Process for Procurement of Licensed Merchandise

For Event sales

On-Premise sponsored account sales

Specialty liquor store sales

·  If an opportunity exists to sell merchandise we have established an easy process for procurement of official Licensed merchandise from our leading apparel & accessories Licensee Bioworld, based in the Netherlands

o  It’s a violation of BFC policy to sell Promotional POS items, goods being sold to consumers must be official Licensed merchandise

·  As a first step please check that your market is not on the prohibited list below

·  Prohibited territories: Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

·  Highly restricted territories: Belarus, Poland, Switzerland – enquire with Mike Topham before proceeding

·  Next click on the link below to get through to Bioworld’s webshop. Once in scroll down to the bottom of the home page to register – click on the red box & complete the registration form. Tick the box JD Promotional Partner. You will receive a code to be used when placing orders – this code is imperative to access preferential BF pricing. This pricing is available to BF entities & BF distributor partners only for event sales only

·  For on/off premise outlets where you want merchandise sold they need to register on the site for direct supply/billing. They will not receive preferential pricing, but rather standard webshop pricing that other approved retail outlets would pay

·  No royalty is payable on any of this business – Bioworld are responsible for paying royalty on all these sales to JDPI

·  It’s imperative that outlets are not dressed up to look like an official licensed venue – that would be crossing the line from approved retailer to an outlet that then needs to be licensed, which is not something we want to do

Bioworld webshop link

And please remember - all goods for sale to adults of legal drinking age only Please contact Mike Topham if you have any questions