP Observer.
· Heath, M. A., Dyches, T. T., & Prater, M. A. (2015, Fall). Bibliotherapy in elementary school classrooms: Strengthening student support against bullying. The Maine Association of School Psychologists Matters, 36(3), 15-19. Reprint of article in The UASP Observer.
Prater, M. A., & Sileo N. M. (2015). Fantastic family collaboration. In W. W. Muraski, & K. L. Scott (Ed.) What Really Works in Secondary Education (pp. 322-334). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. #
Barnes, B., Gibb, G., Ashbaker, B., & Prater, M.A. (2014). Educational services for Tibetan students with disabilities living in India: A case study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 29(2), 18-28.*
Prater, M. A., Redman, A. S., Anderson, D., & Gibb, G. (2014). Secondary-aged students with learning disabilities self-advocate for accommodations in their general education classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(5), 298-305. doi: 10.1177/1053451213513958*
Burton, C. E., Anderson, D. H., Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2013). Video self-modeling presented via an iPad to teach functional math skills to adolescents with autism and intellectual disability. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 28(2), 67-77. doi: 10.1177/1088357613478829*
Prater, M. A., Carter, N. J., & Munk, J. (2013). Preparing special educators to teach reading: A pre-student teaching practicum. In E. T. Orlieb & E. H. Cheek, Jr. (Eds). Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation: From the Clinic to the Classroom (Vol. 2), pp. 181- 196, Seattle, WA: Emerald Press. #
Prater, M. A., Carter, N. J., Hitchcock, C. H., & Dowrick, P. (2012). Video self-modeling to improve academic performance: A literature review. Psychology in the Schools, 49(1), 71-81. doi:10.1002/pits.20617*#
Thompson, M. T., Marchant, M., Anderson, D., Prater, M., & Gibb, G. (2012). Effects of tiered training on general educators’ use of specific praise. Education and Treatment of Children, 35(4), 521-547.*
Heath, M. A., Moulton, E., Dyches, T. T., Prater, M. A., & Brown, A. (2011). Strengthening elementary school bully prevention with bibliotherapy. Communique, 39(8), 12-14.
Moulton, E., Heath, M. A., Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2011). Portrayals of bullying in children’s picture books and implications for bibliotherapy. Reading Horizons, 51(2), 119- 148.*
Prater, M. A., & Dyches, T. T. (2011). Special education faculty professional development in cultural responsiveness: One university’s experience. In P. A. McHatton, E. D. McCray, & C. Beverly (Eds.). Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions for Culturally Competent and Interculturally Sensitive Leaders in Education, pp. 59-82. Monograph sponsored by the Diversity Caucus of the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Arlington, VA: TED/CEC.*
Devereaux, T. H., Prater, M. A., Jackson, A. P., Heath, M. A., & Carter, N. J. (2010). Special education faculty perceptions of participating in a culturally responsive professional development program. Teacher Education and Special Education, 33(4), 263-278. doi:10.1177/0888406410371642* Article selected for inclusion in the International Teacher Educators Community Professional Development Portal sponsored by MOFET, a center for the professional development of teacher educators.
Dyches, T. T., & Prater, M. A. (2010). Disproportionate representation in special education: Over-representation of selected sub-groups. In F. E. Obiakor, J. P. Bakken, & A. F. Rotatori (Eds.) Issues in Special Education: Identification, Assessment and Instruction. Advances in Special Education Series (vol.19, pp. 53-71). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.#
Dyches, T. T., Leininger, M., Heath, M. A., & Prater, M. A. (2010). Understanding obsessive-compulsive disorders in students: Symptoms and school-based interventions. School Social Work Journal, 34(2), 35-55.*