Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships


Application Form

Academic Year 2018-2019

Instructions for applicants

  1. All sections of the application form must be typed and completed in full
  1. Applications must be submitted, with the required supporting documentation as outlined in Section 8 of this document, in one single email to

no later than 5pm on Friday 23 March 2018 (Irish time).

All attachments in your application email should be in PDF format.

  1. Late applications will not be accepted

Data Collection Notice

The Higher Education Authority, as co-ordinator of the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship scheme, needs to collect certain types of data in order to process applications to the scheme.

This notice sets out below the type of information which will be collected, the purpose for which it is being collected, third parties with whom the information will be shared and the duration for which the information will be retained.

Type of information required

  • Personal Data including name, address, nationality, photographic image, contact details, gender, academic details and employment history and other information pertaining to candidates academic suitability for the scholarship

Purpose for which the HEA is requesting information

  • To establish means of communication with all applicants
  • To ascertain the eligibility of applicants who submit an application to the Government of Ireland IES Scholarship scheme
  • To establish a database of sucessful scholarsas part of the post call adminstration of the scholarship funding
  • To carry out monitoring and audit of the programme

Third Parties with whom application forms may be shared

  • An independent International Assessment Panel will be reviewing each application and recommending if the application is deemed fundable or not. The application forms will be disclosed, via secure channels, to the independent International Assessment Panel
  • The Department of Education and Skills, as the overall funder of the programme
  • Higher Education Institutions and/orFunding Agencies in Ireland as course providers

Duration of retention of data

The Higher Education Authority will retain documentation related to the Scholarship scheme for ninety nine years, after which records will be securely destroyed. Any data retained after this timeframe will be anonomised.

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship


Academic Year 2018-2019

Application form

All sections must be completed in full

Section 1- Personal details

First name
Address (Street, City, State/Province, Country)
Phone number
Gender / ☐ Male
☐ Female
☐ Gender non binary
☐ Prefer not to say
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yr)

Section 2- Information required to establishapplicants eligibility

Will yourDomicilary of Origin* beoutside an EU/EEA** member state or Switzerland for a continuous period of three of the five years priorto 23 March 2018?
YES☐[eligible as Domiciliary of Origin is outside EU/EEA or Switzerland]
NO ☐[ineligible]

*Domiciliary of Origin is the applicant’s country of legal and permanent residency prior to entry to the deadline of this call. It is not the same as their nationality and does not alter as they progress through their academic career. For example, an Indian person that comes to Ireland 2 weeks prior to commencing a higher education course will be coded as Indian for the duration of their studies. Whilst their nationality is Indian and their correspondance address is in Ireland, their country of legal and permanent residence is still India.

** The EU/EEA comprises of the EU member states, together with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein

Section 3- Details of Scholarship

Outline below details of conditional or final offer[s] from an Irish Higher Education Institution(HEI). Note that a copy of the offer[s] is/are required to be included in your application email

Name of HEI in Ireland (click here for the link to a list of eligible HEIs in Ireland)
Level of study / ☐Undergraduate
☐ Masters
Field of study
Type of offer[s] from HEI / ☐ Final ☐ Conditional

If including more than one offer, outline the details in the box contained below

Name of HEI in Ireland (click here) for the link to a list of eligible HEIs in Ireland)
Level of study / ☐Undergraduate
☐ Masters
Field of study
Type of offer from HEI / ☐ Final ☐ Conditional

The following sections (4-6) outline key evaluation criteria and the scoring system (total 100 marks). Note that only applications, which meet the minimum threshold of 60 marks will be deemed fundable.

Section 4- Academic History [40 marks]

List academic qualifications you have achieved or are in the process of achieving

Institution and address / Course title / Dates
From To / Grade achieved / Conferral/
Graduation date

List any academic achivements e.g. honours/prizes you have received

Awarding Institution / Name of Award / Date of Award

List any relevant projects/publications you have completed

Associated organisation / Brief description of project (200 words max)

List your work experience, commencing with the most recent

Name & address of employer / Duration / Role title / Your main duties

Section 5- Personal Statement [45 marks]

Describe why you should become a GOI-IES Scholar. Make specific reference to the Candidate Profile in the Call for Applications

1. What is the benefit of becoming a GOI-IES Scholar, to yourself (personally and professionally), to Ireland, and to your country of origin?
(15 marks)
2. As a GOI-IES Scholar, how will you extend yourself beyond your project/studies to become actively involved in Irish society in order to maximize your academic / cultural exchange experience and raise awareness of the GOI-IES scheme in Ireland and beyond?
(15 marks)
3.Explain the extent to which you have a long-term interest in Ireland and how will you promote links with Ireland during your time as a GOI-IES Scholar and following your studies, as GOI-IES Alumni?
(15 marks)

Section 6- References [15 marks]

Please provide the details of your two referees. Your completed letters of reference from your two referees should be attachedto your application email

Referee 1

Name & Address of Organisation or Institution:
Email address:

Referee 2

Name & Address of Organisation or Institution:
Email address:

Section 7- Declarations & Signature of applicant

I confirm that the information supplied in this application is correct and recognise that should it become apparent that any of the information provided is inaccurate or unverifiable with appropriate documentation, it will result in the application automatically being deemed ineligible.
I agree☐
I confirm I have read and understood the Data Collection Notice relating to this applicationcontained on pages 1 & 2 of this document
Yes ☐
Would you like the Higher Education Authority to make your application available to other Higher Education Institutions and/orFunding Agencies in Ireland should your application to the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship scheme be unsucessful?
Yes ☐
No ☐

Name of applicant



Section 8- Checklist

☐ Ensure all Sections (1-6) of the application form are complete

☐ Complete all Declarations in Section 7, print the application and

include your original signature and date in the fields provided.

☐ Scan your application form, with the original signature and date

included in Section 7, as a PDF

☐ Email your application, in PDF format,

and include the following as PDF attachments to your email;

☐Conditional/final offer[s] from Irish Higher Education Institution[s]

☐A letter of reference from your 1st referee

☐A letter of reference from your 2nd referee

☐Colour copy of the photo page of your passport

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