Wisconsin Department of Transportation

WS1030 5/2013

Project ID
Project Name
Project Leader
  1. Introduction

A.Purpose of meeting


  1. Sign-in Sheet
  2. Introductions

C.Distribute Attendance Roster

  1. General Project Information

A.Description of proposed work

  1. Project Description: {Taken from Special Provisions}
  2. Project Location Map: {Cut/Paste from Internet Mapping Site}

B.Contract number/WisDOT Project ID/Federal Project No

  1. Contract Number:
  2. WisDOT Project ID:
  3. Federal Project No:

C.Contract Cost and Time

  1. Contract Amount:
  2. Contract Execution Date:
  3. Contract Time:

D.Anticipated Starting Date

  1. Project Personnel

A.WisDOT Personnel

  1. Project Leader:
  2. Office:
  3. Cell:
  4. Program Manager:
  5. Office:
  6. Cell:
  7. Project Manager:
  8. Office:
  9. Cell:
  10. WisDOT Project Manager:
  11. Office:
  12. Cell:

B.Prime Contractor’s Personnel

  1. Prime Contractor:
  2. Address:
  3. Phone:
  4. Email:
  5. Project Superintendent:
  6. Office:
  7. Cell:
  8. Foreman:
  9. Cell:

C.Roles and Responsibilities

D.Line of Communication

  1. WisDOT, prime contractor, subcontractors
  2. Chain of Command. Everything should be run through the Project Leader.
  3. Fill out Line of Communication Form at the end of this document

E.Dispute Escalation

  1. Subcontractors

A.Names of proposed subcontractors (Subcontractors Information Form)

  1. Subcontractor 1
  2. Contact Person:
  3. Contact Phone:
  4. Type of Work:
  5. Subcontractor 2
  6. Contact Person:
  7. Contact Phone:
  8. Type of Work:
  9. Subcontractor 3
  10. Contact Person:
  11. Contact Phone:
  12. Type of Work:

B.Sublet Request Forms

  1. The “Request to Sublet & DBE/WBE Sublet Purchase Report” was approved by WisDOT on:
  1. Suppliers

A.Names of proposed suppliers

  1. List of items to be supplied by each
  1. Progress Meetings

A.Frequency of Meetings ( can be waived for simple/low cost projects)

B.Meeting location and time

  1. Engineer’s Field Office
  2. Office Phone:
  3. Office Fax:
  4. Locations/Directions:
  5. Date Field Office is ready for use
  6. The field office must be fully operational before the project starts
  7. Contractor’s Field Office
  8. Location/Directions:

C.Expected attendance

  1. Public Relations

A.Contact with news media – Should be referred to the Management Consultant

B.Contact with local government officials – Should be referred to the Management Consultant

C.Contact with abutting property owners – Should be handled by the Project Leader

  1. Contract Administration

A.Forms to be submitted by contractor

  1. Request to Sublet
  2. Schedule of Operations
  3. Archaeological Clearances
  4. Source of Materials
  5. Erosion control Plan
  6. Railroad Insurance if applicable
  7. QMP plans
  8. Cold weather paving plan
  9. Shop drawings
  10. Notice to Utilities (call diggers)

B.RFI ProcessStandard Specification 104.4 ( DT 2501 & DT 2502)

C.Notice of Change and claims process

a)The contractor shall follow the guidelines specified is section 104 of the Standard Specifications to expedite the resolution of potential contract revisions. The contractor’s non-compliance may constitute a waiver of entitlement.

D.Contract Features

a)The project leader will access working days (if working day contract). Every attempt should be made to be in agreement with the contractor at the end of each working week with regards to days charged. The Weekly Report of Time Charges will be available to the contractor when requested. If there are work delays, please contact the Project Leader as soon as possible so that a solution can be worked out.

b)Completion Date contracts – every attempt should be made to address adverse weather days at the end of each month.

c)When contract modifications are found to be necessary, they must be approved before the work is performed, including a discussion on the cost of the work and if there is a need for additional time. Any additional time must be included in the contract modification.

d)Special Provisions

e)Specials measurement and acceptance procedures

E.Special permits

F.Progress payment process and frequency

a)Pay estimates will be sent on a bi-weekly basis. Weekly pay estimates may be sent out if high amounts of work are completed within a week’s time over the duration of the project. There will be a copy of the current estimate posted in the field office at all times.

  1. Construction Work Schedule

A.Overview by WisDOT

a)Notice to Proceed Procedures

b)Coordination with other projects, contractors, utilities, railroad

B.Contractor’s work schedule (Contractor to present)

a)Plan of work operations

b)Time frame, hours of work, number of shifts

  1. Contract Time: {Working Day/Completion Day Contract}
  2. Estimated Starting Date:
  3. Tentative Completion Date:
  4. Anticipated Hours of Work per day and days per week:
  5. Contractor’s Designated Representative:

{Project Leader should check special provisions for interim, completion, environmental and social dated that will affect the work.}

{Does the schedule provide for all asphaltic pavements being completed prior to October 15th/Nov 1st? If not, discuss the need for a cold weather paving plan)

{Discuss the coordination with other Contractors on other WisDOT projects in the area, if applicable.}

c)Anticipated Conflicts

  1. Environmental Considerations

A.Erosion Control Implementation Plan

a)Date Received:

b)Date Approved:

  1. If not approved. Discuss issues.

c)The project leader will ensure that the Approved ECIP (and amendments) is adhered to throughout construction. Amendments shall be required whenever there are significant changes in operation to what is stated in the approved ECIP.

d)Have all waste and borrow areas been addressed on the ECIP?

  1. Have the archeological survey requests been submitted? Date?

B.Erosion Control for the project

a)Contractor’s contact responsible for the installation and maintenance of erosion control devices.

  1. Name:
  2. Mobile Phone:
  3. Office Phone:
  4. Erosion Control Devices:

b)Prior to initial construction operations, place silt fence and other temporary erosion control devices as shown on the plans and ECIP and remove them after the permanent erosion control devices are in place, unless directed otherwise by the engineer {Reference Special Provisions Article}.

c)It is critical to provide proper dust control, when applicable, on all project and haul roads.

d)Erosion control inspections will be done by the project leader, or staff, a minimum of once per week and immediately after a ½-Inch rain event.

C.Protection of environmental features

{Project leader should review each contract’s special provisions and add/remove any specific items that pertains to the environmental features.}

a)The protection of sensitive areas such as streams, lakes, wetland and others are of the utmost importance.

b)VHS & Aquatic Exotic Species Control

  1. Exotic invasive organisms such as zebra mussels and purple loosestrife and fish viruses such as Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) are becoming more prolific in Wisconsin and pose adverse effects to waters and wetland of the state. Wisconsin State Statutes 30.715, “Placement of Boats, Trailers and Equipment in Navigable Waters”, details the state law that requires the removal of aquatic plants and zebra mussels each time equipment is put into state waters. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources emergency rule (Order No. FH-40-07 (E)) details the control and prevention of VHS in fish in waters of the state. At construction sites that involve navigable water or wetlands, use the cleaning procedures as outlined by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources at the following website to minimize the chance of exotic invasive species infestation and the spread of fish viruses.


  1. To reduce the likelihood of a prohibited discharge to wetlands or waterways, a meeting involving the project staff and contractor shall be required prior to any dewatering operation. Ensure that the operation follows what is stated in the ECIP. Discuss contingency plans and availability of additional or secondary erosion control measures should they be needed.

d)Prohibited Discharge to Wetlands and Waterways

  1. Wisconsin Administration Code (Trans 401) requires that notification to the DNR must occur within 24 hours of learning of a prohibited discharge. Contact the regional Storm Water and Erosion Control Engineer and the DNR Liaison as soon as possible. This will be done by the MC.

D.Environmental Permits

a)Army Corp of Engineers 404 Permit and DNR Agreements

  1. Is an ACOE 404 Permit Required?
  2. If so, has it been acquired?
  3. Does the Project Leaders have a copy?
  4. Does the contractor have a copy?
  5. Are there any DNR agreements?
  1. Open Burning

a)The DNR does not allow illegal burning on construction sites. Please be advised.

  1. Burning of clean wood, roots, brush or waste logs with a burning permit is permissible. (See WisDOT Standard Specification 107.11.4 and NR 429.) Do not burn in a flood plain.
  2. Absolutely no burning of treated lumber, plywood, plastic, rubber, caulking tubes, oil filters, etc. is allowed as it is illegal. (See NR 429).
  1. WisDOT/DNR Comments?
  1. Utility/Railroad Coordination and Adjustments

A.Utility agreements

B.Utility work schedule

C.Current status of work

D.Anticipated Problems

a)The project does notcome under the provisions of Administrative Rule TRANS 220.

List Utilities / Conflict? / Resolution / Contact


{Project leader should determine if there are any railroad issues or commitments for the contract. All railroad issues should be discussed at this time. Railroad requirements should be studied before the pre-construction meeting, refer CMM 2.58.1}.

{If railroad flagging is required for this project, the methods of payment should be discussed, this process will be referenced in the contract’s special provisions.}

a)The contractor shall provide evidence of their insurance coverage. No work shall begin prior to WisDOT’s approval of this insurance.

b)The contractor shall hold a meeting with the Project Leader and the railroad company regarding the RR Checklist (Pantry/Statewide Spreadsheets). This meeting should be held within 30 days of the pre-construction meeting.

  1. Right of Way

A.Current status of agreements and commitments

{Project Leader should review special provisions and engineer’s packet for right of way commitments or easements. These should be discussed at this time.}

B.Notifying owners about conflicts

a)Have the owners along the road been contacted? Are they any issues to discuss.

b)The contractor is NOT responsible for mailboxes, fire numbers or local street signs. The owner is responsible for the removal and replacement of mailboxes and fire numbers. Local Municipalities are responsible for the local street signs. If mailboxes, fire numbers or street signs are still present when the contractor begins work, the Contractor must remove them and safely store them outside the work area. However, fire numbers should be placed back in some temporary form so that the address can be located in case of an emergency.

C.Additional Items

a)The Contractor needs to stay on the ROW. If there is a need to go off the ROW, a signed release is required prior to leaving the ROW.

b)It is the contractor’s responsibility to protect all landmarks and property pins.

c)Perpetuation of Section Corners

d)Perpetuation of Property Monuments

e)The Project Leader will log the R/W posts before the contractor begins and again after construction. It is the contractor’s responsibility to replace those that were damaged or found missing due to construction activities.

f)On asphalt overlay projects; the preservation of the locations of no-passing zones is the responsibility of the contractor. See Standard Specification Section 646.3.1(4).

  1. Traffic Control

A.Traffic Control Plan

B.Holiday work restrictions

C.Signing requirements

D.Dust and Noise Control

E.Additional Information

{Project leader should review each contract’s special provisions and add any specific items that pertains to traffic control such as location of project or traffic control staging.}

a)Traffic control devices must be maintained 24 hours a day. It is the Prime Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all required maintenance of the traffic control devices occurs. At the time the initial traffic control devices are installed, the Prime Contractor must designate a person who will be on call to perform maintenance duties during off hours, weekends and holidays.

  1. Prime Contractor TC Rep:
  2. Traffic Control Sub:
  3. Contact Name:
  4. 24 Hr. Phone:

b)The Prime Contractor will furnish this name and number to the Project Leader, local law enforcement agencies and the County Highway Department.

c)Before any roads are closed it shall be the responsibility of the Prime Contractor to contact:

  1. Local law enforcement agencies
  2. Local fire department
  3. Postal Service
  4. All ambulance services.
  5. School bus services.

d)Detour, alternative route, lane closure system:

e)The Project Leader is responsible for entering traffic impediment data in the Lane Closure System (LCS). Contractor is to notify the project leader a minimum of 2 weeks prior to traffic impacts (if the detour impacts a state highway or interstate).

f)Turning signs away from roadway (parallel with road) is not allowed, as they are not crashworthy.

g)Any signs removed by the contractor must be properly stored and protected from damage.

h)Any needed traffic control signs removed by the contractor must be immediately replaced when work requiring their removal is complete or temporarily placed for use in a location acceptable to the Project Leader.

i)Stop signs shall be functional at all times. Stop signs shall only be down when a flagman is present to control traffic.

j)Access to homes must be maintained at all times. It need not be a direct route, however, owners must know what is available to them.

k)Access to all business property must be maintained during construction. If business property driveway approaches or field entrances are closed the contractor must provide temporary access approaches, unless otherwise directed by the engineer.

l)The contractor must provide 24-hour availability of equipment and work force to restore and maintain traffic control. (Incidental to traffic control item).

  1. Ancillary Structures Inspections
  2. Overhead sign supports
  3. Sign bridges
  4. Traffic signal monotube poles (type 9,10,12, and 13 poles)
  5. High mast lighting poles
  1. Materials

A.Sources and locations

B.Testing and Certifications

C.Acceptance procedures

a)The source of material documentation is required prior to the placement of any items on the project. WisDOT will withhold 100% of payment until the appropriate certifications are received and approved. The prime contractor will finish the source of materials documentation once the subcontractors are approved.

b)FHWA requires that for all projects, “Buy America” requirements are to be met. (See CMM 2.28.4 for specific “Buy America” language, and existing guidance for implementation on WisDOT projects.)

c)The Contractor shall submit the required material certifications to the Project Leader prior to placement. The Project Staff must be given enough time to review the certifications prior to placement. All certifications shall be reviewed, initialed, and dated for acceptance.

d)All information coming to WisDOT, or its representatives, shall contain the proper Project ID attached so that documents can be filed properly.

e)Material Quantity tickets should be submitted as soon as possible and within 24 hours of placement or the next business day to be considered for payment.

f)Off Site Sources

{Project Leader should list all off-site sources for the project. This information can be provided by the contractor at the time of the pre-con or the contractor can provided the project leader with a “Source of Materials” form.}

D.Rejected or Deficient Materials – Should not be incorporated into the project

E.QMP Process & Reporting procedures

{Project leader should list and discuss all aspects of each QMP item that is specific to the contract. The dates of all QMP plans that have been submitted should also be included. Testing requirements should also be discussed. It should be noted and discussed during the pre-con meeting if any of the QMP items fall under “Small Quantity” guidelines and the changes in requirements that this entails.}

a)On QMP items the IAS (Independent Assurance Specialist) will conduct IA testing on the QC and QV testing personnel. The IAS will issue a report of their findings.

b)QMP personnel are to be on site during any activities that require them to do so. Any materials placed without a QMP person on site, when required, will be deemed out of specification and will be paid at a reduced rate or not at all.

c)Any non-conforming material placed for an item that is defined by the Quality Management Program will be penalized per the guidelines set forth in CMM

d)The contractor is required to submit all concrete strength results to the department electronically within the MRS software. The department will validate all contractor data before determining pay adjustments.

F.Identify the Designated Materials person:

  1. WisDOT
  2. Name:
  3. Phone:
  4. Contractor
  5. Name:
  6. Phone:

G.Provide E-Guide to contractor

  1. Detours and Haul Roads

A.Identification of routes

  1. List any anticipated haul roads
  2. Are there any postings on the project or haul roads?
  3. Are there any access issues?


  1. Subsections 107.2 of the Standard Specifications:
  2. Notify the engineer in writing at least 3 business days before hauling material over a public road or street not a part of the state highway systems
  3. Haul roads must be logged with the Project Leader before and after their use. The County Highway Commissioner or Town Chairman are encouraged to accompany when the roads are logged.

C.Traffic Control

D.Restrictions, noise & dust control

  1. Surveying

A.Initial layout and data transfer

B.Special staking information

  1. Offsets: how to mark and read stakes
  1. Safety

A.Contractor’s Safety Plan

B.Job-related injuries and how will they be handled

C.Incident Management

D.Emergency protocols and contacts

  1. Project Acceptance and Finals Process


B.Final acceptance procedure and punch list

a)Material certifications shall be in hand and reviewed by the administrative staff before placement.

b)The Project Leader will final the project as it goes. Over and under runs are to be recorded and tracked weekly.

c)The Contractor has a 30 day turnaround on the tentative final (semi-final) estimate.

d)Final acceptance of this project will be made by:

20.Evaluations and Critiques

  1. The Project Leader will schedule a DQI (Design Quality Index) review with the contractor when the project is approximately 75% complete.
  2. Contractor’s Evaluation of the Project Team ( DT 2509)
  3. Project Team’s Evaluation of the Contractor ( DT 2510) – This is in addition to the contractor’s performance in Fieldmanager
  1. DBE Involvement

A.Project Goal XX%